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Organisation : Wildlife Institute of India
Entrance Test : National Eligibility Test WII-NET & Ph.D. Entrance Test

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Online conduct of the Wildlife Institute of India’s National Eligibility Test (WII-NET) 2015 for award of Junior Research Fellowship and Ph.D. Entrance Test of Saurashtra University in the discipline of Wildlife Science

The Wildlife Institute of India (WII) is a premier national institute for training and research in the field of wildlife conservation and management. The Institute’s idyllic ambience, state of the art infrastructure, scientific faculty of repute and diverse professionals provide a vibrant academic atmosphere for scholarly work. The WII has been constantly engaging research personnel for its various research activities and also encourages research scholars all over the country to pursue their career in the field of ‘Wildlife Science’ by providing a platform to register for Ph.D. Program of Saurashtra University, Rajkot. In this regard, the Institute intends to conduct an `online’ National Eligibility Test (WII-NET), 2015, for the award of Junior Research Fellowship at WII and Ph.D. Entrance Test for registration in the Ph.D. Program of Saurashtra University, Rajkot, in the discipline of Wildlife Science on Sunday, 13th September 2015.

I. Eligibility Criteria:
A. For National Eligibility Test of Wildlife Institute of India (WII-NET), 2015 for the award of Junior Research Fellowship: Masters’ Degree in Botany/Zoology/Forestry/Statistics/Life Science/Experimental Biology/Biotechnology/Molecular Biology/Climate Change/ Environment Science/ Environment Management/Geo-informatics/Biological Science/Wildlife Science or M.V.Sc. or M.Sc. Agriculture or M.A. (Sociology/Economics/MassCommunication/Anthropology and Psychology) with minimum of 60% aggregate marks. Age Limit: Age shall not be more than 28 years of age as on 19.08.2015. Upper age limit is relaxed up to 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC-Non Creamy Layer (NCL)/Women/ Physically Challenged applicants.

Validity Period: The validity of WII–NET will be for a period of two years from the date of declaration of results.

B. Application for Ph.D. Entrance Test, 2015 of Saurashtra University in the discipline of Wildlife Science: Masters’ Degree in Life Science (Botany/Zoology/Forestry/Statistics/ Experimental Biology/Environmental Science/Biological Science/Wildlife Science/Agriculture/ M.V.Sc.) with 55% aggregate and above and 5% relaxation in marks for the candidates belonging to the SC/ST and OBC category. Candidate appearing in the final examination of the Post Graduate Degree, shall also be eligible to apply for the Entrance Test, but their Entrance Test result will be validated only after their final Post Graduate Degree Examination Result in the same academic term/semester. Qualified candidates of UGC/CSIR (JRF) Examination/SLET/NET/GATE or who are the teacher fellowship holders/M.Phil. Degree holders shall be exempted from the Entrance Test for Ph.D. However, they would be required to go through the process of Research Degree Committee (RDC) of Saurashtra University for seeking registration in the Ph.D. Program.

Age Limit: No age limit for Ph.D. Entrance Test, 2015 of Saurashtra University in the discipline of Wildlife Science.

Validity Period: The time limit of validity period is not applicable in case of Ph.D. Entrance Test of Saurashtra University.

** The candidates are required to apply online.

** The relevant link for registration will be made available from 0000 hrs on 20th July 2015.

** Online submission of application will be allowed on the website up to 2359 hrs on 19th August 2015.

** Interested applicants, may refer institute’s website <> for details of instructions i.e. eligibility criteria, age limit, validity period, syllabus and examination centre(s) etc.

** No other mean/mode of application shall be accepted.

** Candidates are required to go to the link provided for filling ONLINE application and fill up the personal details/BIO-DATA, fees, examination centre etc. carefully.

** Before filling application online, candidates should keep ready a scanned copy of passport size photograph and signature in jpg/jpeg format (Photo size less than 500 KB and signature size less than 200 KB).

** Fill in the online form with all the relevant details. Upload scanned copy of the photograph and signature.

** Candidates should ensure that the relevant details viz. Name, Date of Birth, Address, etc. entered in application form should be correct.

** Downloading of admit card will start from 5th September 2015.

** The date of examination is 13.09.2015 at 11.00 hrs.

** The candidates are requested to report at the examination centre at 10.00 hrs. positively.

1 Computer based (ONLINE) examination for WII-NET or Ph.D entrance test of Saurashtra University or both the above will be held on 13.09.2015 in 10 centres across India.

2 The duration of the WII-NET and the Ph.D. entrance test of Saurashtra University will be 120 minutes. The question paper contains only ‘Multiple Choice Questions’ carrying equal marks. These questions are objective in nature with four answers each, out of which candidate has to chose the correct answer. There will be negative marking for wrong answer to the extent of one-forth (1/4) of the marks allotted to the question.

3 Candidates applying for WII-NET or Ph.D entrance test of Saurashtra University or both the above should apply separately for each. Mere issue of e-Call Letter to candidates will NOT imply that their candidature has been finally accepted by the Institute.

