All India Bar Examination AIBE-VIII Syllabus 2015 Bar Council of India : allindiabarexamination.com

Organisation : Bar Council of India
Announcement : Syllabus
Entrance Exam : AIBE – VIII All India Bar Examination 2015
Reference Number : Notification No: AIBE/WS/051

Syllabus : https://www.entrance.net.in/uploads/435-Syllabus_AIBE8.pdf
Home Page : http://www.allindiabarexamination.com/

AIBE – VIII All India Bar Examination

Syllabus for AIBE_VIII :
Topic / Subject Number of Questions
Limitation Act 2
Corporate Social Responsibility 2
Family Law 2
Jurisprudence 3
Administration Law 3
Professional Ethics& Cases of Professional misconduct under B.C.I rules 4
ADR + Arbitration Act 4
Company Law (2013) 4
Constitutional Law 5
Environmental Law 5
C.P.C 5
Public International Law 5
Cyber Law 5
I.P.C 6
Labour + Industrial Law 6
Law of Tort, including Motor Vehicle Accidents and Consumer Protection Law 6
Evidence 8
Cr. P.C 10
Law of Contract, Specific Relief, Prop Laws, Spl Contract N.I Act 15
Total : 100

Categories: AIBE

View Comments (10)

  • I had passed AIBE Exam in the year2015but yet till today l have not received certificate of practice, my enrolment number is KAR/1450/2014 DOB.01/1988

    • I am not received my AIBC 8 exam passed certificate Bar council of maharashtra & Goa

  • Also I had passed AIBE exam in 2015 bt till date I m not received certificate.. please release our certificate as soon as possible..we need for practice… everytime system showing problem on result..

  • Also I had passed AIBE exam in 2015 bt till date I m not received certificate.. please release our certificate as soon as possible..we need for practice... everytime system showing problem on result..

  • I had passed AIBE Exam in the year 2015 but yet till today I have not received certificate of practice. My enrollment number is KAR/3266/2010
    DOB 01/05/1988

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