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Organisation : Sri Venkateswara University Tirupati
Announcement : SVUCET-2015 Sri Venkateswara University Common Entrance Test

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The application should be submitted through on-line only at the website by registering the name and other details.
A Separate registration is not required for each Test. The Candidate can apply more than one test in single registration. Such candidates have to pay the applicable fee depend upon the tests selected. (For SC/ST/PH Rs. 300/- & Rs. 400/- for OC/BC/Others for each test)

The candidate should have passed the qualifying examination with a minimum of 40% marks in the concerned subject. For the courses where the admission is based on the degree as a whole, the aggregate percentage in the group subjects should be 40% of marks. For admission into M.Ed., the aggregate marks in B.Ed. should be 50%. For admission into M.Sc. Tech in Hydrogeology, the aggregate marks in M.Sc. should be 50%. Pass is sufficient for SC/ST candidates.

The candidates who have appeared for the final year qualifying examination are also eligible to take the tests. But they should have passed the qualifying examination with requisite minimum marks by the time the SVUCET-2015 admissions take place.

Candidates who qualify themselves in the SVUCET-2015, but do not have the requisite percentage of marks in the qualifying examination or not satisfying the subject eligibility requirement are not eligible for admission.

Candidates who pass the qualifying examinations in September / October supplementary examinations of 2015 are not eligible for admission during the academic year 2015-2016.

a) The online application form will be available on the websites from 30.03.2015 onwards.
b) The online application form can be filled through any computer with internet connection (home/internet café/net center). After going through the prospectus by keeping all the Certificates, soft copies of Scanned Photo and Scanned Signature.
c) The payment of registration and processing fee Rs.300/- (SC/ST/PH) and fee Rs. 400/- (OC/BC/Others) should be made either by SBI generated challan or by online payment gateway (like credit / debit card/ Net banking). Bank Charges applicable as per the payment option selected by the applicant.
d) e-challan is generated after submitting the personal details through Online payment Link (Sample Screen is shown below).
e) The fee paid by the applicant is non-refundable.
f) The system generated Application number is displayed for future reference.
g) If candidate is unable to view PDF document Adobe Reader (for PDF files) may be downloaded
h) The last date for payment of challan is 29.04.2015.

Online registration : 30-03-2015 to 29-04-2015
Uploading of online Application : 30-03-2015 to 29-04-2015
Last date for submission of printout of online application : 04-05-2015 at 5.00 pm.
Downloading of Hall tickets : 20-05-2015 onwards
Entrance tests : 05-06-2015 to 10-06-2015

The Online application for SVUCET 2015 is available at website
To fill online application, you should have with you. Mobile Phone, SVUCET -2015 Information Brochure and Guidelines, Documents pertaining to your personal details and academic records,
Scanned Passport Photo and Signature.
a) Open the website from browser like Internet Explorer / Mozilla Firefox /Google Chrome
b) Select the button SVUCET – 2015 for Apply.
c) After clicking the required button, you will get a detailed menu options screen
d) After reading the Guidelines, Click on Online Application button in the left menu
e) On filling the Qualifying examination along with the details of Medium of Study, First Language, Second Language, Subject 1, Subject 2, and Subject 3, a list of eligible courses for your degree combination will be listed on the left under “Eligible Courses List”. Select the Course(s) you are interested to opt, and then you will find the list of “Selected Test(s)” and “Amount for the Selected Course(s)”.
f) Then proceed to fill the Name of the Candidate and other personal details with present address and Date of Birth. Please fill the details as per SSC certificate.
g) While entering the personal details, please give correct MOBILE number and Email address, because all the correspondence from Admission authority (SVUCET-2015) will be made to Mobile and Email only, No Postal Correspondence will be made under any circumstances.
h) After completion of registration details entry, your mobile will receive SMS (OTP) of a security code, please type the security code in the box provided in the registration form and immediately your screen will display a message “verified” in green colour.
i) Then click “Register & Proceed” for filling the application with all academic and other details along with scanned Passport photo and scanned signature (signed on white paper only)
j) Fill the entire academic, Study, Reservation and other personal details and submit the application. Select the terms and conditions box, click the preview button. Now it displays the application preview. There it gives two buttons one for Back-Edit – for editing any mistakes, Save and print for continuing applying the application. Now it generates the Acknowledgement slip, Take the printout this print and pay the test fee by online using SBI Collect. After payment of fee in bank, After 24 hours you have to take a printout in the website “Print Filled Application Button” of the same and retain the same until completion of admission

k) Fee Paying Process
i. Click on Online Payment Button from left side navigation panel. For online payment or Challan payment. Now Click on the Online Payment through SBI Collect Button. Read the instruction and Click check box to proceed payment and click the proceed button
ii. Now your mobile will receive a message “Your Application is submitted successfully with Appl.No : xxxxx with Payment Ref.Id: xxxxxxxx”.
iii. If you want to pay by challan, you have to take a printed copy of the challan and pay the application fee at any branch of SBI. After payment of challan, the applicant has to wait for one working day for getting your application successfully registered after which you will receive application to your registered email After 24hours.
iv. If you select the online payment and after successful payment is done using Debit/Credit card / Net banking process. You will get an SMS to your registered mobile number and also get an e-mail to registered email-id with complete application details as PDF file After 24hours.
v. You can get a printed copy of registered application at any time using your Application No as User ID and Date of Birth (DDMMYYYY) as password using “Print Application” option. This option is only for the candidates who paid the fee.
vi. If the candidates apply for a particular test and if found to be not eligible for that test, the test fee paid will not be refunded. Hence the candidates are advised to go through the eligibility conditions carefully given in the instruction booklet before applying.
vii. The print out of the application should be submitted either in person or by registered post to
The Candidates are advised to submit the filled in application well before the last date to avoid last minute rush.

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  1. How to take admission to veterinary course in sv university?

    1. Last date for online application is over.

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