School : UP Sainik School Lucknow
Announcement : Entrance Exam 2016 for VII/IX Class
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Tentative date for entrance exam result – 10-03-2016
UP Sainik School Entrance Exam
UP Sainik School is an English Medium Residential School, affiliated to the CBSE, New Delhi. It imparts highly subsidized military oriented training to prepare the selected students of Uttar Pradesh for a career in the officer’s cadre of the Armed Forces through the National Defence Academy.
Related : BHU SET 2015 School Entrance Test Banaras Hindu University :
(i) Father of candidate must be a domicile of UP.
(ii) Date of Birth Application are invited from boys born between dates given as under for the academic year 2016-17, for appearing in UP Sainik School Entrance Examination to be held on 17 January 2016.
(a) For Class VII : 02 July 2004 to 01 January 2006 (both dates inclusive)
(b) For Class IX : 02 July 2002 to 01 January 2004 (both dates inclusive)
(iii) Must have passed class VI and VIII for admission in class VII and IX respectively by 20 May 2016 from a recognized school.
Reservation: Out of total vacancies, 27 % of the seats are reserved for OBC, 21 % for SC and 02% for ST categories. Vimukt Jati will not be considered in the ST categories.
Scheme of Written Examination
Admission to the school is made through a competitive examination. The subjects of examination are First Paper: Mathematics, Second Paper: Language ability (Hindi & English) Test, General knowledge and intelligence test. The school provides admission in class VII and IX only.
Interview and result
Candidate who pass the written exam and are coming in the merit list will be required to appear for Interviewin the school campus and will undergo medical exam at the Command Hospital, Lucknow. Final merit list will be prepared after the interview and medical exam. Results will be hosted on the school website
Examination Centres
Agra, Allahabad, Bareilly, Faizabad, Gorakhpur, Jhansi, Meerut, Varanasi and Lucknow.The candidate appearing for examination may opt for maximum three centres, out of which one may be granted by the school administration. However in case of certain extraordinary situations, some other centre may also be allotted to the candidate besides his choice of three centres. Therefore the final decision of allotting the centre will be a sole prerogative of the school administration.
Availability of Application Form
Application Process with instructions will be available from 30 Sep 2015 to 30 Oct 2015 on school website
Application form will be submitted ONLINE only and there are three steps in filling the form.
Step 1: Primary Registration of Applicant and generation of application ID.
Step 2: Applicant can submit the Application Fee of Rs. 500/- by E-Challan or I-Collect (SBI)& get the Transaction ID.Bank Charges will be extra. Fee is not refundable in any case.
Step-3: Applicant has to upload their photograph (file size should be 20 to 50 kb) & signature (file size should be 20 to 30 kb) and also submit the 3 Exam Centres of their choice. After this, applicant is required to Final Submit the application after checking their full details.Applicant can complete Step-3 process after 1400 hrs on next working day of successful Payment process.
Note: Please do submit Online Application forms at an early date to avoid last moment delay/problems in submission due to heavy network traffic.
Important Dates
Last Date for Step 1 (Applicant Registration): 28 Oct 2015.
Last Date for Step 2(Fee Submission): 28 Oct 2015 Till (08:00 PM).
Last Date for Step 3 (Final Submission): 30 Oct 2015.
Date of Entrance Examination: 17 January 2016 (Sunday)
Tentative dates of result of written Exam: between 15 to 20 Feb 2016
Tentative dates of Interview and Medical Exam: Between 2nd March to 07 March 2016
Tentative dates of Final Result: Between 02 Apr to 05Apr 2016
Tentative dates of Admission in School: Between 10 Apr to 15 Apr 2016
School Fee Rupees 35,000/- per annum (Rupees 17500/- per term). Scholarship is given on merit basis. School Fee is likely to be increased as per existing rules.
(a) Personal Mobile Number & Correspondence Address of the applicant- for validations and future correspondence. In case you provide wrong/incorrect mobile number you will not be able to receive the updates.
(b) Please note that, no request for correction in any details of the applicant will be entertained, once the candidate has successfully submitted the application.
(c) The candidate is not required to submit the hard copy of the Final Application Form and supporting document(s) to the UP Sainik School, Lucknow.
(d) The candidate is required to bring his Student Identity Card / Bonafide Certificate with photograph (attested by the Head of the Institution) issued by recognised School in which he is presently studying at the Examination Centre apart from the Admit Card issued by UP Sainik School, Lucknow for appearing in the examination. The particulars of the candidates would be verified by the Exam Supdt at the examination centre with the photo identity card brought by the candidate vis-à-vis Admit Card issued by UP Sainik School, Lucknow for entrance examination. In case of any mis-match, the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the examination and his candidature will be cancelled. The Exam Supdt would record the same on the attendance sheet against the respective candidate. There will be no refund of examination fee in such cases.
(e) The parents/candidates should exercise due care while filling up the application form. If on verification or otherwise at any subsequent stage, incorrect entries or some variations are found, then the candidature is liable to be rejected and legal action will be initiated against the guardian.
(f) Verification of eligibility conditions with reference to original documents is taken up only after the candidate has qualified for Interview/Admission test.
