All posts from MSc Nursing 2015 Entrance Exam Scheme of examination : Commissioner for Entrance Examinations Kerala

Organisation : Commissioner for Entrance Examinations
Entrance Examination : MSc Nursing 2015 Entrance Exam
Announcement : Scheme of examination

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Scheme of examination :
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CEE Kerala Scheme of Examination

** The entrance examination will consist of one paper of 2.5 hours duration containing 200 Objective Type (Multiple Choices) Questions.

Related : CEE KEAM Kerala Engineering Agriculture Medical Entrance Examination :

** The question paper for the examination will be given in the form of Question Booklet.

** There will be a single version for the question paper.

** For each question, four suggested responses will be given as choices A, B, C and D, of which only one will be the MOST APPROPRIATE ANSWER and the candidate, has to select, and mark the bubble corresponding to the most appropriate response in the separate ‘OMR Answer Sheet’ provided.

** All entries in the OMR Sheet, including filling of bubbles should be done using ballpoint pen only. (Blue or Black ink)

Scoring scheme:
Each correct response will be awarded 4 (Four) marks. Negative marking will be adopted for incorrect response. One mark will be deducted for each incorrect response and no mark will be given for the question not answered. More than one answer indicated against a question will be deemed as incorrect response and will be negatively marked.

At the end of the examination, candidate should hand over the OMR Answer Sheet to the invigilator, who will separate the Answer Sheet along the perforation in the presence of the candidate. Candidates will be permitted to take the Question Booklet with them after the Examination.

Valuation of Answer papers:
A fully computerized system has been adopted for evaluation of the answer scripts, using the Optical Mark Reading (OMR) system and for the preparation of the Rank list. There is no provision for revaluation or rechecking of the answer sheets as the valuation or scoring will be error-free.

Any malpractice or attempt to commit any kind of malpractice in the examination will result in the disqualification of the candidate and withdrawal of candidature.

Resolution of Tie:
If more than one candidate obtains equal marks in the Entrance Examination for General Merit category, candidate who secures higher aggregate marks for B.Sc. Nursing examination, will be placed higher in the ranking. If the tie still continues, the candidate older in age will be placed higher in ranking.

Venues :
Entrance Examination will be conducted at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

Question Paper :
(i) The question papers will be given in the form of a question booklet. A candidate will be given the question booklet before the actual time prescribed for the commencement of the examination, to enable him/her to acquaint himself/herself with the instructions to be followed.

(ii) There will be a single version for the question paper.

(iii) The question booklet serial number is printed on the top right margin of the facing sheet.

(iv) Candidate must write his/her name and roll number in the space provided in the Question booklet. The Roll Number should be written carefully. The column for the signature of the candidate should also be filled in (The signature should be identical with the signatures in the admit card and in the attendance sheet).

(v) The question booklet will be sealed at the middle of the right margin. The candidate should not open the question booklet, until an indication is given by the invigilator to start answering at the scheduled time.

1 Comment
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  1. Can you please show one model of entrance question paper?

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