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JNU CEEB 2016 Combined Entrance Examination for Biotechnology : Jawaharlal Nehru University

Organisation : Jawaharlal Nehru University
Announcement : Combined Entrance Examination for Biotechnology CEEB 2016

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Combined Entrance Examination conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru University for admission to M.Sc.(Agri.) Biotechnology & M.V.Sc. Programmes of Study

Related : JNU CEEB 2016 Syllabus :

Eligibility For Admission :
Bachelor’s degree under 10+2+3/4/5 pattern of education with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade point average from any recognized university in the concerned subjects shown hereunder against each university:

1. FORASSAM AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, JORHAT: B. Sc. / B. Tech. in Agriculture/Horticulture/Agricultural Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics of 4 year duration from any recognized farm university having minimum CGPA 2.60 in 4.00 scale or 6.00 in 10.00 scale or 50% and above marks in traditional system. Graduates from general steam (3 year duration) may also be admitted in case seats remain vacant, however, they will have to take extra 20 credit hours as bridge course.

2. FORBIDHAN CHANDRA KRISHI VISWAVIDYALAYA, WEST BENGAL: Applicants must have passed 4 year Bachelor Degree in Agriculture/Horticulture from a duly recognized University securing at least 2.75 OGPA in 4.00 scale or 6.50 OGPA in 10.00 scale or at least 55% marks in aggregate.

3. FOR CH. SARWAN KUMAR H.P. KRISHI VISHWAVIDYALAYA, PALAMPUR: Agriculture, Horticulture or Forestry.

4. FOR G.B. PANT UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE & TECHNOLOGY, PANT NAGAR: Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences, Horticulture or Forestry. Students from Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. in ZBC/PCM and B.Sc.(Biotechnology) are also eligible.

5. FOR INDIRA GANDHI KRISHI VISHWAVIDYALAYA, RAIPUR: Agriculture, Biotechnology (Agriculture), Horticulture or Forestry with Bachelor’s Degree under 10+2+4 pattern with at least 60% marks or equivalent OGPA.
6. FOR KERALA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, THRISSUR: Agriculture, Horticulture, or Forestry.

7. FORVASANTRAO NAIK MARATHWADAKRISHI VIDYAPEETH, LATUR (MAHARASHTRA):B. Sc./B. Tech. in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Agril. Biotechnology, Bioinformatics (03/04 Yrs.) from recognized University with minimum CGPA 6.5 on 10 scale or 65% marks.

8. FOR ORISSA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE & TECHNOLOGY, BHUBANESWAR: Applicants must have passed 4 year Bachelor Degree in Agriculture/Horticulture/Forestry from a duly recognized University securing at least 55% marks in aggregate.

9. FOR TAMIL NADU AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, COIMBATORE: Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, or B. Tech in Biotechnology/ Horticulture / Bioinformatics under 10+2+4 pattern of education with at least 70% marks or equivalent OGPA of 3.00/4.00 or 7.00/10.00 from a Farm University. For SC/ST candidates, a pass in the qualifying degree is sufficient.

10. FOR UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, G.K.V.K., BANGALORE: Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry or Sericulture or B. Sc. Agril. Biotechnology/B. Tech. [Biotechnology]/ B. Sc (Agbiotech)/ B. Sc (Agri) in Biotechnology from recognized Agriculture/Horticulture/Forestry University.

11. FOR UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, DHARWAD: Bachelors degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, B. Sc. (Agril. Biotechnology)/B. Tech (Biotechnology)/B.Sc. (Ag. Biotech.)/B. Sc. (Agri) in Biotechnology from recognized Agricultural/Horticultural/Forestry universities.

12. FORRAJENDRA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, BIHAR, PUSA (SAMASTIPUR): Bachelors degree in Biology (BZC)/ Microbiology/Biotechnology/Agriculture/Horticulture. Candidates with Bachelor Degree in Biology (3 Years duration) will have to spend 3 years in M.Sc. programme.

13. FOR LALA LAJPAT RAI UNIVERSITY OF VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES, HISAR: B.V.Sc.&A.H. degree recognized by Veterinary Council of India with minimum OGPA 6.0/10.0 or equivalent.

14. FORNANAJI DESHMUKH PASHU CHIKITSA VIGYAN VISHWAVIDYALAYA, JABALPUR:Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc. & A.H.) recognized by Veterianry Council of India with minimum OGPA/Percentage of marks 6.00/10.00 or equivalent for general category candidates and 5.50/10.00 or equivalent for SC/ST/PH category.

