dtemaharashtra.gov.in MT-CET 2015 Pharmacy Admission : Maharashtra Directorate of Technical Education

Organisation : Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra
Announcement : MT-CET 2015 Admission Pharmacy

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Notification : https://www.entrance.net.in/uploads/751-99.pdf
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First Year Degree Pharmacy Admissions 2015-2016
The Director, Technical Education is the Competent Authority for Admission to all Pharmacy Degree Courses in State of Maharashtra for the academic year 2015-2016. The information brochure for admission is available on website. The brochure gives the rules and information regarding the eligibility for admission to first year of four year full time degree courses in Pharmacy in various institutes in Maharashtra.

Role of Competent Authority in process of Admission to First year of Pharmacy :
a) Director of Technical Education, Maharashtra State, shall be the competent authority in present case for conducting MT-CET 2015 & Centralized Admission Process and direct the students as per their allotment through CAP to all colleges.
b) Competent Authority shall be the sole authority to effect admission through CAP for Govt., Govt. Aided, University Department, University Managed colleges and Unaided Pharmacy colleges.
c) Competent Authority shall also deal with the representations received from the candidates pertaining to allotment and admissions in Govt., Govt. Aided, University Managed colleges, University Departments and Unaided colleges which acts as Grievance Redressal Authority.
d) To approve the list of the students admitted to First year, by all Unaided Pharmacy colleges submitted through the office of the Joint Director, Tech. Education of respective regional offices in the State of Maharashtra.
e) All the decisions taken in relation to Admission to First Year of Pharmacy course, by the Competent Authority shall be final and binding on all concerned.

Eligibility Criteria:
Eligibility criteria for Maharashtra State Candidates and Outside Maharashtra
State Candidates for admission to first year of degree course in Pharmacy: Candidate should be an Indian National and should have passed the HSC (Std.XII) examination of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent examination with subjects English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics/Biology /Biotechnology/Technical Vocational subject
Secured minimum45 % marks (minimum40 % marks in case of candidates of Backward class categories and Persons with Disability belonging only to Maharashtra State) inthe subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics/ Biology/Biotechnology/Technical Vocational subject added together (Maximum of marks obtained in Mathematics/ Biology/Biotechnology/Technical Vocational subject shall be considered for the purpose of addition)
Obtained anon zero score in subjectsPhysics,Chemistry andMathematics/ Biology added together at MT-CET 2015.

Rules of Admission through Centralized Admission Process (CAP) :
This section briefly explains the various stages and procedure adopted for the CAP. Candidates seeking admission to Pharmacy courses are required to appear forMT-CET2015conducted by the respective Competent Authority. For the academic year2015-16, Competent Authority shall conduct totalThree (3) rounds of Centralized Admission. The CAP shall consist of firsttwo(2) rounds of Centralized Allotment wherein eligible candidates (both Maharashtra and OMS) will fillseparate/fresh Online Option forms for each round.Thirdround of CAP shall be conducted by way of counseling only for the eligible Maharashtra State candidates.

Major Steps in the CET and Admission through CAP are summarized below:-
a) Fill in and SubmitApplication Form for MT-CET 2015
b) Appear for theMT-CET 2015 as per the schedule
c) Declaration of theresult of MT-CET 2015
d) Document Verification, Fill in the OnlineApplication Form for Centralized Admission to Pharmacy i.e. CAP andConfirm it at the Application form Receipt Centers (ARCs) by eligible MT-CET2015 qualified candidates
e) Display of Merit List of candidates who have confirmed the onlineApplication Form for Centralized Admission to Pharmacy on website dtemaharashtra.gov.in/ph2015.
f) Fill in and confirm the OnlineOption Form(s) for CAP Round(s) I/II (by candidate eligible to participate in these CAP rounds) on the website http://www.dtemaharashtra.gov.in/index.html.
g) Display of Allotment(s) of respective CAP Round(s) I/II on the website dtemaharashtra.gov.in/ph2015.
h) Reporting to respective Institutes as per allotment ofCAP Round(s) I/II.
i) Conduction ofCAP Round-III by counseling and Reporting to respective Institute.

Note:- A notification giving details such as schedule, procedure of Centralized Admission will be displayed on the website and published in leading newspapers. In order to participate in the CAP, the aspiring & eligible candidate is required to submit and confirm the “Application Formfor Centralized Admission to Pharmacy” as per schedule at the ARC. The scheme of allotment through Multiple Rounds and Rules of Reporting presented below is designed to prevent loss of academics and to make the CAP Rounds meaningful and effective rather than formal and ineffective in view of the previous experience of this Directorate as also the facts and figures available with this Directorate as to the seats remaining vacant at the end of each Round(s) and especially at the end of all the Round(s) of such Centralized Allotment Process. The rounds are so designed with the purpose that, maximum vacant seats are filled in, without creating further resultant vacancies on account of shifting of students to whom already allotment has been made in earlier rounds of CAP. This step is required

Scheme of MT -CET 2015 Examination :
Date of Examination: Theonlineexamination will be conducted at various centers in Maharashtra on Thursday,25th & 26th April 2015 in multiple sessions.

Sale of Information Brochure:
1. Information brochure along withapplication kit for the aspiring candidates will be available at all the ARCs against the payment of the application form fee? 700/-(Rupees Seven Hundred Only) for General Categorycandidates and ? 500/-(Rupees Five Hundred Only) for Reserved Category candidatesas per schedule.
2. It is mandatory for the Candidates to procure the Information Brochure along with Application Kit.
3. The Application Kit contents the ApplicationIDNumberand Password.

Online Submission of Application Form:
1. Aspiring Candidates should read the Information Brochure thoroughly. The detailedinstructions for filling the online application form are given in the Application Kit.
2. Aspiring Candidates are required to fill the “Online Application Form” through the web site dtemaharashtra.gov.in/ph2015 through Internet at home, cybercafé, at their junior colleges or at ARC.
3. Application sent bypost/courierwill not be acceptedand such applicationswill be rejected without any communication.
4. The Candidate will be able to login to the Online Admission System by using Application ID Number and Password provided in the Application Kit.
5. The candidate should fill the data in the Online System,
6. PersonalDetails: Name, address for correspondence, Mobile number, E-mail Id,Gender, Date of Birth, Aadhaar Number, Category,Person with Disability,Scribe required, Photo with signature.

Important Dates :
Online registration for MT-CET 2015 through computer connected to Internet on the web site for Maharashtra State /OMS candidates. 26/03/2015 05/04/2015 Up to 5.00PM
Issue of Hall Ticket through candidates login of successfully registered candidates. 20/04/2015 onwards
Date of the Online MT-CET 2015. 25/04/2015 26/04/2015
Declaration of the result of the MT-CET 2015 on the website 06/05/2015 at 5.00PM

Categories: MT-CET

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