All posts from MBA/MCA Entrance Test 2015 : School of Distance Education Andhra University

University : Andhra University, School of Distance Education
Announcement : MBA/MCA Entrance Test 2015

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MBA/MCA Entrance Test 2015 :

Last date for receipt of filled in application form : 09-07-2015 Upto 5.00 p.m

Eligibility for appearing the Test :
A) 3 – Year MBA :
a) Hospital Administration Any graduate except BFA and BAOL of Andhra University or any other
b) Marketing Managament University recognised by Andhra University as equivalent there to, with
c) Finance Management 50 per cent marks (SC / ST / BC candidates with 45% marks) is eligible.
d) Human Resources Further, he / she must also have studied Mathematics as one of the subjects Management at SSC / X class / Intermediate level. The candidate, with professional qualification like BE./B.Tech/ B.Pharm / Medicine / CA / ICWA / CS / AMIE /AIETE, etc. are also eligible.

B) 2 – Year MBA :
a) Marketing Management Any graduate except BFA and BAOL of Andhra University or any other
b) Finance Management University recognised by Andhra University as equivalent there to, with 50
c) Human Resource per cent marks (SC / ST / BC candidates with 45% Marks) is eligible.

Management Further, he / she must also have studied Mathematics as one of the subjects at SSC/X class / Intermediate level. The candidate, with professional qualifi cation like BE / B.Tech / B.Pharm / Medicine / CA / ICWA / CS / AMIE / AIETE, etc.are also eligible.

Besides the above, the candidates, who have 2 years in – service experience in an organization, after graduation as on 1st July, 2015, can seek admission in 2 – year MBA course (Marketing / Finance / HRM).

Note : Candidates, who qualified in ICET – 2015 or the Candidates, who completed 5 years of service after graduation in the respective fields, need not appear for Entrance Examination and can seek admission directly.

C) MCA :
i) Educational qualification : Candidates should have passed Bachelor’s degree in any faculty, except BFA and BAOL of Andhra University or any other University recognised by Andhra University as equivalent there to, with 50% marks (SC / ST / BC candidates with 45% marks) besides passing Intermediate or +2 examination with Maths as one of the subjects of study.

ii) The Course of Study for MCA Programme shall extend over a period of three Academic Years. However in case of candidates with PGDC PA of AU, the study period is two years.

Schedule of dates :
a) Commencement of sale of application forms : 18-06-2015
b) Last date for receipt of filled in application form : 09-07-2015
c) Last date for receipt of filled in application formWith a fine of Rs 300/- upto : 20-07-2015
d) Date and time of Entrance Test : 10.00 am to 12.30pm. 26-07-2015 (Sunday)

Cost of application form for Entrance Test : Rs. 300/- (By Hand)
(Inclusive of registration and test fee) : Rs. 350/- (By Post)

Application must be affixed with an attested passport size photograph taken after 01/01/2015. Candidates indulging in impersonation are liable for prosecution inviting a punishment of imprisonment of 3 to 7 years with or without fine ranging from Rs.5000/- to Rs.20,000/-.

Enclose the following with Application form :
1. Xerox Copies of Service Certificate from Head of the Department / Employer. (incase of two year MBA Programme).
2. Degree Certificate / Provisional Certificate of qualifying examination. ( Xerox Copy Only). 2a. Intermediate or +2 examination certificate (in case of MCA Programme)
3. S.S.C. or equivalent certificate with Date of Birth
4. Xerox Copies of Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST/BC Candidates.
5. Two Self-Addressed envelopes of 9” x 4” size.
Note : Original Certificates are to be produced at the time of admission.

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  2. How many seats for MBA hospital administration?
    Can 5 year service be at different places?

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