BLDE University BLDEU PGET 2016 Syllabus & Test Scheme : All India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Test Diploma Admission

Organisation : BLDE University
Announcement : BLDEU-PGET All India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Test – 2016
Facility : Syllabus & Test Scheme

Syllabus & Test Scheme: https://www.entrance.net.in/uploads/5826-Brochure-PG-2016-16-10-2015.pdf
Home Page : http://www.bldeuniversity.ac.in/

Test Scheme :

BLDEU-PGET-2016 will have the following pattern.
** There will be only one test which will have 180 multiple-choice questions (MCQ).

Related : BLDE University BLDEU PGET 2016 Frequently Asked Questions FAQs : www.entrance.net.in/5829.html

** The time allotted for the test shall be 180 minutes.
** The test will begin at 2:30 pm and end at 5:30 pm
** Candidates are required to mark their answers in an OMR (Optical Mark Reader) Answer Sheet.
** Each correct answer is awarded with one mark. There will be no negative marking.
** No marks will be awarded for multiple marking (marking multiple responses) for any question.

Instructions to the Candidates for taking Test :
Please think before INK
For any doubt, wait for announcement or consult invigilatort.
** Report 60 minutes before the commencement of the test (at 9.30 am)
** Candidate should bring Original Identity proof (for eg. Adhar Card, Voting Card, Driving license, Pan Card) along with TAT card.
** Use ball point pen with black ink to mark on the OMR sheet.
** Test commences at 10.00 am
** Candidates reporting after 10.15 am will not be permitted to appear for the test.

Syllabus :

The scope of the syllabus for the Post Graduate Medical Entrance is based on the M.B.B.S. syllabus as prescribed by MCI. The number of questions related to each subject in BLDEU-PGET-2016 is approximately mentioned below.

Subject | Questions | Subject | Questions :
Anatomy 08 General Medicine 24
Biochemistry 08 Obstetrics & Gynecology 11
Physiology 08 General Surgery 18
Pharmacology 08 Anesthesiology 06
Microbiology 07 Dermatology 05
Pathology 12 Radio Diagnosis 06
Forensic Medicine 06 Pediatrics 09
ENT 03 Psychiatry 06
Ophthalmology 09 Orthopedics 06
Community Medicine 15 TB & Chest Diseases 05
Grand Total 180

Answer sheet:
** All answers need to be registered on an Optical Mark Reader (OMR) sheet, which is machine read and evaluated. Candidates must use black ballpoint pen for marking their answers on the OMR sheet. Use of erasers or whiteners is not permitted.
** OMR answer sheets will be supplied only at the examination hall. After the test is over, the answer sheet should be submitted back to the invigilator, before leaving the room.
** Please note that the candidates must sign on attendance sheet and OMR answer sheets in the presence of the invigilator, after the invigilator has verified their TAT.

** Candidates are also required to write their TAT number (in numerals and words e.g. if your TAT no. is 111001 write in words as ONE ONE ONE ZERO ZERO ONE ), Question Booklet number (in numerals and words; as exemplified for TAT No.), Version Code, only in the space provided in their OMR answer sheet. The OMR answer sheet is machine assessed and therefore it should be handled with care. If there is any doubt, please contact the test invigilator immediately.

** The BLDEU-PGET-2016 test administration is timed. The test session is designed to be completed within 180 minutes as indicated in this brochure and no compromise will be made on the set time limit. The Chief Superintendent of the test centre is the official timekeeper. Candidates (Test takers) will not be permitted to continue the test beyond the established time limit.
** Photography, Video shooting and finger print scanning (biometrics) shall be done during the test and counseling.
** Candidates are not allowed to go out of the room temporarily for any reason during the test duration.

Grounds for Disqualification :
The BLDEU-PGET-2016 Chief Superintendent is authorized to disqualify a candidate from the test session for:
** Attempting to take the test for someone else (Impersonation)
** Failing to provide acceptable identification when asked for or creating disturbance at the test venue.
** Giving or receiving unauthorized help.
** Using any forbidden / unauthorized testing aids, such as personal computational devices, pagers, cell phones etc.
** Leaving the test centre in the first 15 minutes after commencement of the test.
** Failing to adhere to any of the other procedures and regulations cited.

** Refusing to follow directions as stipulated by the invigilators etc. requests like use of toilet during the test are not entertained. Failure to comply with the test procedures & regulations or with the Chief Superintendent’s directions, can result in the University taking action/s that include, but are not limited to, canceling the candidates’ test scores, forfeiture of test fees and barring candidate from appearing future test of BLDE University.

Categories: PGET
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