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Organisation : Lady Willingdon Institute of Advanced Study in Education Tamilnadu
Announcement : Counselling Schedule B.Ed Admission 2015-16

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Counselling Schedule :
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Update : Lady Willingdon Institute of Advanced Study in Education B.Ed Cut Off Marks 2016-2017 :

Counselling Schedule :

Date | Subject Fore Noon Session 9 A.M | Subject After Noon Session 1 P.M
28.09.2015 PH / VC Ex-Service
29.09.2015 Maths Maths
30.09.2015 Physics Chemistry

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Lady Willingdon Institute of Advanced Study in Education Tamilnadu B.Ed Cut Off Marks :

01.10.2015 Botany Zoology
03.10.2015 Tamil English, Computer Science
05.10.2015 History, Geography, Commerce Economics, Home Science

Selection and Counselling :
1. The Selection of candidates will be on the basis of the marks secured in the qualifying UG/PG Degree examination.

2. i) Candidates will be called for counselling in the order of their rank. Based on the rank and communal reservations, allotment will be made to the college and optional subjects that are available in the respective college at the time of counselling. Candidates other than SC/ST have to submit a Demand Draft for Rs. 2000/- and Rs. 1000/- in case of Tamilnadu SC/ST candidates as “Initial payment, drawn in favour of “The Secretary, Tamil Nadu B.Ed. Admission, Chennai,’. at the time of counselling. Candidates should produce all original certificates when they come for counselling.

ii) Once the candidate is allotted a seat, the amount of Rs. 2000/- for other communities and Rs. 1000/- in case of SC/ST in (Tamilnadu) already paid at the time of Counselling will be adjusted towards the tuition fees that has to be paid to the respective allotted college.

3. i) The date, time and venue of the counseling will be intimated to the individual candidates by post and through the press / media. No request for change of date/time of counselling is permissible.

ii) Candidate will not be considered for selection if he/she fails to (i) report at the specified time and date for counselling, (ii) bring all the certificates in original.

iii) The candidates have to join the colleges to which they are allotted within the time notified in the Admission order, failing which, tire seats will be deemed to have fallen vacant. No request for reconsideration of admission thereafter shall be entertained.

4. The provisionally selected candidates in the counselling will be directed to report for admission to the institution specified in the admission order. Candidate has to report within the specified date with all the certificates in original and must be ready to remit the fees as directed in the allotted college.

5. The provisional selection of the candidate will be cancelled, if he/she fails to i)report within the specified time limit at the allotted college, ii) produce original certificates, iii) remit the fees required to be paid at the college and such allotted seat will be filled by other candidates as per Ranking List.

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  1. I got 78% in UG and 73% in PG. Am I eligible to get merit seat in Lady Wellington college? Is it a women’s college? What percent is required to get a merit seat?

  2. B. Ed counseling date
    Maths cut off : 171

  3. When is the b.ed second counseling?

  4. Subject: Physics
    I want to know my second counseling date and my subject eligible cut off mark.

  5. I am applied b.ed seat. I am committed maths in 84.04%. But I am not selected in counseling. My caste is oc. Please announce second phase counseling date.

  6. I have received the letter and I completed maths. May I know my counseling date? My application number is 14018.

  7. I received call letter on 25th August but my counselling date is on 23rd August. Shall I attend counseling now?

  8. How many seats allotted for mathematics in each and every government college?

    1. I have completed BE in ECE with 80 percentage. I want to study B.Ed in Maths. Am I eligible to study in government college?

  9. How many seats allotted for maths department in each government college?

  10. I got card but I want to know my counselling date. My application number is 17745.

  11. I apply to b.ed in lady Willingdon college. But, I don’t have call letter. Please tell my counselling date. I completed maths.

  12. I haven’t got my counseling letter but for English tomorrow is counseling. What can I do?

  13. I got card but I want to know my counseling date.

  14. I had applied for b.ed counselling and my percentage is 81.85. Still I haven’t received any message or letter. And my application number is 15901
    May I know the details that whether I can attend the counselling?

  15. I didn’t get the pg results but I mentioned the pg in OMR. Is there any problem in counseling?

  16. I want to know my cut off marks. My application number is 17040.

  17. Any B.ed government or aided college in Cuddalore district?

  18. How to convert cgpa to mark for B.E students?

  19. I am graduate 53%. Can I apply? I am ST caste. How much fees for me?

  20. How to choose b.ed college in counselling? Any counseling code or name specified?

  21. Please inform about counseling date..

  22. BA.English admission for b.ed college

  23. Please inform about b.ed counseling.

  24. When will you issue the b.ed application form and I want to know application opening and closing date.

  25. Please inform b.ed application form 2016_2017 issue opening date close date. Please put your home page for b.ed application issue and admission.

