BHU SET 2015 School Entrance Test : Banaras Hindu University

Organisation : Banaras Hindu University BHU
Announcement : School Entrance Test (SET) 2015

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School Entrance Test :

The Banaras Hindu University admits each year boys and girls in classes IX and XI in the Central Hindu Boys’ School and Central Hindu Girls’ School through a common entrance test.

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BHU SET 2016 School Entrance Test :

For class IX : 13 Years to 15 years age as on September 30, 2015 and passed class VIII examination from a school.
For class XI : 18 Years maximum age as on September 30, 2015 and passed class X examination from a recognized Board/University with the required percentage as under noted:

For external candidates (coming through SET):
1. Above 50% marks or equivalent grade in aggregate for admission in Science Stream. Above 50% marks or equivalent grade is essential in each, Science and Mathematics for admission to Science group.
2. Above 40% marks or equivalent grade in aggregate for commerce.
3. Class X passed for Arts stream.

The University has created its Entrance Test Portal with the domain name Its link is also available on the BHU website ( The entire process of making an application for admission in various courses during the academic session 2015-16 has been made ONLINE. Accordingly, candidates may note that SET 2015 Information Bulletin and Application Form will not be sold (as there will be no offline mode) and the candidates desirous of admissions shall be required to register on the Entrance Test portal of BHU and fill up the application form ONLINE as per procedure provided on the Portal. For further details visit the BHU website ( or the entrance test portal of BHU

The Candidate shall pay the following Application Processing Fee/Entrance Test fee:
SC/ST 200.00
General 400.00

Candidate is required to fill up the SET 2015 Application Form ONLINE as the printed Information Bulletin-cum-Application Form will not be sold by the University. After the candidate has filled up the application form online, he/she will have following options for payment of Application Processing/Entrance Test Fee:

a) Online payment through credit card/ debit card through the payment gateway available on the Entrance test portal.
b) Payment of Entrance Test Fee in Cash through “Challan” in any branch of HDFC Bank: After filling up the application form, its submission and selecting this mode for payment, the candidate can print the Challan from the entrance test portal. The printout of challan will \contain all necessary details of the candidate, bank account details of the Banaras Hindu University in which the entrance test fee will be deposited and the exact amount to be deposited. The candidate will be required to visit any branch of the HDFC Bank of his/her choice where he/she will be required to deposit the requisite Fee amount to the Bank.

The Application Form for SET 2015 is available on the BHU?s entrance test portal ( The application form is to be filled up and submitted online. Detailed instruction for filling up the application form, online payment of application fee and online submission is also provided on the BHU?s entrance test portal. Candidates have to scan their photo and signature as per instruction given in the portal and upload it.

After the candidate has filled up the application form online and clicks on the „CONFIRM? button, he/she will be provided with following options for payment of application processing/test fee:
a) Online payment through credit card/ debit card through the payment gateway available on the Entrance test portal;

b) Payment of Entrance Test Fee in Cash through “Challan” in any branch of HDFC Bank The Application Form for SET 2015 is available on the BHU?s entrance test portal ( The application form is to be filled up and submitted online. Detailed instruction for filling up the application form, online payment of application fee and online submission is also provided on the BHU?s entrance test portal. Candidates have to scan their photo and signature as per instruction given in the portal and upload it.

After the candidate has filled up the application form online and clicks on the ‘CONFIRM’ button, he/she will be provided with following options for payment of application processing/test fee


1. Availability of ONLINE Application Form on the Entrance Test Portal : April 01, 2015
Last date for online submission of Application Forms : April 25, 2015
2. Date of issuing of ONLINE Admit Card : May 9, 2015 onwards till examination date.
3. Dates of Entrance Test:
Class IX : May 19, 2015 (8 AM to 10 AM)
Class XI Maths : May 20, 2015 (8 AM to 10 AM)
Class XI Biology : May 21, 2015 (8 PM to 10 PM)
Class XI Arts & Commerce : May 22, 2015 (8 AM to 10 AM)
4. Tentative date of SET-2015 result declaration : June 15, 2015
5. Tentative dates of counseling/Admission for external candidates:
Class IX : June 23, 2015
Class XI Maths : June 24, 2015
Class XI Biology : June 25, 2015
Class XI Arts & Commerce : June 26, 2015
Timings: 8.00 AM to 12.00 Noon

Guidelines to fill up the Application Form Online :
An E-mail ID for registration and for receiving all future correspondence till the admission process is over and subsequently, if admitted.
A Mobile Number to receive SMS based notifications/communications related to the online application, Admit card, Entrance Test Result, Admission Counseling etc till the admission process is over and subsequently, if admitted.
Access to facilities of computer with internet connectivity, B/W printer and scanner.
A recent passport sized colour photograph (for scanning and uploading in “jpeg” format only. File size of scanned photograph should not be more than 100KB).
Your signature using Blue/Black pen on white sheet (for scanning and uploading in “jpeg” format only. File size of scanned photograph should not be more than 100KB).
Access to an online payment facility / service such as
Net Banking
Credit card
ATM-cum-Debit card

If you do not have Net Banking facility/Credit Card or ATM-cum Debit Card, you can pay the fee in cash at any branch of HDFC Bank through the Challan downloaded from the Entrance Test Portal. You will be able to download the duly filled up HDFC Bank challan from the Entrance Test Portal only whne you select the “cash payment” option while filling the application form online.
All applicants should note, that:
No printout of online submitted application form or proof of payment of Entrance Test fee is to be submitted to the University. However, the candidates should retain a copy of the said documents for their own record.
No document is required to be submitted along with the application form submitted online.
Original certificates issued by competent authority supporting your filled in details will be asked from you ONLY at the time of admission. If data provided in the online application is not supported by appropriate documents then your application / claim for admission shall be summarily rejected.

Steps to be followed for filling the online application:
Before proceeding to fill up the online application form, please ensure that you have the required details and scanned image files of your (i) recent passport size colour photograph and (ii) signature [as specified at para 1 above], which will be needed at different stages of process. The entire process of filling online application form can be completed in six stages. The six stages are:
Registration on the BHU Entrance Test Portal ( for online application process.
Select the course of your choice [check eligibility, dates of Entrance Test etc].

If you choose to apply for the selected course [do it after confirming your eligibility, dates of Entrance Test etc], application form will appear on the screen. Fill up the details in the application form which will have following sections:
Applicant Details
Correspondence Address and Details Parents
Your Preference of Entrance Test Centre
Upload scanned image file of your Photograph and Signature [as specified in para 1 above]
Final Review of details entered in the Application Form and if they are corrected then ‘Confirm’ the submission. Else, edit the details before confirming submission.
Fee Payment & application Submission
For subsequent applications (after the first course) process of filling up ‘Applicant Details’, ‘Correspondence Address and Parental Details’, ‘uploading of Photograph and Signature’ and ‘Preference of Test centre’ will not be required. These details will be repeated automatically/ copied for all subsequent applications after the first application. If you choose to pay after selecting all the courses of your choice, a combined payment of Entrance Test Fee for all courses you have applied for can be done.

Categories: BHU UET / PET

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