IDEUNOM : Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences Exam Time Table Dec 2015

Organisation : University Of Madras Institute Of Distance Education
Announcement : Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences Exam Time Table December 2015
Location : Chennai

Time Table : https://www.entrance.net.in/uploads/6504-BNat.pdf
Home Page : www.ideunom.ac.in

Theory Time Table For B.Nat. – Naturopathy And Yogic Sciences And B.A – Yoga For Human Excellence Degree Examinations, December 2015 :
F.N: Fore-Noon – 10.00 A.M To 1.00 P.M. A.N. After-Noon – 2.00 P.M. To 5.00 P.M.
B.Nat. – Naturopathy And Yogic Sciences :
Date Subject Code :
Part-I Languages :
First Year :
12.12.15 F.N
Tamil-I ** ULAA
Telugu-I ** ULBA
Kannada-I ** ULCA
Malayalam-I ** ULDA
Hindi-I ** ULEA
Urdu-I @@ ULFA
French-I ** ULKA
Sanskrit-I ** ULGA
Arabic-I ** ULHA
Communicative English-I ** ULJA

Second Year :
12.12.15 A.N
Tamil-II ** ULAB
Telugu -II** ULBB
Kannada -II** ULCB
Malayalam -II** ULDB
Hindi-II ** ULEB
Urdu-II @@ ULFB
French-II ** ULKB
Sanskrit -II** ULGB
Arabic-II ** ULHB
Communicative English-II ** ULJB

Part-II English :
First Year :
13.12.15 F.N English-I ** UEZA
Second Year :
13.12.15 A.N English-II ** UEZB

Core Course – Main Subjects :
First Year :
19.12.15 F.N Paper-I: Principles of Yoga and Naturopathy UCAA
20.12.15 F.N Paper-II : Basic Anatomy and Physiology UCAB
26.12.15 F.N Paper – III: Methods of Yoga Practice UCAC
27.12.15 F.N A.O.S – I Fitness and wellness URAA

Second Year :
19.12.15 A.N Paper – V: Principles of Yoga Theraphy UCAD
20.12.15 A.N Paper -VI: Philosophy of Yoga Practice and Naturopathy UCAE
26.12.15 A.N Paper – VII: Anatomy and Physiology of Yogic Practice UCAF
27.12.15 A.N A.O.S –II: Application of Yoga and Naturopathy in Physical Education URAB
Third Year :
02.01.16 F.N Paper – IX: Pathanjali Yoga Sutras UCAG
03.01.16 F.N Paper – X : Yogic Diet UCAH
09.01.16 F.N Paper – XI: Nature Cure UCAJ
10.01.16 F.N Paper –XII: Mental Health and Physical Health UCAK
23.01.16 F.N A.O.S – III: Application of Yoga and Naturopathy Practices in Sports Performance URAC

B.A – Yoga For Human Excellance :
First Year :
12.12.15 F.N Paper – I: Tamil ** UGLAA
13.12.15 F.N Paper –II: English ** UGEZA
19.12.15 F.N Paper –III: Yoga for Modern Age (Body Life-Force, Mind) BYHIA
20.12.15 F.N Paper – IV: Personality Development BYHIB
26.12.15 F.N Paper – V: Basic Computer Application BYHIC
Second Year :
12.12.15 A.N Paper – VII: Tamil – Thirukkural Explanations BYHID
13.12.15 A.N Paper – VIII: English – Atomic Poison BYHIE
19.12.15 A.N Paper – IX: Psychology BYHIG
20.12.15 A.N Paper – X: Evolution of Universe BYHIH
26.12.15 A.N Paper XI: Evolution of Living Beings BYHIK
Third Year :
27.12.15 F.N Paper – XIII : Religions And Principles BYH1L
02.01.16 F.N Paper –XIV: Consciousness Is Truth BYH1M
03.01.16 F.N Paper –XV : Cause And Effect System BYHIN
09.01.16 F.N Paper – XVI : Economic Prosperity BYHIP
10.01.16 F.N Paper – XVII : Social Welfare And World Peace BYH1R

Note :
** The Practical Examinations wherever prescribed will be conducted only at the end of the Practical Classes at the PCP Centres for those who have earned necessary attendance and made required progress by completing the record note books.
** Such other candidates are advised to contactthe Director, Institute of Distance Education, University of Madras for further details.
** It will not be conducted during supplementary examinations.
** @, @@ denote Common Papers A.O.S. – Application Oriented Subject ** Denotes Common Paper
** PART-I Languages and PART-II English are common for all U.G. courses.

Contact Us :
Institute Of Distance Education
University Of Madras
IDE Building
Chennai – 600 005

Categories: Time Table

View Comments (1)

  • I have applied for B.Com general in distance education for the calendar year 2016. This is my first year. While filling my exam registration form , by mistake, I have given my Tamil paper as UGLAA Tamil instead of ULAA Tamil. How can I correct it? Whom should I contact to change that? Does it have any effect?

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