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NIRF Ranking Framework for Architecture Institutions 2016

Organisation : National Institutional Ranking Framework NIRF
Announcement : Ranking Framework for Pharmacy Institutions

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Ranking Framework for Architecture Institutions

The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) has been accepted by the MHRD and launched by Honourable Minister for Human Resource development on 29th September 2015.

Related : NIRF Ranking Framework for Pharmacy Institutions :

This framework outlines a methodology to rank institutions across the country.

Overview : Category ‘A’ Institutions
Summary of Ranking Parameters :
Sr. No. Parameter Marks Weightage
1 Teaching, Learning & Resource (TLR) 100 0.30
2 Research, Professional Practice & Collaborative Performance (RPC) 100 0.30
3 Graduation Outcome (GI) 100 0.15
4 Outreach and Inclusivity (OI) 100 0.15
5 Perception (PR) 100 0.10

1. Teaching, Learning & Resources (TLR) :
Teaching, Learning & Resources (TLR) – 100 Marks
Ranking Weight : 0.30
Overall Assessment Metric:
TLR = (FSR1 +FSR2+ FQE + LL + SEC )

2. Research, Professional Practice & Collaborative Performance (RPC) :
Research, Professional Practice & Collaborative
Performance (RPC) – 100 Marks
Ranking Weight : 0.30
Overall Assessment Metric:
RPC = (PU + CI + IPR + CP + FPPP)

2.1 Combined Metric for Publications (PU) : 30 Marks
** It is proposed that Publications indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar will be counted for assessment. An average value P for the previous three (3) years will be computed as detailed later in this item.

** The Institution will submit faculty publication list as supporting information. However, the primary sources of information will be Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar.
** Books/Monographs should have ISBN number and be published by reputed publishers.

Assessment Metric for Publications
PU = 30× Percentile parameter (expressed as a fraction) on the basis of (P/F)
P is the number of publications = Weighted average of numbers given by Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar over the previous three years.
P = 0.2 PW + 0.3 PS + 0.5PG
PW: Number of publications reported in Web of Science.
PS: Number of publications reported in Scopus
PG: Number of publications reported in Google Scholar.
F is the number of regular faculty members as used in Item 1.

2.2 Combined Metric for Citations (CI)
: 20 Marks
** The proposed assessment is based on the ratio of number of citations in the previous three (3) years to the number of papers published during this time. A weighted average of the numbers from the three popular Databases will be used.

** Institutions will be asked to provide information in a tabular form giving relevant details. However, the primary sources will be the seven standard Databases Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar.

Assessment Metric for Citations
CI = [20 × Percentile parameter (expressed as a fraction) on the basis of (CC/P) for Category A × Percentile parameter on the basis of P]
CC is Total Citation Count over previous 3 years, and
P is total number of publications over this period as computed for 2a.
CC is computed as follows
CC = (0.2 CCW + 0.3 CCS + 0.5 CCG)
CCW : Total Number of Citations reported in Web of Science.
CCS : Total Number of Citations reported in Scopus.
CCG : Total Number of Citations reported in Google Scholar.

2.3 IPR and Patents/copy rights: Granted, Filed, Licensed (IPR)–
15 Marks
Proposed Marks distribution : Granted : 6 Marks,
Filed : 3 Marks, Licensed : 6 Marks
IPR will be include broadly based on registered copyrights, designs and patents over the last three (3) years.
Assessment method will be identical for both category of institutions; however, the indicated percentile will be calculated for the two categories separately.
IPR = PF + PG + PL

Assessment of IPR on patents (including copyrights and designs) filed
PF = 3× Percentile parameter (expressed as a fraction) on the basis of (PF/F )
PF is the number of patents, copyrights, designs filed.
F is the number of regular faculty members.

Assessment Metric for IPR on patents (including copyrights and designs) granted
PG = 6× Percentile parameter (expressed as a fraction) on the basis of (PG/F )
PG is the number of patents, copyrights, designs granted/registered.
F is the number of regular faculty members.

Assessment Metric for IPR and Patents Licensed:
PL = 2 × I (P) + 4 × Percentile parameter (expressed as a fraction)
based on (EP/F )
EP is the total earnings from patents etc. over the last 3 years.
I(P) = 1, if at least one patent was licensed in the previous 3 years
( or) at least one technology transferred during this period; Otherwise,
I(P) = 0
F is the average number of regular faculty over this period.
Data Collection:
To be made available by the concerned institutes On-line.
Data Verification:
By Ranking Agency on a random sample basis.

2.4. Percentage of Collaborative Publications and
Patents (CP) – 15 Marks
Assessment Metric for Collaborative Publication and Patents:
CP = 15 × (Fraction of publications and projects jointly with outside collaborators + Fraction of patents jointly with outside collaborators)
In case this number turns out to be more than 20, the score will be restricted to this value.
Data Collection:
Mainly from Databases like Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. Could be aided by information from the institute.

Graduation Outcome (GO) :
Graduation Outcome (GO) –100 Marks
Ranking Weight: 0.15
Overall Assessment Metric:
GO = (PUE + PHE + MS)

Outreach and Inclusivity (OI) :
Outreach and Inclusivity (OI) – 100 Marks
Ranking Weight: 0.15
Overall Assessment Metric:

Perception (PR) :
Perception (PR) – 100 Marks
Ranking Weight: 0.1
Overall Assessment Metric:
P = PR

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