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Diplomate of National Board Centralized Entrance Test DNB Guide For Registration :

Organization : National Board of Examinations
Entrance : Diplomate of National Board Centralized Entrance Test DNB CET
Facility : Guide For Registration

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Guide For Registration :
Home Page :

Registration Guide :
Important Instructions :
1. Check your eligibility for DNB-CET July 2015 admission session on

2. “*” indicates mandatory field. The boxes marked with this symbol must be filled in or you will not be allowed to complete your registration.

3. Ensure you have a valid and unique email address before you begin the registration process.

4. If you have registered and scheduled for DNB-CET, you will not be able to schedule for any other NBE exam. Overview To register to take the DNB-CET 2015 exam, go to and click on the “Register for DNB-CET” link. You can register and schedule for the DNB-CET 2015 from 11th May – 10th June 2015.
During registration, you will:
1. Create a profile.
2. Complete the DNB-CET application.
3. Schedule the exam
4. Pay for the exam.
Estimated time to complete this process: 15 minutes.

** Before you begin, you should gather all the information you will need to complete the registration process, including your credit/debit card details, educational history, and internship details.
** Opening Screen If you are a first time user, please follow the instructions under the heading “I am Ready to Register” to begin your registration.
** If you have already created your profile for DNB-CET 2015, please enter your username and password and click on “Log In” button to view your profile.
** Captcha You will see a special set of characters displayed on the screen.
** You will need to retype the characters in the box provided.
** These characters, called “CAPTCHA” are a safety feature designed so the computer knows a human is entering the voucher number and not a computer programme.
** If you have trouble reading the characters, you can click the audio icon or the refresh icon.
** Once you have entered the Captchas, click on “Begin My Registration.”
** This will take you to the next section, which is “Create a Profile.”

1. Create a Profile In this section, you will enter basic contact information.
Your name and email :
1. You should enter your name exactly as it appears on your Passport/MBBS degree.
2. Enter Gender 3. Enter your email address. This is where your Application and Admit Card email will be sent.
4. Enter your Father’s and Mother’s name. Please do not enter any salutation such as Shri/Smt/Dr/Mr/Mrs etc while entering the name

Create a login :
Creating a login enables you to log back in later if you need to make changes, or request a resend of your Admit Card or DNB-CET application.
1. Username :
** Must be a combination of alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers) but does not contain spaces or special characters.
** The maximum length allowed is 50 characters.

2. Password :
** Must be 7-20 characters long and contain at least one alpha and one numerical character.

3. Secret reminder question :
** If you forget your username and password, this question will help verify your identity.

4. Read the Data Privacy Policy and indicate your agreement to the policy. Agreement is required to register for the DNB-CET.

Additional contact information :
1. Primary telephone number. Enter the entire number. Mobile number is recommended as Prometric will be using this number to send important DNB-CET related text messages by SMS.

2. Secondary telephone number. You may enter either a landline or another mobile number. Include Area Code/STD code in case of a landline number.

3. Postal Address. This is where you would like correspondence sent. Each address line should be limited to 30 characters including spaces. You may make use of Address line 1, 2 and 3 in case of longer addresses.

Click “Save & Continue” to move on to the next section, which is the DNB-CET Application.

Note that once your profile has been created and saved, you will no longer be able to make changes to your name or username. You may use your username and password to login into your profile.
2. Apply for DNB-CET :
After you have successfully created your profile, you will be taken to the exam selection screen.
To register for DNB-CET, please select Diplomate of National Board, Centralized Entrance Test (DNB-CET) from the drop down menu.

Exam Information :
** Once the exam is selected, click on Save & Continue button.
** The next screen will be the exam information screen which will provide important information related to exam such as important dates, fees and program information.

Personal Information :
** You will need to enter your Nationality, Category as per central list and Date of Birth.
** You will also need to select “No” or “Yes” to the question “Are you a Person with Disabilities (Physically Handicapped)?” You will be asked to choose your domicile state.
** This is the state which you consider as your permanent residence.
** Next, you will be asked to select any religious or linguistic minority you belong to.
** If applicable, select Yes. You will be further asked to specify the religion you belong to or the language you speak.
** You will also need to enter the MCI/SMC Registration number along with the name of your Medical Council and the Type of Registration.
** Click on Save and Continue to move to the next section.

Educational Background :
** You must enter the total aggregate marks obtained in your professional MBBS examination as percentage of marks obtained along with the name of the university where MBBS was completed, state and month and year of passing MBBS.
** Next, you will be required to enter information on your Internship completion date. (Internship completion date must be on or before 31 July 2015).
** If you have obtained any additional educational qualification, please specify the same along with the year of passing the additional qualification.
** You will be required to provide additional information pertaining to being deported/rusticated during a medical course or being charged for use of unfair means by NBE or any other examination body.
** If you have appeared for any NBE exam before, please specify details.

Declaration by Candidate :
** In this section, you will be required to choose “I Agree” or “I Disagree” to the declaration statement.
** This declaration affirms that you are eligible to take the DNB-CET and all the information that you have entered is correct.
** After reading this section, you need to choose “I agree,” in order to click “Save & Continue” to proceed to the next section.
** If you select “I disagree,” you will not be allowed to proceed.

Errors :
** If you choose “Save & Continue” and you have not completed any mandatory fields (marked by “*”), an error message will appear on the screen besides that particular field which is either incomplete or entered incorrectly.
** The fields that are missing are highlighted in red.
** In this example, the candidate has not entered the primary phone number as well as the address field 1 which are mandatory fields.
** Both the information needs to be entered in order to proceed further.
** System will also display any errors on the top of the page once you select “Save & Continue” button.

