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MSc Nursing 2015 Entrance Exam How to Apply : Commissioner for Entrance Examinations Kerala

Organisation : Commissioner for Entrance Examinations
Entrance Examination : MSc Nursing 2015 Entrance Exam
Announcement : How to Apply

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How to Apply :
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MSc Nursing Entrance Exam

How and when to apply :
Application Procedure:
** The application forms are common for all candidates including Service Candidates applying for the course.

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** Candidates seeking admission to the course can apply in the online application form provided in the website of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations and then remit the required fee at any of the branches of State Bank of Travancore using the Bank Chalan available with the printout of the online application.

** The candidates outside Kerala can remit the application fee by way of a Demand Draft for the requisite amount, drawn from any Nationalized bank in favour of Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, payable at Thiruvananthapuram.

** Application fee for General candidates and Service candidate is Rs.1000/- (Rupees Thousand only) and in the case of SC/ST candidates and those eligible for SC/ST benefits as per G.O (MS) No.25/05/SCSTDD dated 20.06.2005 is Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only).

** The Prospectus can be downloaded from this website.

** The application forms and the prospectus will not be available from the Nursing Colleges or from the office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations. Service candidate seeking admission in General Quota also, should pay extra Rs.1000/-.

Step wise procedure on how to apply using Online Application Form :
i) There are 7 steps for the online submission of application and all the steps are mandatory. Candidates should complete all steps and should send the signed printout of the online submitted application along with the necessary certificates and documents so as to reach the office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations on or before the time and date notified by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations Candidate has to visit the website where he/she can find the link “PG Nursing 2015 – Online Application”

Step 1 : Candidate Registration
This is a one-time procedure. During the process, candidates will get a system generated Application Number. Candidates are requested to enter their own password when demanded. Preferably a strong password is recommended. It ensures the candidates’ safe online activities.

The requirements of a strong password are:
** a minimum length of 8 characters
** a minimum of one alphabet character [a-z or A-Z]
** a minimum of one number (0-9)
** a minimum of one symbol [! @ # $ % ^ & * ]

The candidate has to re-enter the password for confirmation.

Don’t disclose password to others. Remember the password till the end of allotment process of “PG Nursing courses -2015” for further login including Centralized Allotment Process(CAP).

There will be a Security question and candidates should provide an answer to it. For further login, candidates have to note down all the information provided during this stage.

Step 2 : Candidate Login
Login is required to proceed through all other stages of online submission. In order to login, candidate should provide Application number and Password.

Step 3 : Filling up of Application
Uploading Photo :
The first step for filling up application is to upload applicant’s recent passport size photograph.

Fill up Basic information :
** All the basic information required for processing your application are to be filled in at this stage. Before filling the details, please read the Prospectus carefully.

** The data provided here will be used for processing the application.

** Any mistake in filling this page or providing false/incomplete/wrong information will affect the candidate’s eligibility for admission or claim for reservation under any categoryError! Reference source not found..

** It is obligatory that the candidate should fill all the mandatory items in the application.

** Candidates should click the ‘Save’ button to save the entries made so far before proceeding to Step

4. At this stage the candidate can login, view and modify the details provided. Candidates should take utmost care while filling the Online Application. Applicant should ensure that the data provided are correct before proceeding to step 4.

Step 4 : Final Submission of Application
This is also a one-time procedure. If candidate is sure that the information provided in step 3 is correct, click the link ‘Final Submission’.

Note:- No modification of the application will be possible after Final Submission of application in step 4. During the filling up of application, frequently click ‘Save’ button available in the home page to protect your data.

Step 5 : Payment of Application Fee
At this step candidate has to provide payment details of application fee. [Refer clause 8.1.1]

Step 6 : Printout of the Application
Candidate should take a printout of the online submitted application which contains all the information provided during step 3 and step 5. Candidates should get the Course Certificate and Nativity Certificate provided in the application.

Step 7 : Send the Printout of application and Supporting documents to the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations

Affix a photograph of the applicant with 3.5 x 4.5 cm size same as the photograph uploaded on the online application duly attested by the gazetted officer.
Candidate should affix the left hand thumb impression in the space provided in the printout of the application.

The applicant should sign in the specified areas on the printout of the application and attach supporting documents/certificates (see clause 8.2 of the prospectus) and should be enclosed in the envelope addressed to ‘THE COMMISSIONER FOR ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS, 5TH FLOOR, HOUSING BOARD BUILDINGS, SANTHI NAGAR, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM- 695 001’ and should reach the addressee by registered post/speed post/hand delivery, before the last date and time notified by the commissioner.

(ii) Applications should be completed in all respects. A candidate will be considered for the Entrance Examination or for admission, only if he/she has furnished the relevant certificates prescribed in the Prospectus, in proof of eligibility, or in support of any claim for reservation, under any category

The procedure of online submission of application will be completed only after the printout of Application and supporting documents / certificates are received in the office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations. Candidates are directed to keep a copy of the printout of completed application form for further reference.

Points to be noted:
1. Candidates must upload a copy of their passport size photograph same as the one to be affixed to the printout of the online application for PG Nursing Entrance Examination, Kerala-2015. (Only after uploading the photograph, the candidate will be able to fill in his/her application form online)

2. Candidates must pay the application fee, only in one of the branches of State Bank of Travancore.

3. Candidates will not be able to correct/modify/edit his/her application once the ‘Confirm’ button is pressed. Only after pressing the ‘Confirm’ button the page containing ‘Print’ link will be available.

4. The candidates must take a printout of the application submitted by visiting the ‘Print’ link. One copy of the same has to be retained by the candidate and another copy has to be sent to the office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations along with relevant documents supporting claims in the application.

5. All applications sent to the Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations are to be printed using ‘Print’ link.

6. Candidates should not send more than one application form to the CEE.

7. Income certificate & community certificate should be in original in the prescribed format, and will be considered only if sent along with the printout of the online application Incomplete /late /defective applications will be summarily rejected

Certificates/Documents to be submitted with the filled in Application form :
a) Nativity certificate: Any one of the document mentioned under clause 7.1.1.

b) Community certificate (In case of candidates belonging to SC/ST Communities): To be obtained in the prescribed format available along with the printout of the application meant for such candidates as per clause 6.1.

c) Those who claim reservation applicable for SEBC candidates, community certificate to that effect and income certificate in the prescribed format available along with the printout of the application has to be obtained from the concerned revenue authorities. SEBC benefit will be subject to income limit which will be in force as prescribed by the Government at the time of publishing notification, inviting application.

d) Attested Copy of Degree / Pass certificate of the B Sc Nursing Degree.
Attested copy of Degree/Pass certificates of General Nursing and Midwifery Course and Post Basic B.SC Nursing – Regular course.

e) Attested Copy of Mark list of each B.Sc. Nursing /Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing examination. (Regular Course)

f) Attested copy of Internship Certificate/Experience Certificate(s) as per clause 7.2.2

g) Certificate to prove age

h) Fee receipt of the amount paid in bank, in original

i) Declaration to the effect that he/she has not undergone M.Sc Nursing Course under the service quota, previously should be furnished.

j) Service certificate from the Head of the Department (DME/DHS) as per clause 6.3.3(Annex1V)

Add a Comment
  1. Where I have to affix thumb impression in the application form?

    1. Candidate should affix the left hand thumb impression in the space provided in the printout of the application.

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