  26. I am completed BSC Geography in Kumbakonam. I want the college application date. My percentage is 65.5.

  27. I want application and admission issue date for 2016_2017. I have completed Bsc Geography. Now I have dedicated to take B ED geography. Is there any possibility to take that course?

  28. When the ‘b ed’ application form will be issued in the collage? And is there any entrance exam? If so when?

  29. I have completed BSC electronics and communication science. Now I have decided to take B.ed physics. Is there any possibility to take that course and when is the last date of admission for the year 2016-2017?

  30. How to apply B.ed in your collage and when is the last date of admission?

  31. When you will give the application for b.ed?

  32. I want to know about the B.Ed application form issued for the year of 2016 to 2017.

    1. Did you get any results?

  33. I want to know application issue date for 2016-2017.

  34. What is the procedure to apply for government b.ed colleges?

  35. I completed B.COM. Now I want to join B.ed.
    Is it possible?

  36. I want to know about application issue date and admission details.

  37. I want to study M.Ed.
    What is the protocol that I have to follow?

  38. I completed B.E.,(ECE) dept. Now I want to join B.ed.
    Is it possible?

  39. I completed B.E.,(ECE) dept. Now I want to join B.ed,.(Computer Science)courses.

    Is it possible? Kindly reply.

  40. I want to know the name, address and E-mail id of the all govt. aided B.Ed colleges in Tamilnadu.

  41. 3rd phase counselling date?

  42. Register no:14753
    Grand total:66.94
    General rank:296
    Female rank:8
    Please inform about counseling
    How many seats in Tamil department?

  43. Application Number:17195
    Name:BHAVANI K
    Community :OC
    Subject:Computer Science
    Grand Total:80.11
    General Rank:106
    Female Rank:8

    I didn’t receive Call Letter. Is there any Third Phase Counseling ?

  44. Application Number:17195
    Name:BHAVANI K
    Community :OC
    Subject:Computer Science
    Grand Total:80.11
    General Rank:106
    Female Rank:8
    I got acknowledgment card without the date of counseling. I didn’t receive call letter
    Am I eligible for counseling? If I am eligible please inform the counseling date and time.

  45. Let me know the fee structure for B.Ed for govt aided colleges

  46. My Application NO. is 16174 and I was informed to bring all my original certificate including 10th & 12th certificate on 19th Oct 15. My request is to allot for admission to VOC college of Education , Tuticorin for Botany. I want to know Education fees for the year apart from initial D.D of Rs.2000/- for Govt aided colleges

    My application no: 12189.

  48. I got my call letter for 2nd phase but the letter mentioned as SEAT NOT GUARANTEED
    What’s that mean.?

  49. My name : Geetha
    App No. : 13017
    Subject : maths
    Community : BC (O)
    Grand total : 72.88
    Female Rank : 470
    I eligible or not in 2nd phase counseling. I got a register card

  50. Could I know 2nd phase b.ed counseling for mathematics?

    1. 2015-16 B.Ed SECOND PHASE OF COUNSELING notification is available in the official website.

  51. My no is 14810 B.Sc maths
    Mbc quota with 76%
    I want to know whether I am eligible or not?
    If eligible when will I get call for counseling? Till now I didn’t get any call. When will start second counseling ? Please give information for me..

  52. I am missing my reg card but i know my reg no. How will I get my call letter for counseling?

  53. Waiting for 2nd counselling in tamil subject 70.1743% community [mbc]

  54. Application No:17513
    Grand total:66.67%
    General rank:213
    Female rank:12
    I have not yet received my call letter, whether have don’t know,I have selected or not. Please send the details.

  55. I got 70.2 (tamil)

    I want to know my counseling date

  56. Application no:15766
    Community:BC (M)
    Grand total:79.2258
    General total:756
    Female rank:17
    Can I attend 2nd phase b.ed counselling without call letter?

  57. I got only 74.04 in commerce but second phase counseling cut off Mark is 75.3. Am I eligible to attend the second phase counseling?

  58. My application number is 11763. I received acknowledgement card. But I dont receive call letter. Please inform counseling date for me.

  59. I got only 74% in Am I eligible to attend the second phase counseling?
    Send me the date for 2nd phase counseling, and what is the procedure to attend

  60. Application no-15766
    General rank-756
    Female rank-17
    When will you send me date, time and venue of the 2nd counseling?
    Will it be intimated to the individual candidates by post and through the press / media?

