Counseling Letter 2015 UG Admission Undergraduate : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

University : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Announcement : Counseling Letter
Admission : UG Admission 2015 Undergraduate

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TNAU UG Admission 2015 Counseling Schedule :

Candidate Please Note:
Counseling fee is Rs.2000 (Rs.1000 for SC/SCA/ST), and it is Non – refundable.
Kindly use e-payment link on main page to do counseling fee payment.
For further information, Please contect to HELP LINE: Tel: 0- 422 – 6611345/6 (09:00 AM to 05:00 PM)

Application is common for all the degree programs and candidates can choose any eligible program against vacancy during counseling.

Counseling :
Candidates will be selected on MERIT, based on the marks in their qualifying examination and ranked as per the procedure given in section of II.i. Single window counseling system is being followed for all degree programs and campus allotment. Separate counseling will be held for academic and vocational stream candidates.

Candidates are called for counseling in the order of merit. Based on the merit and communal reservation, allotment of the degree and college chosen by the candidate will be made. Candidates have to opt for a degree and college available or WAITLIST ONE degree and campus of his/her choice for which seats are not available at the time of counseling. DEGREE AND COLLEGE CHOICE ONCE MADE IS FINAL AND CANNOT BE CHANGED.

At the time of counseling, all provisionally selected candidates should have paid a counseling fee of Rs. 2000 (Rs.1000/- for SC/SCA/ST categories) online. This is not refundable.

The date, time and venue for counseling will be intimated to the candidates Online, published in leading dailies and in TNAU website No change of date/time of counseling is permissible. Authorities are not responsible for any communication delay or nonreceipt of intimation for counseling.

Candidates have to download and print counseling letter from the online admission web site along with hall ticket, affix recent passport size photo, parent and candidate should sign at appropriate places and produce the same during counseling, otherwise, the candidate will not be entertained for counseling.

Candidates who fail to attend the counseling at the specified date and time will forfeit their right to admission and their name will not be considered later. However, due to unforeseen and unavoidable reasons, if a candidate is unable to attend the counseling on the specified date and time, he/she can authorize his/her parent on his/her behalf and the parent’s decision will be binding on the candidate. Such authorization letter should bear photo of the person (candidate’s parent) and signature attested by the candidate.

Due to unforeseen reasons, if a candidate could not attend the counseling on the specified date and time, he/she can attend on a subsequent counseling session, if there is any. However, the candidate can only opt for the seats available at that time and cannot claim any seat as per original rank.


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