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Lloyd Law College : LET 2016 Entrance Test Pattern & Syllabus

Organisation : Lloyd Law College
Announcement : Pattern & Syllabus
Entrance Exam : LET-2016 Lloyd Entrance Test for Law

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B.A.LL.B – 5Year (after 10+2) ENTRANCE EXAM PATTERN :

The test paper will consist of one question paper containing 150 objective type questions with multiple choices answers.

Related : Lloyd Law College LET 2016 Question Paper :

PATTERN OF THE “LET” PAPER for B.A.LLB – 5 Year [after 10+2] :
Total Marks 150
Total number of questions 150
Duration of examination 120 Minutes

Sr. No. | Section | No. of Questions | Total Marks :
1. General Knowledge & Current Affairs 30 30
2. English including Comprehension 30 30
3. Mathematics 25 25
4. Logical Reasoning 25 25
5. Legal Aptitude & Legal Awareness 40 40
TOTAL 150 150

Note :
** There will be 5 sections (Section – I to V) comprising of multiple choice questions only.
** All questions carry equal marks.
** There is no negative marking.
** Use only blue/black ballpoint pen during the entrance test.

General Knowledge & Current Affairs :
This section will test General knowledge & current affairs.

English including Comprehension :
The English section will test the candidate’s proficiency in English based on comprehension and grammar. In the comprehension section, candidates will be questioned on their understanding of the passage and its central theme, meanings of words used therein etc. The grammar section will include correction of incorrect grammatical sentences, fill in the blanks with appropriate words, Jumbled words & Sentences, Antonyms, Synonyms, Part of Speech, Idioms & phrases etc.

Mathematics :
This section will test candidate’s Knowledge of elementary mathematics upto 10th standard.

Logical Reasoning :
The purpose of the logical reasoning section is to test the student’s ability to identify patterns, logical links and rectify illogical arguments. It will include a wide variety of logical reasoning questions such as syllogisms, logical sequences, analogies, etc.

Legal Aptitude & Legal Awareness :
This section will test the legal aptitude of the students. Questions will be framed with the help of legal propositions (described in the paper), and a set of facts to which the said proposition has to be applied. Some propositions may not be true in the real sense (e.g. the legal proposition might be that any person who speaks in a movie hall and disturbs other that are watching the movie will be banned from entering any movie theatre across India for one year). Candidates will have to assume the truth of these propositions and answer the question accordingly. Candidates will not be tested on any prior knowledge of law or legal concepts. If a technical/legal term is used in the question, that term will be explained in the question itself. For example, if the word internet crime is used, the meaning of the internet crime (“The internet crime include that group of crimes which make criminal use of the internet infrastructure like (i) Hacking- theft of information, theft of passwords, theft of credit card number(ii) Launch of malicious programmes etc”) will also be explained.

Note: Previous Years question Papers is also available on our website

LLB – 3 Year (after graduation) ENTRANCE EXAM PATTERN :
The test paper will consist of one question paper containing 150 objective type questions with multiple choices answers.

PATTERN OF THE “LET” PAPER for LL.B. – 3 Year (after graduation) :
Total Marks 150
Total number of questions 150
Duration of examination 120 Minutes

Sr. No. | Section | No. of Questions | Total Marks :
1. General Knowledge & Current Affairs 35 35
2. English Language Comprehension 40 40
3. Legal Aptitude & Legal Awareness 35 35
4. Analytical Abilities 40 40
TOTAL 150 150

Note :
** There will be 4 sections (Section – I to IV) comprising of multiple choice questions only.
** All questions carry equal marks.
** There is no negative marking.
** Use only blue/black ballpoint pen during the entrance test.

Add a Comment
  1. Tell me, what is the minimum marks required to clear the LET entrance exam?

  2. I would like to know if it is one mark for each question or more like SET exam.

    1. Information as provided from the Official Website :

      The test shall be of 150 multiple choice objective type questions with four options for each question. The candidates shall have to choose the correct option. Each question shall carry 1 mark. There shall be no negative marking.

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