(g) Candidates should also note that once a Date of Birth has been claimed by them and entered in the records of the form for the purpose of admission, no change will be allowed subsequently on any ground whatsoever.
Note: For any query you may contact school office on Ph.No. 0522-2476263, between 0900 hrs to 1300 hrs on working days only.
View Comments (85)
Can you please provide the entrance exam result for class 7th?
My roll no. is 6506. I want to know my result for class 9th.
I want to get the result of sainik school. Our roll no. are 6145 & 6042.
Please tell the documents required to bring for interview.
Please tell me when I can print my brother's admit card.
My admit card does not come now. What can I do?
I want to take admission in Sainik school.
You should need to take admission at Ravi Indian public school Jhunjhunu Rajasthan.
I would like to know from where we have to take the entrance exam form? Please tell me.
From where we have to post the application form?
I want to give admission exam.
When I will fill form army school in Lucknow class 7
Please tell my son's result. My roll no is 6301.
My roll no is 1607704. Give me result.
Please confirm my son's result. He applied for class 9th and his roll no is 7782.
Roll no 3969 is qualified for the exam or not?
Please, can you give my exam result?
Please give information of my result in class 7.
Roll no : 5174
Please tell me the name of entrance exam book of class IX.
Roll no : 2162
Give me exam result.
Dear Candidate Roll No:2162. You have NOT qualified the UP Sainik School, Lucknow Entrance Written Examination held on 17 Jan 2016
I want to know my result class 7 2016-17 Lucknow. My roll no is 4025.
I want to know my result.
Roll : 4290
Please tell me result of roll no 4357 for class VII.
Please tell me result of roll no 4357 for class-vii.
Dear Candidate Roll No:4357. You have NOT qualified the UP Sainik School, Lucknow Entrance Written Examination held on 17 Jan 2016.
Please give me the information of result date and my roll no is 8483.
Please tell me the result of roll no 7132 for entrance exam for class 9.
I want to know my result of class 7th entrance exam. My roll no is 3193.
Dear Candidate Roll No:3193. You have NOT qualified the UP Sainik School, Lucknow Entrance Written Examination held on 17 Jan 2016.
Please tell me my result. My roll no is 5146.
Dear Candidate Roll No:5146. You have NOT qualified the UP Sainik School, Lucknow Entrance Written Examination held on 17 Jan 2016.
ROLL NO : 4017
Roll No : 4661
Tell my result.
Roll No : 1908
Date of entrance exam. 17.01.2016
1ST PAPER (Mathematics) : 09:30 hrs – 11:30 hrs
2ND PAPER (Language,GK & Intelligence) : 12:30 hrs – 14:30 hrs
Roll no : 6901
9th standard
I want to know my result.
I want my result 7th 2016. Roll no : 3023
I want my entrance exam result. My roll no is 4598.
Please tell me my entrance exam result. My roll no is 2628.
Please declare the result . My roll no is 4820.
Roll no : 7870
Class : 9th
Please tell me result.
Roll no : 3490
Class : 7th
Please tell me my result 2015-2016 entrance exam.
My roll no is 6809.
Roll no : 5350
Please tell me my result.
My roll no is 1755. Please tell me my result for class 7th.
My roll no is 1755. Please tell me my result for class 7th.
Roll no :7673
Please tell me result.
ROLL NO : 7870
I want to know know my entrance result.
Class 9th result?
From the Website :
Let me know the result for the roll no 8596.
Class : IX
Please tell my entrance exam result for class vii.
My roll no is 2656.
Roll no : 1823
Please tell me result.
Please tell me my entrance exam result for class VII. My roll no is 3992.
Please tell me result.
Roll no : 3974 and 3801
Class : 7th
Tell me my entrance exam result. Roll no is 7818.
Please tell me entrance result date.
Entrance result date will be announced tentatively on 10th March 2016.
Please give my result. My roll no is 1580.
Please tell me when the result of entrance exam will be published? My roll number is 6341.
From the Website :
My roll no. is 2732. Please tell me when result will be declared of class 7?
Please give my result of 2016-2017 entrance exam. Roll no : 4628
Please declare the result of entrance exam for class 9th. Roll no. 8176
Please give my result. My roll no. is 8326.
Please tell me the results of class 7.
Roll No : 1018
Results are not yet available in the official website.
When result will get published? Give date of day Please! Because the medical exam gets near. So please give it.
Please inform class IX result. Is it published? Whether result published online or in newspaper. In which news paper?
When will the result of up sainik school Lucknow for 7th class be declared?
My son roll no is 4937. When result will be declared?
From the Website :
I want my U. P. SAINIK SCHOOL entrance exam result for class IX.
Roll no : 8593
My roll number is 1022 for class 7th. When will you declare my result?
From the Website :
I want my U. P. SAINIK SCHOOL entrance exam result for class IX.
Roll no : 7052
Did the result of class 7 entrance exam 2016 get announced?
I want to know my result of class 7. Roll number is 1915.
I want my brother's entrance exam result. Roll no : 4740
There is no admission of class 6 child.
I want my child's written examinations results of class 7 2016. Child name is Yash Vardhan Yadav.
When will be result decleared?
Where is my center of examination ?
My name is Sajal Gupta from Kauthound 'Jalaun'
What you want in physical test?