All posts from KBAT Karnataka Biotechnology Aptitude Test PG Diploma Admission 2015 : Finishing School

Organisation : Biotechnology Finishing School
Announcement : KBAT Karnataka Biotechnology Aptitude Test-PG Diploma Admission 2015

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Guidelines & Instructions for filling KBAT 2015 Online Application form :
Last date for application is 25 July 2015.
The last date for receiving the DD is 26 July 2015. You can also pay application fee instantly by NEFT.

Carefully read ALL instructions listed below :
** Make the payments & keep records (see details below), BEFORE filling the form.
** All fields are mandatory.
** Read terms and conditions.
** Note the application number after filling the form, and email it to along with scanned copy of DD or NEFT Details
** If you do not email this, you may not be able to take the online test (KBAT) and proceed with the admission process.
** Your average percentage of all semesters’/ years’ put together must be 50 % or above to be eligible to apply for the BTFS Program.

Eligibility Criteria :
Candidates (having 4 years of degree in life sciences are eligible to enroll to BTFS program. Only exception for BSc. Graduates – for details check below) must have secured a minimum of 50% aggregate during their Post Graduation from Universities of the state or any other University recognized as equivalent in Life Sciences (Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics or any other life science related courses).

Students securing 50% aggregate during their B.E. / B.Tech. Graduates in Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Bachelor of Pharmacy and Agriculture are also eligible to apply.

Candidates who have pursued Veterinary (BVSc and MVSc), MBBS, MD, BDS and MDS are eligible only for BTFS Domains listed below.
** Cellular & Molecular Diagnostics (CMD) – School of Life Sciences, Manipal and The Oxford College of Sciences, Bengaluru.

** Pre-clinical, Clinical Research, Biostatistics & Data management (PCDM) – PES University, Bengaluru and Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women, Bengaluru.

** Bioinformatics & Rational Drug Design (BRD) – Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur and Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women, Bengaluru.

B.Sc degree holders with 50% aggregate are eligible only for Plant Tissue Culture & Micropropagation (PTC) domain at MMAS – Sirsi & St. Aloysius College – Mangalore.

Mode of Payment (please choose only one option) :
Application fee of Rs. 400 / – (Four Hundred Rupees Only) can be paid by
a) Demand Draft (DD) in favor of MD KBITS and Payable at Bengaluru, Karnataka. Post (courier / registered) the DD to:
Karnataka Biotechnology & Information Technology Services (KBITS),
BMTC Building,
TTMC ‘B’ Block, 4th Floor,
Bengaluru – 560027
The DD must reach the above address by 26th July 2015. Also send a xerox copy of the DD along with the original.
Mention your full name and application number at the back of the DD, and on the xerox copy. You need to send a scanned copy of the DD to


b) by NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer). Approach any bank with following details for NEFT:
Name of the bank: Canara Bank
Name of the account: KBITS BTFS – KBAT
A/C no: 2827201001221
Type of Account: Current Account
IFSC Code: CNRB0000681
MICR Code: 560015052
Branch Code: 000681
Address: Shanthinagar Branch, Bengaluru – 560027

NOTE THE TRANSACTION DETAILS to enter in the application form.

Step 1. General Information:
Name: Ensure you enter the information as per your certificates.

Mobile-number: Enter your own mobile number and not of friends or family, as you could be contacted by us, for any clarifications if required.

Alternate mobile number to contact you or someone close to you: This could be your closest family number for contacting or to inform. This number may be used only in case of emergencies.

Your primary E-mail ID: Give your own E-mail ID, as the login ID and password for KBAT 2015 would be sent to your mail. Please keep checking your mail (including your spam and trash folders) & BTFS website for any updates.

Alternate email ID: Only for use in case the first email id does not work. But do NOT make entries into this field first. Fill this field only after filling the above two fields.

Present Address: Your current residence address.

Step 2: Academic information
Year of completion/ passing: 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, others: Click on relevant year of passing or others or pursuing and then enter.

Overall score: This would be an aggregate of percentage scored for each semesters or years [Students appeared for their final semester/ degree exams should enter aggregate percentage of only completed semesters or years marks. (Until 3rd semester in case of Post Graduates or 7th Semester in case of 4 year Graduates or 5th Semester in case of BSc and accordingly for annual degrees)].

CGPA / percentage: This is only applicable for students having a scoring pattern in cumulative grade points for their graduation/ post graduation. This registration form will automatically convert the CGPA Score in to percentage.

For any queries regarding KBAT registrations, please mail to kbat15[AT]

In case of emergency, call us: +91 9844 02 71 25 at between 9.30:00am and 07:00 pm, preferably on working days.

Contact KBITS for any queries on the BTFS program. Ph. No. 080-2223 1006 Ext: 119 / 122

Other details of Batch V admission process will be updated on the BTFS website latest by 15th July 2015.

The details will include the schedule of KBAT and all other related information

1 Comment
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  1. I have completed my masters in botany. Am I eligible to do btfs diploma?

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