lpcetap.cgg.gov.in Procedure For Conduct Of Examination Of LPCET 2015 : Andhra Pradesh Language Pandit Common Entrance Test

Organization : Government Of Andhrapradesh
Announcement : Andhra Pradesh Language Pandit Common Entrance Test 2015
Facility : Procedure For Conduct Of Examination Of LPCET 2015

Procedure For Conduct Of Examination Of LPCET 2015 : https://www.entrance.net.in/uploads/4957-INFORMATIONBULLETINLP2015.pdf
Home Page : http://lpcetap.cgg.gov.in/

Procedure For Conduct Of Examination Of LPCET- 2015:
Procedure for conduct of examination and instructions for use of the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet are as under. Candidates are advised to go through them carefully before going for the Examination.
a. The examination rooms / hall will be opened 30 minutes before the commencement of the test. Candidates should take their seat immediately after opening of the examination hall.

b. The candidates should adhere to the instructions given on the Hall Ticket. Further, the candidate must show, on demand, the Hall Ticket for admission in the examination room / hall. A candidate who does not possess the Hall Ticket issued by the LPCET Office shall not be permitted for the examination under any circumstances by the Test Centre Superintendent.

c. A seat indicating Hall ticket number will be allocated to each candidate. Candidates should find and occupy their allotted seat only. If any candidate is found to have changed room or the seat on her/his own other than allotted, her/his candidature shall be cancelled and no plea would be accepted for it.

d. A candidate who comes after the commencement of the examination shall not be permitted to sit in the examination.

e. Candidates are not allowed to carry any textual material, calculators, Docu Pen, slide rules, log tables, and electronic watches with facilities of calculator, printed or written material, and bits of papers, mobile phone, pager or any other device, except the Hall Ticket and Black Ball Point pen inside the Examination room / hall. If any candidate is in possession of any of the above items, her/his candidature will be treated as unfair means and her/his current examination will be cancelled. She/he will also be debarred for future examination(s) & the material will be seized.

f. No candidate, without the special permission of the Centre Superintendent or the Invigilator concerned, will leave her/his seat or Examination Room until the full duration of the paper is over. Candidates should not leave the room/ hall without handing over their OMR Answer Sheets to the Invigilator on duty.

g. Candidates are advised to bring with them a cardboard or a clip board on which nothing should be written, so that they have no difficulty in writing responses in the OMR Answer Sheet even if the tables provided in the examination room/hall do not have smooth surface. They should also bring their own Ball Point Pens (Black) of good quality. These will not be supplied at the examination centre.

h. Smoking in the Examination Hall/Room is strictly prohibited.

i. Tea, coffee, cold drinks or snacks are not allowed to be taken into the examination rooms during examination hours.

j. Five minutes before the commencement of the paper, eachcandidate will be given OMR Answer Sheet. Immediately on receipt of the OMR answer sheet the candidates shall check their particulars pre printed on side 2 of the OMR answer sheet. In case of any discrepancy the OMR answer sheet should be shown to the invigilator. If the data is wrongly printed the candidate should make necessary corrections in the nominal roll. In case OMR answer sheet is damaged, folded or not properly printed buffer OMR answer sheet will be given wherein the candidate has to fill the Hall Ticket Number, Name, Fathers name, Question Paper Medium, and Test center name.

k. The test will start exactly at the time mentioned in the Hall ticket and an announcement to this effect will be made by the invigilator. The candidates will write and shade the Test Booklet code on the OMR answer sheet. In case the candidate does not shade the test booklet code her/his OMR answer sheet will not be valued. OMR answer sheet with discrepancy in written and shaded Test Booklet code will also be not valued.

l. During the examination time, the invigilator will check Hall Ticket of the candidate to satisfy herself /himself about the identity of each candidate. The invigilator will also put her/his signature in the place provided on the OMR Answer Sheet. The candidate will also put her/his signature at the appropriate box of the OMR Answer Sheet in the presence of the invigilator with Black ball point pen.

m. The candidate will check that the Test-booklet contains as many number of pages as are written on the top of the first page of the Test Booklet. She/he should also check whether all the pages are printed properly. The candidate shall not remove any page(s) from the Test-Booklet and if she/he is found to have removed any page(s) from her/his Test Booklet, she/he will be presumed to have resorted to unfair means and shall be liable for action under provisions of Act, 25 of 1997 on prohibition of mal practices in examinations in Andhra Pradesh besides initiating criminal proceedings. After checking the pages of test Booklet candidate shall read instructions given on the top of the Booklet and adhere to them scrupulously.

n. Unfair Means:
Candidates shall maintain perfect silence and attend to their Question Paper only. Any conversation or gesticulation or disturbance in the Examination Room/ Hall shall be deemed as misbehavior. If a candidate is found using unfair means or impersonating, her/his candidature shall be cancelled and he/she will be liable to be debarred for taking examination either permanently or for a specified period according to the nature of offence. If any candidate is in possession of any item(s) as mentioned in note (e) above, her/his candidature for current examination will be cancelled and also liable to be debarred for future examination(s). Further LPCET is covered by ACT No.25 of 1997 of Prohibition of Malpractices in Examinations of Andhra Pradesh State Legislative Assembly. If any candidate or any person commits any offence in Exam/Test she/he will be liable for severe action including criminal proceedings.

o. A bell / signal will be given at the beginning of the examination. A bell / signal will also be given before the closing time when the candidate must stop marking the responses.

p. The candidates must sign on the Attendance Sheet at the appropriate place.

q. After completing the paper the candidate should check again that all the particulars required in the Answer Sheet have been correctly written and handover to the invigilator.

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