All posts from Admit Card 2015 B.V.Sc & A.H Entrance Test : Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences

University : Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences
Announcement : Admit Card
Entrance Test : B.V.Sc. & A.H Entrance Test 2015

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Result of B.V.Sc. & A.H. Entrance Test 2015-16 :

Admit Card for B.V.Sc course is now available

Login Instructions :
Use your Application ID & Date of Birth (DOB) to login & check your application, admit card, exam result, counseling details & final admission result
In Case you have forgotten your application ID, check your application confirmation email.
In Case you are not able to login, kindly contact the helpline.
Applicants are advised not to submit their online application form and documents to LUVAS, Hisar. They need to carry the same during counselling session.

All the candidates (except NRI) seeking admission to B.V.Sc. & A.H. programme will have to appear in the Entrance Test (ET) to be held at Hisar on 12-07-2015 (Sunday) at 10.00 A.M. The candidate must report by 9.30 A.M. at the allotted centre of the Entrance Test.

The applicants who fulfil the minimum eligibility conditions or have appeared in 10+2 or equivalent examination with required subjects (even if result is yet to be declared) will be eligible for the entrance test.

Syllabus of the entrance test will be the combined syllabus of 10+1 and 10+2 of Board of School Education, Haryana /C.B.S.E., New Delhi.

The subject-wise questions and marks will be as under:
Subjects No. of Questions Marks
Biology 100 100
Physics 50 50
Chemistry 50 50
Total 200 200

Duration of test: 10.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M. (First 30 minutes are meant for completing pre-examination formalities and the next 2½ hours for answering the questions). Medium of test shall be English. The questions will be of multiple choice type. There will be no negative marking.

General instructions for the Entrance Test :
i) Entry to the test centre will not be allowed without a valid web generated Admit Card.

ii) Entry will not be allowed after 10:00 A.M. in any case.

iii) The admit cards to be downloaded by the candiates will be in duplicate, a copy of which will be retained at the centre of examination for counselling purpose. The formalities regarding pasting of photographs and attestation are to be completed by the candidates for both the admit cards before coming for the Entrance Test.

iv) The candidates must bring with them two blue or black ball pens only. Electronic devices such as calculator, mobile phone etc. are not allowed in the examination centre. The OMR sheet of such a candidate who uses pencil or ball pen of any other colour shall not be evaluated and the candidate will be debarred from admission.

v) Before using the OMR sheet, the candidate must carefully check the question booklet and OMR sheet and report the shortcomings, if any, to the supervisory staff. Once the candidate has written/filled in the OMR sheet, no replacement shall be allowed.

vi) Cuttings / overwritings / using erasing fluid / erasing tape etc. are not allowed on the OMR sheet. Such answers will not be considered.

vii) The OMR sheet should not be folded and no rough work is allowed to be done on the OMR sheet.

The result of the entrance test shall be displayed on the Notice Board of the Dean, College of Veterinary Sciences, LUVAS, Hisar and shall also be available on the University website

There is no provision for re-checking or re-evaluation of answer sheets and no enquiry in this regard shall be entertained.

Penalty for Use of unfair means in the Entrance Test :
i) Candidate(s) found guilty for use of unfair means or misconduct (as defined below) shall be expelled from the entrance test by the Centre Superintendent/ Registrar and his/her decision shall be final.

a) Creating disturbance of any kind during the entrance test or otherwise misbehaving in or around the entrance test centre or refusing to obey the Superintendent/Supervisor or changing his/her seat with any other candidate.

b) Having in his/her possession or accessible to him/her papers/books/notes which may possibly be of any assistance to him/her or found giving or receiving assistance or copying from any paper/book/notes/mobile etc. or allowing any other candidate to copy from his/her OMR sheet or found writing on a paper other than his/her question booklet or OMR sheet or using or attempting to use any other unfair means during the entrance test.

c) Tampering with his/her roll number on the OMR sheet.

d) Using cellular phone or any such device during the entrance test.

ii) Any candidate found impersonating for another candidate or found being impersonated by another candidate during the entrance test, apart from expulsion from the entrance test, shall be debarred from seeking admission in this University forever and a criminal case may be registered with the local police.

iii) If use of unfair means is detected at the time of evaluation of the OMR sheets/ counselling or thereafter or any complaint (anonymous/pseudo-anonymous) is received after admission and it is proved to be correct after an enquiry, the candidate shall be disqualified and admission cancelled as the case may be and debarred from seeking admission in this University.

Qualifying marks in the Entrance Test :
The minimum qualifying marks in the Entrance Test will be 40% for all categories except SC category. For SC category the minimum qualifying marks will be 38%. As per Govt. of India Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education letter F.No.3-1/2012-NER dated 12th March, 2015, concession for the wards of Kashmiri Migrants for admission shall be given as prescribed i.e. Relaxation in cut-off percentage upto 10% subject to minimum eligibility requirement for general category.

Same marks in the Entrance Test or otherwise :
In case of two or more candidates scoring same marks in the entrance test, the merit would be decided on the basis of percentage of aggregate marks obtained in the subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology of 10+2 examination. If still there is a tie then the candidate senior in age will be considered higher in the merit.

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  1. I have forgotten my admit card
    How can i retake it?

  2. Which coloums are attested in admit card of Luvas ,hissarhissar?

  3. I forgot my application no.
    How can I take out my admit card?

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