4 Fee, once paid, will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates should satisfy themselves that they fulfil all the eligibility norms including educational qualification(s) as on date of submission of the application. Those who are awaiting results of the final semester examination of Master’s degree, NEED NOT apply for WII-NET. However, they can apply for Ph. D entrance test of Saurashtra University

5 Candidates are advised to give specific, correct and complete information. All original certificates/documents in support of information furnished in the application form are to be produced at the time of interview at Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, failing which the candidate will be disqualified for appearing in interview. Candidature of the candidates is liable to be rejected at any stage of admission process or after admission, if any information provided by the candidates is found to be false or is not found in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.

6 For getting the benefit of reservation under OBC category, the name of caste and community of the candidate must appear in the central list of Other Backward Classes (OBC) available on National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC), Government of India website The candidate must not belong to creamy layer. Candidates seeking reservation as OBC, will have to submit at the time of interview, caste certificate, ONLY in the prescribed format issued from the designated authority indicating clearly the candidates caste, the Act/Order under which the caste is recognised as OBC and the Village/Town the candidates is ordinarily resident of. The OBC candidates must ensure that they possess the latest Non-Creamy layer certificate issued by designated authority. A certificate containing any variation in the caste name will not be accepted.

7 Mobile phones, pagers, calculators or any other communication devices are not allowed inside the premises where the examination is being conducted. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future examination conducted by the Institute. Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned items including mobile phones/pagers to the venue of the examination, as arrangement for safe-keeping cannot be assured.

1. For National Eligibility Test of Wildlife Institute of India (WII-NET) for the award of Junior Research Fellowship at WII: Applicants/candidates are required to pay a non-refundable amount of Rs. 1500/-.

2. For Ph.D. Entrance Test, 2015 of Saurashtra University in the discipline of Wildlife Science- Applicants/candidates who opts for only Ph.D entrance test are required to pay a non-refundable amount of Rs. 1500/-.

3. For Both (WII-NET and Ph.D. Entrance Test, 2015 of Saurashtra University): Applicants/candidates are required to pay a non-refundable amount of Rs. 3000/- Candidates are required to make application fee payment through debit card/credit card/net-banking (service charges apply for all banks will be borne by the candidates). The candidates will be automatically/redirected to make online payment (wherever fee is applicable) once the form is successfully completed. No other mode of payment will be accepted. Application fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility before payment of application fee.

V. Examination Centre(s):
1. New Delhi
2. Bengaluru
3. Hyderabad
4. Mumbai
5. Jammu
6. Kolkata
7. Lucknow
8. Bhopal
9. Guwahati
10. Dehradun

Last Date of Online Application : 19 AUGUST, 2015

Thank you for your interest in Wildlife Institute of India – National Eligibility Test 2015
Given below are important points to note:
The WII-NET 2015 and National Eligibility Test fee of Saurashtra University in the discipline of Wildlife Science 2015 is Non-Refundable:
Sr.No | Programmes | Application Fees (Rs.) :
1. WII-NET for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), 2015 1500/-
2 Ph.D. Entrance Test of Saurashtra University in Wildlife Science, 2015 1500/-
1. You are required to select your choice of Test center while filling the application form. Test centers are available only in the following cities: New Delhi, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Jammu, Kolkata, Lucknow, Bhopal, Guwahati, Dehradun.

NOTE: WII has the right to transfer or cancel your choice of test center, and in any such cases, other nearest test center will be allotted to you.

2. Please provide your correct contact details i.e. Email Id & Mobile No. in the application form. The details once submitted cannot be changed.

3. You will be required to upload a recent scanned/ digital passport size photograph of yourself (with White background) during the application process.

Size : 2.5 cm x 3.5 cm and less than 200 KB (Formats -> .JPG, .JPEG, .GIF, .TIFF)

4. False information or photographs will result in immediate disqualification from the examination process.

5. The registration number and other related details will be e-mailed to the candidate after submission of their application form and will be intimated through SMS in the registered mobile number.

6. Payment should be made after duly submitting the online registration form.

Online payment can be made via Internet Banking/Debit Card/Credit Card through our online secured payment gateway. Please make sure to tender the correct card details of the card holder while paying through online payment gateway.

Note: There is an additional pay of 45/- rupees as service charges of online payment. Hence the total amount to be paid for registration is Rs. 1545/- (One thousand five hundred and forty-five only).

7. If we find you are not eligible for the programme, we will send you a message by email.

8. The Admit Card for the WII National Eligibility Test will be sent by email/SMS latest by 5 September, 2015 before the online National Eligibility Test date (13 September 2015 – Sunday).

9. Please do not fill the online application form twice; this might result in rejection due to duplication of your records.

10. If you have any queries about the application or have any problems in registering online, please contact us at below given numbers between 09:30 am and 06:00 pm. (Monday to Friday) except public holidays.

1 Comment
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  1. What is the syllabus for WII NET JRF?

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