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TSRJDC TSRJC CET 2016 Common Entrance Test : Telangana Residential

Organisation : Telangana Residential Educational institutions Society
Announcement : TSRJC-CET-2016 Common Entrance Test

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Applications are invited for TSRJC-CET-2016 for admission of students into 1st year Intermediate in TSR Junior Colleges from the candidates who are appearing for 10th Class (March 2016) examinations from 10 Telangana Districts for the academic year 2016-17. Candidate can apply through ONLINE at

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TSRJDC TSRJC CET 2015 Common Entrance Test :

General Junior Colleges (English Medium-MPC, BPC and MEC Groups):
for Boys: TSR Junior College, Sarvail , Nalgonda Dsitrict.
for Girls: TSR Junior College, Hasanparthy, Warangal District

Minority Junior Colleges( English and Urdu both Media-MPC, BPC and CEC Groups):
for Boys: 1. TSR Junior College Nagaram, Nizamabad District.
2. TSR Junior College, L.B.Nagar, Nagole, Hyderabad.
Long term Intensive coaching will be given for EAMCET at all the above Junior Colleges.

Eligibility :
a) Candidate must be a resident of India and must have studied in TELANGANA only.
b) Must have passed the qualifying examination in first attempt in March/April 2016 only. Candidates who have passed in earlier years are not eligible and need not apply.

c) OC Candidate must secure a minimum GPA of 6 and BC, SC, ST and minority candidates must secure minimum GPA of 5 in S.S.C or equivalent qualifying examination and GPA of 4 in English for all the candidates.

How To Apply :

Steps to be followed in submission of the application through ‘Online’.
i. The candidate shall first go through the information bulletin carefully and satisfy their eligibility for appearing for TSRJC-CET 2016.

ii. The candidate after satisfying himself/herself about the eligibility criteria for the submission of application through online shall pay a fee of Rs.150.00 through ONLINE or through Credit card (Payment gateway) from 23.03.2016 (after 4.00pm) to 18.04.2016 for submission of application through Online.

iii. At the ONLINE CENTER or PAYMENT GATEWAY (By Credit Card the candidate has to give the required preliminary data (i.e. Name of the candidate, Date of birth and mobile number).

iv. On receipt of fee at ONLINE or PAYMENT GATEWAY, the candidate shall be issued a Journal Number’ with which she/he can proceed with submission of application through online through the website Issue of Journal Number does not mean that the candidate has completed submission of application online. It is only a confirmation of the fee received.

v. Before submission of the Online application form, the candidate has to fill up the Model Application form (given at annexure)

vi. The applicants shall follow the procedure for submission of online application as given in the ‘Information Bulletin’ and also as per the instructions provided online while filling up the online application form. The Candidate should be ready with photograph of size 3.5 X 4.5 cms. before filling in on-line application. The Photo should be scanned and uploaded along with the application form.

vii. While filling the online application, the candidate has to opt for the course. Once a course is opted, that can not be changed.

viii. The applicants may not posses any certificate at the time of application, but they must obtain original certificates (Caste, Income, Study, Special category) by the time of counselling.

ix. On submission of application ONLINE, the candidate has to take a copy (print) of application form in which a reference number is given. This Reference number is required to download the Hall Ticket. The copy of online application is to be preserved for further reference.

x. For any mistakes/incorrect information, the candidate is solely held responsible. Hence, they must take utmost care while filling the online application.
xi. The Applications of the ineligible candidates will be summarily rejected.
xii. The selected Candidate must produce the original certificates mentioned in the application at the time of admission.
xiii. The selection of the candidate will be summarily rejected if they fail to submit the necessary documents at the time of admission.

Online Submission of applications for TSRJC CET : From 23.03.2016 to 18.04.2016
Date of Entrance Examination : 10.05.2016 (from 10.00 am. to 12.30 pm.)
Cost of Application : Rs.150-00

Add a Comment
  1. I don’t have caste and income certificate. What can I submit to TSRJC counselling?

  2. Tell me, How much GPA we will have for this TSRJDC?

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