AIMA : RMAT 2015 Sample Questions Research Management Aptitude Test

Organization : All India Management Association
Announcement : RMAT 2015 Research Management Aptitude Test
Facility : Sample Questions

Sample Questions : https://www.entrance.net.in/uploads/6395-SampleQuestion.pdf
Home Page : https://www.aima.in/

Sample Questions :
Please Note:
These questions are just for reference purpose only. Actual questions will differ in content, pattern, difficulty level, etc.

Directions : Read the passage carefully to answer the questions that follow.
The earliest authentic works on European alchemy are those of the English monk Roger Bacon and the German philosopher St. Albertus Magnus. In their treatises they maintained that gold was the perfect metal and that inferior metals such as lead and mercury were removed by various degrees of imperfection from gold. They further asserted that these base metals could be transmuted to gold by blending them with a substance even more perfect than gold. This elusive substance was referred to as the “philosopher’s stone”.

Most of the early alchemists were artisans who were accustomed to keeping trade secrets and often resorted to cryptic terminology to record the progress of their work. The term sun was used for gold, moon for silver, and the five known planets for base metals. This convention of substituting symbolic language attracted a group of mystical philosophers who compared the search for the perfect metal with the struggle of mankind for the perfection of the soul. The philosophers began to use the artisan’s terms in the mystical literature that they produced. Thus, by the fourteenth century, alchemy had developed two distinct groups of practitioners – the laboratory alchemist and the literary alchemist. Both groups of alchemists continued to work throughout the history of alchemy, but, of course, it was the literary alchemist who was most likely to produce a written record; therefore, much of what is known about the science of alchemy is derived from philosophers rather than from the alchemists who laboured in laboratories.

1 . What is the author’s main point?
(1) There were both laboratory and literary alchemists.
(2) The philosopher’s stone was essential to alchemy.
(3) Roger Bacon and St. Albertus Magnus wrote about alchemy.
(4) Base metals can be transmuted to gold by blending them with a substance more perfect than gold.

2. What was the “philosopher’s stone”?
(1) Lead that was mixed with gold.
(2) An element that was never found.
(3) Another name for alchemy.
(4) A base metal.

Directions : Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the word in capital letters.
(1) placid (2) violent (3) impenetrable (4) irreverence
(1) caprice (2) border (3) trace (4) distress

Directions : Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.
(1) pompous (2) brittle (3) clumsy (4) spiteful

Directions : A related pair of words is followed by four pairs of words. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
(1) memory : oblivion (2) rout : defeat
(3) grief : loss (4) triumph : failure

Directions : A sentence has four words or phrases that are underlined. Choose the one word or phrase which would not be appropriate in standard written English.
7. The French play has been modified and adapted to an Indian audience.
(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

Directions (Questions ): Study the information below to answer these questions.
The students of a school have an option to study only Hindi, only Sanskrit or a composite subject Hindi and Sanskrit. Out of the 175 students in the school, boys and girls are in the ratio of 3 : 4 respectively. 40% of boys have opted for only Hindi. 44% of the students have opted for only Sanskrit. Out of the total number of girls 32% have opted for the composite subject. The number of boys who opted for only Sanskrit and that for composite subject are in the ratio of 2 : 1 respectively.
14 What is the ratio between the number of boys who have opted for only Hindi and the number of girls who have opted for the composite subject respectively?
(1) 15 : 16 (2) 10 : 7 (3) 10 : 9 (4) 11 : 12
15 How many boys have opted for the composite subject?
(1) 30 (2) 15 (3) 21 (4) 32

Directions: Each of these questions consists of a question and two statements I and II. Decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Mark answer as
(1) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
(2) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
(3) if the data in both statements I and II together are required to answer the question.
(4) if the data in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

16 If the ratio of boys to girls attending school in 2000 was 1/3, what was the ratio of boys to girls attending school in 2001
I. 100 more boys were attending school in 2001 than in 2000.
II. 150 more girls were attending school in 2001 than in 2000.

17 If Bhushan or Charan passed the examination, then neither Sujan nor Tarun passed the examination. Did Bhushan pass the examination?
I. Tarun did not pass the examination.
II. Sujan passed the examination.

18 It is felt that much of research, particularly in social sciences, tends to be
(1) extremely useful
(2) futile
(3) very useful
(4) quite useful
19 Research methodology may differ from problem to problem. Basic approach towards research
(1) also keeps changing
(2) remains the same
(3) in highly variable
(4) also changes at times
20 Systematized effort to gain new knowledge is defined as
(1) research
(2) management
(3) hypothesis
(4) postulate
21 Which of the following is/are termed as ‘research objective’?
(1) formulative
(2) descriptive
(3) diagnostic
(4) All these
22 The role of research in several fields of………….has greatly increased in modern times.
(1) sciences
(2) applied sciences
(3) economics
(4) applied economics

23 Which of the following factors make business communication important?
(1) Technological advancements
(2) Public Relations
(3) Growth
(4) All these
24 Communication is…………in all types of organizations and at all levels of management.
(1) required
(2) essential
(3) desirable
(4) considered important
25 Which of the following is an objective of communication?
(1) To provide counseling
(2) To improve morale
(3) To motivate people
(4) All these
26 Visual signs are the means of……………communication
(1) verbal
(2) written
(3) oral
(4) non-verbal
27 Which of the following statements is NOT true?
(1) Listening and hearing is not one and the same.
(2) Listening is the most frequent activity and an important event in the communication process.
(3) Hearing is more than listening
(4) All the above are not true

Categories: RMAT
Tags: aima.in

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