All posts from CBET 2015 Competency Based Evaluation Test : WBUHS West Bengal University of Health Sciences

University : West Bengal University of Health Sciences WBUHS
Announcement : Competency Based Evaluation Test CBET 2015

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Competency Based Evaluation Test for the MBBS doctors who acquired skill in Abdomino-Pelvic Ultrasonography (As per notice published by Health &Family Welfare Dept.) 2015


The Health and Family Welfare Department decided to hold competency based evaluation test. In continuation of such notice, a competency based evaluation test for MBBS Doctors will be conducted by the West Bengal University of Health Sciences. Candidates who become eligible on getting 50% marks in written test are to appear at skill test. Skill test is of 50 marks. One has to get 25 marks to qualify. Successful candidates will be awarded pass certificates for their passing out of competency based examination.

Eligibility criteria for the ‘Competency Based Evaluation Test’:
Existing registered medical practitioners conducting ultrasound procedures in a Genetic Clinic or Ultra Sound Clinic or Imaging Centre (licensed clinic under PC & PNDT Act, 1994) for one year or trained for six months and having basic skills for

1) Basic imaging skills & Physics of Ultrasonography
2) Obstetric scan
3) Non-obstetric scan (including all abdominal & pelvic structures)
4) Issue of PC PNDT Act and Ethical aspects
5) Added Techniques (Colour Doppler, TVS etc.)

Candidate who is from West Bengal and working in this State of West Bengal may only apply.

On line form for application will be filled in by the intending candidates wherein he/she will provide necessary inputs like name, date of birth, qualifications, registration number, experience in the field, particulars of the license centre under PCPNDT Act, 1994 where he/she is attached, mobile number, epic card number, date of issue of license of the establishment, period of attachment with scanned copy of photo and signature etc.

Demand Draft of Rs 10,000/- only drawn in favour of ‘West Bengal State Health Family Welfare Samiti” will have to be drawn by the candidate. Number of demand draft be put in the appropriate place of on-line application form. Demand Draft has to be submitted along with the hard copy of the applications with 2 (two) copies of self attested photograph, signature, copy of license issued under PCPNDT ACT, 1994 and copy of Certificate issued by the Competent Authority mentioning the period of attachment.

Application Forms will be made available in the University’s web site ( in the menu /link of ON LINE APPLICATIONS)

Forms to be submitted Online at between 8.10.2015 – 15.11.2015. ( 6.00 P.M )
Submission of print-copy of forms at W.B. University of Health Sciences (except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays) 09.10.2015 to 16.11.2015 (11.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.)
Print-copies will not be received in the office of the WBUHS in person after 16.11.2015. However, print-copies sent by Speed/ Registered post will be received up to 18.11.2015. The print copies must contain proof of payment.
Admit card to be downloaded 26.11.2015 ( 6 P M ) onwards
Date of Eligibility Test On Sunday 29.11.2015 (12 noon to 1.20 p.m.)
Declaration of result Will be notified later
Date of Practical Examination To be notified in later on Final result publication To be notified in later on

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  1. When is the next CBT ? How to apply?

  2. Please inform me when will be form available for next cbet exam 2016?

  3. Dr Prasenjit Banerjee.

    Please inform me when will be the next CBET examination in Kolkata .

  4. Dr Madhusudan Chakrabarti

    When and how can I collect the certificate of cbet completion?

  5. Dr Sanjay Dabriwal

    I want to now whether MBBS DGO doctors need to appear for the CBET if they are practising all aspects of usg . Also let me know when is the next CBET exams

  6. Dr Sanjay Dabriwal

    Please inform me when will be he next CBET exams in kolkata.

    Also please let me now if MBBS ,DGO doctors who are practicing all aspects of USG also need to appear for the test .

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