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Organisation : Directorate of Technical Education Maharashtra DTE
Announcement : Online Option Entry Form
Admission : Polytechnic Diploma Admission 2015

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Submission & Confirmation of Online Option Form of CAP Round I through Candidate Login by Candidate

Schedule : 07/07/2015 to 10/07/2015 Up to 5:00 PM

Filling online option form for CAP Round(s) :
1. The candidate whose names are appeared in the Merit List has to login to the website through his/her Application ID and Password.

2. The candidate eligible for CAP Round I/II should fill the Online Option Form.

3. The Candidate should select the choice codes in order of preference i.e. first, second etc. for example, for CAP Round-I, candidates can fill minimum 1 and maximum 100 options.

4. The Candidate must confirm his/her filled in option form for CAP Round I & II through his/her login ID. For this it is not mandatory for candidates to approach to ARC for filling and confirmation of Option forms. They can do so from either home or from place convenient to them. However if candidate wishes to approach ARC, then he/she has to pay Rs.50/- as facilitation charges to ARC.

5. The candidate has to generate the acknowledgement cum receipt of confirmation of Option form for CAP Round(s) through his /her Login ID.

6. Once the options are confirmed by himself/herself through his/her login ID, no change in the options / preferences is allowed thereafter under any circumstances.

7. The status of Allotment will be available on the website only and no separate allotment letter will be issued to the candidate.

8. The J & K Migrant candidates not required to fill the Online Option Form, as their admission shall be done by counselling.

Note:- If candidate fails to confirm options/preference and get acknowledgement of confirmation he/she will not be considered for allotment.

Filling online Application form for CAP Admission :
1. The candidate has to login to the website dtemaharasht through his/her Application ID and Password provided in the Application Kit.

2. The Candidate has to fill online application for CAP Admission and take the printout of the online submitted application form.

3. The Candidates are required to attach the attested copies of required documents mentioned in the application form.

4. The Candidate should go to the any ARC in person for verification & confirmation of Online Application along with the Original and attested copies of required documents.

5. The ARC officer shall verify and scrutinise the online filled application with online printed copy of application form and documents attached and after verification, confirms the Application form of the candidate and shall issue the acknowledgement cum receipt of confirmation of Application Form.

6. Once the application is confirmed at ARC, no change in the application form is allowed.

7. The J & K Migrant candidates required to fill the Online Application Form by procuring Information brochure along with Application Kit from any ARC, and submit online printed application along with required documents as per the notified schedule by post/by hand to The Principal, S.B.M. Polytechnic, Near Cooper Hospital, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai as their admission shall be done by counselling.

8. Candidates claiming NCC seats shall submit the separate application along with required documents through their respective NCC units wherein these students has been enrolled. The NCC units shall forward applications to Director of N.C.C., Maharashtra State, A.F.I. Building, Mumbai Hospital Lane, Near Metro Cinema, Mumbai – 400 020 for verification and recommendation. Only names of the recommended candidates by The Director of N.C.C., Maharashtra will appear in the Merit List.

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  1. Can I change option form?

  2. What is meant by option form?

  3. I scored 94.40 percents in SSC exam this year. I filled application form at Paniv. But I don’t know the meaning or process of option form. Can you help me?

  4. Should second year students also need to fill online option form?

  5. Can I change course?

  6. What we need to do to see diploma option form First year 2015?

  7. We can fill the option form after 5pm or before 10am?
    Please reply

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