3. Schedule the Test :
Select Location for the Test :
** The next step will be to choose the preferred location where you would like to take the test.
** DNB CET will be conducted in 17 cities across India.
** You may choose any one of the preferred location to schedule the exam.
** Availability is on a first come, first serve basis and you will be only shown options that are available at the point of scheduling the exam.
** In case all seats in a particular location are filled, you will see a message indicating all seats in that location are filled and you will be asked to select a new location.
** You are required to choose an alternate location in order to schedule for DNB CET.

Note: The DNB-CET may be taken during the window of 1 July – 4 July 2015. There will be two sessions available for testing i.e. 10 a.m. and 3.15 p.m. Each candidate is only required to appear in one session during this testing window.

Select Test Site :
** Once you have selected a location for the test, all available test sites in that particular location will show up.
** You may choose any available test site. The exact address and location can also be viewed by clicking on the link “Directions”.
** Candidates are advised to familiarize themselves with the location of examination centre and plan travel time accordingly.
** In order to proceed with the scheduling, click on “Schedule Appointment” button under the site of your choice.

Select Date and Time :
** Once you choose your site, you must choose the date you want to take the DNB-CET.
** You will only be able to select dates highlighted in blue. If a date in the test window is not shown, it means that all available testing sessions at that site for that date have already been filled.
** In the screen shot, 2 July 2015 is not showing in blue indicating that this date has been completely booked.
** Once you choose the date, you will need to choose the time of the test i.e. either 10 a.m. session or the 3.15 p.m. session.
** If either of these two times does not appear, it means all available testing seats for that time have already been filled.

Note: Your selection of test centre, date and time will be shown at the right of the screen under the header “Your Selection”. In case you want to change the selection, you may click on the Back button to make appropriate changes. Click on “Save & Finish” button to move towards the payment screen

Make Online Payment :
** You will be required to pay the exam fees (Rs 4500) online using your credit/debit cards issued by banks in India or through net banking.
** Please select your payment option from the tabs indicated on the Make Payment Screen and fill in the required information.
** Once all the information has been entered, click on Make Payment button.
** Upon successful authorization of payment, your profile will be registered and you will receive an admit card within 24 hours on your registered email address.
** Please keep your payment information ready at the time of scheduling the exam.
** The transaction must be completed within 30 minutes to reserve your seat and time selected.
** Failure to do so will result in the release of your selected date and time and you will have to begin the process again.

Note: Payment can only be made online for DNB-CET 2015

Confirmation Page :
** If all information has been entered correctly, you will be redirected to the Welcome Back page.
** You should read the confirmation screen to make sure all information entered is correct.
** If any information is incorrect and needs to be updated, click the “Edit Profile” or “Edit Application” buttons to make appropriate changes in the area where the correction needs to be made.
** To view your DNB-CET application, click on the arrow against the exam header “DNB-CET Application”.
** The application will show up as indicated.

Please note: You will receive the admit card within 24 hours of scheduling at the registered email address. You can also login into your profile using the username and password to print a copy of the admit card.

Admit Card Summary Email :
** When you receive your Admit Card by email, you should read it carefully and verify all information is correct.
** You should then print a copy. You must bring the Admit Card with you on the day you take your test.
** You will not be allowed to test without the Admit Card. To the right is an example of what your email Admit Card will look like.
** When you begin your test, you must enter the DNB-CET Application Number/Prometric Testing ID on your admit card into the computer.

Application Summary Email :
** Once your DNB-CET application has been successfully submitted, a summary of your application will be sent to you via email within 24 hours.
** Please save and print a copy of the application for your records.
** To the right is an example of what your email application summary will look like.
** You should expect to receive this email within 24 hours of submitting your completed application.

Re-entering the DNB-CET Registration System :
** If you have already begun the registration and scheduling process, but need to finish the process, edit your application information, get another copy of your application or a copy of your admit card, go to
** Enter your username and password and then click on “Log in.”
** Note that no cancellation or changes to your testing schedule will be allowed once you have completed your registration process.
** Registration closes at 11.59 p.m. on 10 June, 2015. No changes will be allowed after that time.

Registration Help :
** If, during the registration process, you have questions or need help, you should click on the information links.
** They are always in blue text as a hyperlink. Information related to the area that you are completing will pop up.
** The screen shot on the right is an example of someone who clicked on the “password requirements” link.

Forgot Username or Password :
If you need to login back into the system, but you have forgotten your username or password, you can retrieve the same through the following steps.

1. Click on Forgot your username or password link on the home page

2. You will be redirected to a screen where you will be asked to select which option you would like to retrieve.

3. For username, please enter the email id who provide at the time of filling up the application form and CAPTCHA. Click on the Email Username button. You will be taken to a screen where you will be asked to provide the answer to your secret reminder question. This is an added security step to ensure that a valid user is entering the system to make appropriate changes. Once you click on Email Username button again, your username will be emailed to you on the registered email address.

4. For retrieval of your password, enter the username you created while filling up the application form and CAPTCHA. Click on Email Password button. You will be taken to a screen where you will be asked to provide the answer to your secret reminder question. This is an added security step to ensure that a valid user is entering the system to make appropriate changes. Once you click on Email Password button again, your password will be emailed to you on the registered email address.

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