Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya Indore DAVV CET 2015 Question Pattern Common Entrance Test :

Organisation : Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya Indore DAVV
Announcement : Question Pattern of Entrance Test
Entrance Exam : Common Entrance Test (CET) 2015

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Common Entrance Test :

Courses After 10+2:
The papers will have objective type questions, having choices a, b, c, d and e each. The response sheet should be carefully filled up by the candidate as instructed on the question-paper booklet.

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DAVV CET 2015 Common Entrance Test :

The written test papers will be in English. The candidate can opt for all the groups test, if eligible. The test timings will be different.

The Test for Group B shall include 75 questions in all, following section will have 15 questions each :
** Quantitative Ability
** Data Interpretation
** Logical Reasoning and General Intelligence
** English Language Comprehension
** General Awareness and Awareness of Socio-economic environment

The Test for Group C, shall include total 75 questions of which 15 questions will be from English and 20 questions each from Physics, Mathematics/Biology and Chemistry.
In the Test for Group C, choice to candidate will be as follows :
B. Pharm.: English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Biology
MBA (HA) : English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
MCA, M. Tech. & B. Pharm.: English, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry (Students who do not opt for Mathematics will not be considered for MCA/M.Tech & similarly who do not opt for Biology will not be considered for MBA (HA))

Courses After Graduation:
There will be a common test paper for courses of Group A.
The papers will have objective type questions, having choices a, b, c, d and e each. The response sheet should be carefully filled up by the candidate as instructed on the question-paper booklet. The written test papers will be in English. The candidate can opt any course of the group, if eligible.

The test of Group A shall include 75 questions in all; following section will have 15 questions each:
** Quantitative Ability
** Data Interpretation
** Logical Reasoning and General Intelligence
** English Language Comprehension
** General Awareness and Awareness of Socio-Economic environment

The test of Group D
LLM shall include 75 questions in all covering the all compulsory Law subjects prescribed by BCI (Bar Council of India) for the Undergraduate Courses.
M.Sc.(Life Science / Industrial Microbiology) shall include 75 questions based on the course content being taught at graduation level (B.Sc.), in Biological Sciences.
M.Sc.(Electronics/ Electronics & Communication) shall include 75 questions in all covering the subject Physics/Mathematics/Electronics at Undergraduate level.

Date and Timings of Entrance Test:
Date : Thursday, 04th June, 2015
Morning Shift
Group A 10.00 AM to 11.30 AM (Reporting time 9.00 AM)
Group C 10.00 AM to 11.30 AM (Reporting time 9.00 AM)
Date : Thursday, 04th June, 2015
Evening Shift
Group B 02.00 PM to 03.30 PM (Reporting time 01.00 PM)
Group D 02.00 PM to 03.30 PM (Reporting time 01.00 PM)

Test Centers :
The examination centers will be at Indore, Bhopal, Gwalior, Raipur, Allahabad, Kota, and Delhi. Time and venue of test will be given along with admit card. The University reserves the right to withdraw and allocate another center.

Admission in the Examination Hall :
1. Candidates shall be strictly under the administrative control of the Centre Superintendent during the test.
2. Mobile Phone, Pager, Calculator and other similar electronic equipments shall not be allowed in the examination hall.
3. Use of any kind of unfair means in the examination shall automatically disqualify the candidature.

Valuation :
The scheme of negative marking will be followed.

Declaration of Result :
The list of all candidates who appear for the Entrance Test, Category wise/ group-wise, indicating their merit will be displayed on the University/ Individual institute notice boards as well as on the University website ( However, candidates in their order of merit in different categories will be called for counseling. The admission of a candidate to a particular programme shall be decided on the basis of CET-2015 merit and as per the reservation policy by the Admission Committee at the time of counseling.

In case of tie at the same rank :
In case of Tie (more than one student on the same rank) in the admission on any rank, admission will be given as under :
a) higher percentage of marks in the qualifying examinations will be considered;
b) in case where result of qualifying examination is not declared, seniority in age will be considered.

Revaluation :
There is no provision for revaluation of response sheets.

Important Points :

Any situation, not covered by provisions mentioned in this guideline shall be referred to the Organizing Committee which will work within the ambit of Act, Statutes and Ordinances of Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore and its decision shall be final.
The legal disputes, if any, shall be settled within the jurisdiction of Indore.
Ragging, teasing, torturing or making nuisance in any way inside or outside the campus has been declared as a serious offence and strict action shall be taken against those who will be found involved in such activities.
If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the University, the concerned student shall be given a chance to explain and if his/her explanation is not found satisfactory, the University would expel him/her from the course as well as the institution.
In case it comes to the notice that an applicant was able to secure admission based on forged certificate/s or by furnishing wrong information, willingly concealing adverse facts or due to administrative or official negligence, his/her admission will be cancelled immediately without giving any notice.
If a student, after taking regular admission, fails to maintain 75% of the attendance for each subject in the course, he/she will not be eligible to appear in tests/final exam.

Categories: CET

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