Organisation : St. John’s Medical College SJMC
Announcement : Mock Test & Examination Pattern
Entrance Exam : MBBS Entrance Test 2015 Admission
MBBS – Mock Test :
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Examination Pattern :
** The Examination will consist of multiple choice questions in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English and Values.
Related :
St. John’s Medical College MBBS Entrance Test 2015 Syllabus :
Catholic Students will be required to answer a few questions on Christian Doctrine from the Catechism of Catholic Church and the Bible.
(See Appendix II for details) Please refer to the admission website for a Mock Test.
** The Entrance Examination Results, will be the basis for further Interviews and final selection.
MBBS – Mock Test :
You can practice through web based mock test which will be available on SJMC website from 2nd of March 2015.
Toll-Free Helpline :
** In case you require any query for filling the application form online or related issues, you may contact the Toll-free Helpline: 1800-266-0514
** Noted the Toll-Free Helpline will be available from March 2 to May 24 2015, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm only

View Comments (32)
Could you please tell me which books need to refer to crack this examination?
Could you please tell which book to refer for medical entrance test in St.John's medical college? Is there a separate book of them to prepare? What is the cut off marks for 2016?
How many questions are asked for each subject?
Is there any negative marks?
Is there any negative marking for the exam?
Is there negative marks in entrance exam?
From the Website :
Is there any specific syllabus and negative marking?
What is the marks distribution of each subjects? Please kindly tell me!
Please tell me which book I need to study to crack this entrance exam?
I could not find any syllabus details in the official website for MBBS admission 2016-2017.
My domicile is Uttar Pradesh. Am I eligible to fill St. John' application form?
Are non christian students are eligible to apply
Sure...You can!
There are central government nominee quota too!
The applicant shall have passed two year Pre-University examination conducted by Department of Pre-University Education, Karnataka State, with English as one of the subjects and Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects. The candidate shall have passed subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology individually also.
How Many Question In Each Subject ? And is there any negative marking?
Will there be negative Marks?
Exam is conducted for how many marks?
Please provide the syllabus
Is it an online test?
How many questions will be asked in each subject? Is there any negative marks for wrong answer please reply sir.
No negative marks
How many questions will be asked in each subect? Is there as negative marks for wrong answer
Student must secure at least 50% marks of the total marks fixed for internal assessment in a particular subject in order to be eligible to appear in final university examination of that subject.
Will there be negative marking?
no there is no negative marking
I have written the mock test but I am not able to get the result of the test why?
Is there any negative marking?
How many questions are asked from each subject? Please answer.
50+50+100 PCB 10 in values 10 English 5 catechism
Physics, chemistry, Biology, english and Values questions will be on objective type, designed to test knowledge, understanding and application.
Is there any entrance exams that contains only biological questions?