  61. Please send me 2nd phase counseling for computer science.

    1. Second phase of councelling going to start on oct 14

  62. subashchandrabose.D

    I am applied for physics
    Cut off mark 64.77%
    Second counseling sheet merit

  63. I got Only 74% ,When will be the second phase counseling?

    1. MY APPLICATION NO-15971
      CUT OF MARK – 63.476(PHYSICS)

  64. When will be the 2nd counseling for English?
    My application number is 15250.
    My cut off is 61%. Please tell whether i am eligible for counseling or not ? Give information by letter or a message .

  65. I have applied for zoology. My cut off is 68.76 bc others. Will I get the admission in the 2nd phase of counseling?

  66. How many seats for computer science?

  67. I got the acknowledgement card from lady willington college. My app no :14813 cut of marks 85.59
    Subject: maths , Community,MBC,
    Please confirm whether I’m eligible or not for the second phase counseling?

  68. My name : M.chitra
    App No. : 14130
    Subject : Physics
    Community : BC (O)
    Grand total : 77.7037
    General rank : 297
    Female Rank : 130
    I want second counseling cut off mark list and date

  69. My cut off is 68.76
    I have applied for zoology belonging to bc others. Will I get the seat in the second counseling?

  70. I have received the acknowledgement card from lady Wilmington college. My app no is:16956 cutoff mark is 67.82 , subject: physics, community, sc(o). Please confirm whether I’m eligible or not for the second phase counseling.. Also confirm the second phase counseling date &time?

  71. Princy anthoni ammal.k

    Name:Princy anthoni ammal.k
    Application no:12654
    My nativity and community kerala ,and my percentage :82.93؛/.
    My counseling date is 3.10.2015, I attend the counseling.
    Principal said I am not eligible to study in Tamilnadu. Why? I inform department of higher education ,government of tamilnadu

  72. 13285 This is my admission number. Please inform when will be the counseling date for me?

  73. Jaganathan Nadarajan

    My number is 10846
    Am I eligible for the second counseling?

  74. My number is 17200. I completed with 86.72. Can I eligible for second counselling. Please tell my counselling date.

  75. My application number:- 15983
    Name: K.R.priyanga
    Community:-BC (0)
    Grand total:-81.30%
    I want to know my rank and second phase counseling.

  76. How many seats in botany? Application no:13501
    Name:p.mala mary

  77. How many seats in geography ?

  78. Please give me second phase counseling details.

  79. I received acknowledgement card . But I dont received call letter. I would like to know the date for second phase counseling.

  80. I received acknowledgement card . But I dont received call letter. My cut off mark is 87.
    When is the counseling date for me?

  81. I would like to know the date for second phase counseling.

  82. How many seats are in english department?

  83. My no 13115
    B sc chemistry
    Mbc quota with 73%
    I want to know whether I am eligible or not?
    If eligible when will I get call for counseling? Till now I didn’t get any call. When will start second counseling ? Please give information for me..

  84. My application number is 10320
    How to check rank list?

    1. Go through web site. Some of listed notification will be given from that click “B.Ed individual cut off marks”. From that you can enter your app number. Then you will get your rank and cut off

    GRANT TOTAL – 73.3158
    GENERAL RANK – 144
    FEMALE RANK – 11



  86. My application No.13039
    Please tell me counseling date and time.

  87. Appl. No : 16688
    Name: M.kumari Seshagiri
    Community: SC
    Subject: commerce
    Grand Total : 59.625
    General Rank: 223
    Female Rank: 48
    Whether am I eligible for counseling or not?

  88. My application no. 19766.
    My percentage 77.5
    So I am eligible or not in maths?
    Please send me the letter or information.


  90. How many seats will be allotted for b.e student and also how many seats will be allotted in maths?

  91. My application number is 12203
    Please send my counseling date and time place

    1. The date, time and venue of the counseling will be intimated to the individual candidates by post and through the press / media. No request for change of date/time of counseling is permissible.

  92. My application Number is 11921. My cut of mark 71.2. I want to know about 2nd phrase counseling

    1. 2nd phase counseling schedule is not yet announced.

