icarexam.net ICAR AIEEA UG / PG 2015 SRF-PGS Pattern of Question Paper : All India Entrance Examination

Organisation : Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Announcement : Pattern of Question Paper
Entrance Exam : AIEEA-UG / PG 2015 AICE-SRF (PGS) All India Entrance Examination
Reference Number : —

Question Paper Format : https://www.entrance.net.in/uploads/336-Notification.pdf
Home Page : http://www.icar.org.in/

Question Papers :
Question Paper for AIEEA-UG-2015:
There will be only one question paper consisting of 180 multiple-choice objective type questions, in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (or Agriculture) for “STREAM–A” and Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics for “STREAM–B”. The question paper will be in ENGLISH and HINDI. For each incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted from the total score.

Question Paper for AIEEA-PG-2015 :
There will be only one question paper in each major subject group consisting of 150 multiple-choice (MCQ), objective type questions, and also 10 cross-matching type questions. The question papers will be in ENGLISH only. For each incorrect answer in MCQs, one mark will be deducted from the total score, while for each incorrect cross-matching type sub-question/pairing, 0.2 marks will be deducted from the total score.

Question Paper for SRF-PGS-2015:
There will be a single OMR based paper of 3 hrs duration having MCQs (4 options) carrying a total of 200 marks. Section A comprising 20 MCQs of one mark each (total 20 marks) will have questions on General Knowledge in agriculture & allied sciences including current events and such matters of everyday observation and experience as may be expected to be known to a research scholar while Section-B comprising 180 MCQs, of one mark each (total 180 marks) will have questions on specific Major Subject Group (Code 1-16 as applicable and comprising of different sub-subjects) chosen by the candidate. There will be negative marking of (-)25%/(-)0.25 marks for each wrong answer. The question papers will be in ENGLISH only.

Conduct of Examination :
Examination Hall will be opened to candidates 30 minutes before the commencement of examination.

Candidate who does not possess Admit Card (candidate copy), duly attested and signed will not be admitted to the Examination Hall under any circumstances.

Pre-written material in any form, viz., notes/books/log table, and mobile phones/i-pods, calculator or any electronic device are not allowed inside the examination hall. For verification, candidate may be searched at any time during the examination.

The examination will start strictly on time and an announcement to this effect will be made by the Invigilator.
A time signal will be given ringing a long bell at the start of the examination. To indicate that one hour is remaining, or 15 minutes are remaining, short bells will be given. A signal (long bell) will also be given at the closing time for collection of OMR sheet and question booklet when the candidate must stop writing/marking the answers.

Candidate coming late may be allowed to enter the examination hall up to 10.30 A.M. only but no extra time will be given. Candidate coming late beyond 30 minutes, after the commencement of the examination, will not be permitted.

Fifteen minutes before the commencement of the examination, each candidate will be given OMR Answer Sheet and five minutes before, the Question Booklet.

Immediately on receipt of Question Booklet, candidate should write/fill-in the required particulars on the cover page of the Question Booklet with BLACK/ BLUE BALL-POINT PEN ONLY. Candidate will not open the Question Booklet, until asked to do so by the Invigilator.After opening the Question Booklet, read the instructions given on it carefully before attempting the questions.

Candidate will write required particulars on OMR answer sheet as per the instructions given thereinwith only BLACK I BLUE BALL-POINT PEN on SIDE-I and -II.

No candidate shall be allowed to leave the Examination Hall until the completion of examination and related formalities. Candidate will hand over Question Booklet and OM R Answer Sheet to the Invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall.

After completing the examination and before handing over the Question Booklet and the OMR Answer Sheet, the candidate should once again check that all the particulars required in the Question Booklet and the OMR Answer Sheet has been correctly filled-in.

The OMR Answer sheet shall be scanned and evaluated through computer and the category-wise final merit list for counseling shall be prepared based on the reservation category information given by the candidate in OMR Answer sheet. It must be ensured by the candidate that Roll Number, Subject Stream, Series of Question Booklet, optional paper attempted and Reservation Category are correctly written in the OMR Answer Sheet and also the OMR Answer Sheet is duly signed by the invigilator and the candidate at appropriate places, failing which it may not be considered for evaluation.

Before leaving the Examination Hall, the candidate must ensure that OMRAnswer Sheet and Question Booklet have been handed over to the invigilator on duty. In case, the candidate does not hand over the OM R Answer Sheet with Question Booklet to the invigilator and takes away the same with him/her, this shall amount to use of unfair means and the candidate will be declared failed besides inviting further necessary action.

Candidates are advised to bring with them their own writing material such as hard card-board (on which nothing should be written) and their own good quality black/blue ball-point pens.

Any attempt of using unfair means by the candidate during the examination process will render him/ her liable to be disqualified and his/her candidature for the examination would be forfeited.

Checking/Changing Question Booklet:
Before attempting the questions, the candidate must check Question Booklet for any defect in printing/ number of pages, serial order of the questions etc. and ensure that Question Booklet given to him/her is serially numbered and contains pages as written on top of the first page. In case of any discrepancy/ defect, the candidate should immediately report to the Invigilator concerned and get the Question Booklet changed. Change of question booklet would not be permitted 30 minutes after the start of examination. The candidate shall not remove any page(s) from the Question Booklet and if any page(s) is/are found missing from his/her Question Booklet, it will be treated as use of unfair means and shall render him/her liable for action/ cancellation of candidature.

Categories: AIEEA UG / PG

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