15. FOR GURU ANGAD DEV VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY, LUDHIANA: B.V.Sc & A.H./ B.V.Sc. or B.Sc. (Biotechnology/ Agricultural Biotechnology/ Medical) or B.Sc. (Hons.) Biotechnology/Biochemistry/Microbiology/ Molecular Genetics or equivalent degree with minimum OCPA of 6.00 (out of 10.00) or at least 60% marks in aggregate. Candidates admitted to Master’s programme in Animal Biotechnology with basic qualifications other than B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree shall get M.Sc. degree in Animal Biotechnology.

16. FORMAHARASHTRA ANIMAL & FISHERY SCIENCES UNIVERSITY, NAGPUR :The candidate must possess minimum CGPA of 6.60 in 10.00 point scale respectively at B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree course or a degree equivalent thereto.
17. FOR ASSAM AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, GUWAHATI : B.V.Sc. & A.H. or equivalent degree from a recognized university with minimum CGPA 2.60 in 4.00 scale or 6.00 in 10.00 scale.

18. FORSHER-E-KASHMIR UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY OF KASHMIR, SRINAGAR: Candidates possessing Bachelors degree in Veterinary and Animal Sciences (B.V.Sc. & A.H.) recognised by Veterinary Councll of India with minimum OGPA 6.00/10.00 or equivalent are eligible.

Examination Fee:
you have enclosed a Demand Draft drawn in favour of “JAWAHARLAL NEHRU UNIVERSITY” payable at New Delhi for the amount indicated below towards the entrance examination fee.
General Category Candidates
including OBC Candidates Rs. 1000/-
SC/ST/PWD Category Candidates (PWD includes OH, VH and HH) Rs. 500/-
Foreign Nationals US$ 40.00 or Rs.2640/-

Application Forms can be submitted only by Registered Post/Speed Post to Section Officer (Admissions), Room No.28, Administrative Block, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi – 110067. The completed offline Application Form must reach JNU latest by 23rd March, 2016. JNU will not accept responsibility for any postal delay or irregularity or loss in postal transit.

Guidelines for filling Online Application Form :
** Guidelines for filling Online Application Form
** You shall log on to or
** Click on to new registration / candidate login link.
** Before you proceed to register yourself for entrance examination you must ensure that you have read and understood the eligibility criteria for each discipline / programme of study for which you intend to take the entrance examination
** You should fill your correct basic and academic details like Name, DOB, Address, Contact No., and Discipline / programme of study.
** Choose your password between 8-16 characters. Please remember your password and don’t share with others.
** Before final submission of online Application form, read the declaration carefully and give your consent on it. You are required to upload a recently taken scanned photograph and signature in JPG format. Photograph preferably taken on or after 1-Jan-2016 only have to be uploaded (preferable width 150px and height 200px) and size less than 50 KB. Signature size should be less than 20 KB(preferable width 60px and height 40px). The maximum file size for Photo and Signature is 50 KB, failing which you will not be able to complete your application. So you must check your information details carefully before final submission of your application form.

General requirements for submission of online application form:
** The candidate is required to upload his/her photograph and signature of max size 20-50 KB.
** Keep the Photograph and Signature ready before applying online form.
** You should have a valid e-mail id and mobile no for communication and transaction of information.
** Please keep your Debit/Credit Card ready, if you want to pay the fee through Debit/Credit Card.
** Photograph and signature should be clear and identifiable.
** The candidates are required to take a printout of confirmation page and retain the same for their record but need not send the same to JNU.
** Entrance Examination Fee Payment : Cash payment at SBI Bank branches:
** Log on to or
** Log on to your account with your Form No. and Password.
** Online Debit/Credit Card Mode : You can Pay your registration fee payment through Credit/Debit card. Your payment will be reflected instantly in case of successful transaction.
** Cash Deposit in SBI : Select the cash payment option present in your page (my page) to deposit your entrance examination fees through cash.
** Application fee payment can be done online through Internet Banking, State Bank Of India, other banks to start soon.
** Take a printout of the SBI E- Deposit Slip
** Generate and Print E Slip and deposit your fee payment at bank on next working day of E-Slip generation.
** Payment status will be reflected on website after 48 hours.

Important Date :

1. Start of Online Application process From 4.00 p.m. on 8th February, 2016
2. Issue of offline Application Forms (by Post) 10th February, 2016
3. Last date for issue of offline Application Forms (by Post) 10th March, 2016
4. Closing of online Application Process till 5.00 p.m. 21st March, 2016
5. Last date of submission of completed Offline Application Form to reach JNU 23rd March, 2016
6. Date and time of Entrance Examination May 19, 2016 (2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.)
7. Results of Entrance Examination
i. Merit list of candidates to excercise their option for Universities 2nd/3rd week of June, 2016
ii. Final result of alloted Universities last week of June/1st week of July, 2016

1 Comment
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  1. I gave entrance jnu CEEB 2016 for ag in Biotechnology exam done 19th may. I want my entrance result.

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