  93. My application no is 18660 and my sister application no is 19661
    Please tell counseling date and time.
    Grand total 80.3913, general mark 824, female mark 221
    I didn’t received any details. I didn’t get acknowledgement card

  94. My Individual Cut Off Marks,
    Community: BC(O)
    Subject: computer science
    Grand Total: 80.3
    General Rank: 103
    Female Rank: 45

    I have seen cut-off mark for computer science (BC(O)) as follows,

    Selection list “female” – 90.05
    Waiting list “female” – 89.00

    Whether am I eligible for counseling or not?

  95. How many seats for Chemistry?
    I wanna to apply for B.ed. Is it possible now?
    Please tell me the status

  96. My application no is 16918. Please tell my counseling date and time

  97. I got 71.149. My cut off mark and my general rank is 93.
    My female rank is 6. Please tell me as will I get selected to b.ed counseling?
    Please reply me at today evening

    Application No: 14222
    subject: English
    Community: BC(M)
    Grand Total:71.149
    General Rank: 93
    Female Rank: 6

  98. When is counseling for me?

  99. How to search my counseling schedule using application number?

    1. Get 2015-16 B.Ed Individual Cut Off Marks By Application Number Here :

  100. May I know how many seats vacant in mathematics at Thiagarajar college of preceptors and St. Justin college of education after 1st phase counselling

  101. When will be the second phase counselling for B.ed?

  102. jenifer arockis selvi

    My application no. is 10915. Please my counselling date and time.

    1. Tamilnadu B.Ed Admissions 2015-2016 Single Window Counselling Government And Government Aided Colleges Cut Off Marks
      Appl. No : 10915
      Name: Jeniferarockiaselvi A
      Community: BC(O)
      Subject: Tamil
      Grand Total: 64.9394
      General Rank: 342
      Female Rank: 77

      B.Ed Admission 2015-16 Counselling Schedule For Tamil :

      Candidates Who have obtained above the cut-off marks can attend the B.Ed Counselling on the respective dates.

  103. How many seats for English?

  104. Sir. I got received the acknowledgement card without the date for counseling. and also i know my cut off but i dont have received counselling call letter. Please tell about that details.

    1. Candidates Who have obtained above the cut-off marks can attend the B.Ed Counselling on the respective dates.

  105. I received post card from ladywillingdon, but don’t mention counseling date and time, Am I eligible or not eligible?

    1. Candidates Who have obtained above the cut-off marks can attend the B.Ed Counselling on the respective dates.

  106. I receive one six rupees stamp post card from ladywillingdon, but dont mention counseling date and time, i am selected or not selected?

  107. Dear admin I forgot to noted my application number please help me to find out my application number or any helpline numbers.

    Name is jenitha.k

  108. How many seats for maths?

  109. How many seats for botony ?

  110. Sir I have received acknowledgement card for the counseling without the counselling date. Community able to tell the original date for counselling 2 botany

  111. Sir. I got received the acknowledgement card without the date for counseling. I had applied for botany.can you able to tell the date for counseling

  112. How many seats for chemistry

  113. Whether eligible to b.ed?

  114. My complete to B.Sc physics in 56%. what is my Counseling date?

  115. I am Anandh completed my B.Sc maths with 87%. I have not got a counselling card.

  116. I have completed B.Sc Maths with 87%. How to get my call letter for counselling?

  117. I have completed B.Sc Maths in 87%. Have I got seat in counselling tell me ?

  118. Is it compulsory to bring all the original certificate?

    1. The provisional selection of the candidate will be cancelled, if he/she fails to
      i)report within the specified time limit at the allotted college,
      ii) produce original certificates,
      iii) remit the fees required to be paid at the college and such allotted seat will be filled by other candidates as per Ranking List.

  119. Please give me list of selected candidates.

  120. My counsilling date

  121. When you will deliver the randam number?

  122. When will be the second phase counselling for B.ed.,?

  123. How much percentage required to agree for SC & BC candidates for taking government college?

  124. My application number is 17071. I want to know whether I am eligible for counselling or not.

    1. Application no: 16182
      Marks : 63.56
      Subject : English
      I want to know my counseling date . When will you start Second phase. Am I eligible for that?

  125. Is there any fee for Counselling?

    1. Candidates will be called for counselling in the order of their rank. Based on the rank and communal reservations, allotment will be made to the college and optional subjects that are available in the respective college at the time of counselling. Candidates other than SC/ST have to submit a Demand Draft for Rs. 2000/- and Rs. 1000/- in case of Tamilnadu SC/ST candidates as “Initial payment, drawn in favour of “The Secretary, Tamil Nadu B.Ed. Admission, Chennai,’. at the time of counselling. Candidates should produce all original certificates when they come for counselling.

    2. How many seats for chemistry?

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