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Organisation : Health & Family Welfare (ME) Department Tamil Nadu Medical Education
Announcement : Counselling Schedule
Admission : MBBS / BDS 2015

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Counselling Schedule :
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Counselling Schedule :

Tentative Counselling Schedule For MBBS / BDS 2015 – 2016 – 1st Phase.

Related : BSMS/ BAMS/ BNYS/ BUMS/ BHMS 2015 Counseling Admission :

TENTATIVE COUNSELLING SCHEDULE FOR MBBS/BDS 2015-2016 Government MBBS / Self Financing MBBS / Government BDS

19-06-2015 Friday 9.00 AM
Special Categories
1. Sports Persons (as referred by Anna University – 5 Candidates)
2. Orthopedically Physically Disabled ( 82 Candidates) for medical Examination
3. Children of Ex-Servicemen ( 54 Candidates) From total Marks 198.75 to 196.00

Date Time Community Rank Total Marks
20-06-2015 Saturday
9.00 A.M All Communities GR 1 to GR 111 200.00 to 199.50
11.00 A.M. GR 112 to GR 278 199.25 to 199.00
2.00 P.M. GR 279 to GR 510 198.75 to 198.25

21-06-2015 Sunday
9.00 A.M. All Communities GR 511 to GR 700 198.25 to 198.00
11.00 A.M. GR 701 to GR 851 198.00 to 198.00
2.00 P.M. GR 852 to GR 1100 197.75 to 197.50

22-06-2015 Monday
9.00 A.M. All Communities GR 1101 to GR 1350 197.50 to 197.25
11.00 A.M. GR 1351 to GR 1500 197.25 to 197.25
2.00 P.M. GR 1501 to GR 1750 197.25 to 197.00

23-06-2015 Tuesday
9.00 A.M. All Communities GR 1751 to GR 2000 197.00 to 197.00
11.00 A.M. GR 2001 to GR 2150 197.00 to 196.75
2.00 P.M. GR 2151 to GR 2397 196.75 to 196.50

24-06-2015 Wednesday
9.00 A.M. BC CR 1759 to CR 2030 196.50 to 196.25
11.00 A.M. BCM CR 63 to CR 150 196.50 to 195.00
11.30 AM MBC CR 365 to CR 750 196.50 to 195.50
2.00 PM SC CR 58 to CR 350 196.50 to 192.00

25-06-2015 Thursday
9.00 A.M SC CR 351 to CR 550 192.00 to 190.50
10.00 A.M SCA CR 7 to CR 125 196.50 to 186.75
ST CR 3 to CR 45 194.25 to 180.25


Note :
Individual call letters have been despatched.

Individual intimation by way of SMS is being sent to the mobile number given by the candidates in their application form through the I.D: TNMESC

Candidates should be present one hour prior to commencement of counselling along with one of their parent at their own cost.

Candidate should produce a Demand Draft for Rs. 500/- drawn in favour of ” Secretary, Selection Committee, Chennai – 10.” at the time of counselling being the counselling processing fee.

Candidate should produce ALL ORIGINAL CERTIFICATES as required in clause 19 of the prospectus.

Candidates should pay the fees as prescribed in the prospectus at the time of allotment.

Candidates are informed to read the instructions given in call letter carefully.

Candidates, even if they do not receive the call letter, they can attend the counselling as per the date and time, mark mentioned in the schedule.

It shall be the responsibility of the candidates who got revised marks in RV/RT to attend the counselling as per their revised mark mentioned in the schedule.

Candidates selected under Special Category (Ex-Servicemen, Eminent Sports persons, Orthopaedically Physically Disabled) in 1st Phase of counseling are not eligible for Re allotment.

If the candidate is absent for the counseling called for, he/she cannot attend the subsequent counselling.

Those candidates who opted out of Govt. /SF MBBS/ Govt. BDS when seats were available in 1st phase of counseling are not eligible to claim the same.

Candidates attending councelling should produce two Demand Drafts one for Rs.500/- (at Attendance Counter) and the second Demand Draft for tuition fees for respective category at Bank counter in the MAIN HALL after allotment is confirmed.

Candidates who get allotment in Government Quota of Self Financing MBBS and if they do not join the amount of Rs.25000/- paid as Demand Draft will not be refunded.

Candidates are informed to view the websites for daily vacancy position in Govt. MBBS/ Govt. Quota in Self Financing MBBS and in Govt. BDS till the end of counselling.

Candidates shall only opt for the vacancies available at their turn.

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  1. I have attended first medical counselling in Tamilnadu and picked one college. Due to some reasons I want to change my college. How can I change my medical college after first round of counselling?

  2. Deborah Caroline K

    My medical cutoff is 163.50. I belongs to BC. Will I get a MBBS in self financing? How to go in for management quota Please reply.

  3. I am the last year student and studying in a engineering college. Please let me know the time of counseling we need to give real certificates, as it is with the engineering college I am studying. Is it OK to give the bonafide certificate? Will that be fine?

  4. For my cut off they have called only already allotted candidates but I am wait listed. Now can I attend the counseling? Will I be able to take a seat?

    Where to check the wait list for II phase?Its not available in

  5. My cut off is 195.75
    I haven’t attended any of the counseling. Am I eligible to attend the fourth counseling ?

  6. My cut off is 194.50 & I belongs to MBC category & will I get medical seat in ESIC COLLEGE & MY gen rank is 4976 ?

  7. My cut off is 196.25. I belongs to bc. May i have chance in government medical college?

  8. I don’t think so

  9. How many seats are there in ESIC college for Third counselling and I got 197 cutoff. If any possible s there to get govt college ah?

  10. Please tell me the dates and general rank for third counseling.

  11. What is the cutoff marks for 3rd counseling bds

  12. i have cut off 185.50 but i joined engineering, i want bds sheet

  13. Even I am SC I got 189.5.i hope we can get in third counseling

  14. When will be the third phase of councling

  15. I m studying in engineering college .
    Will i get sf college in third counselling
    My cut off is 195.75 na my community is BC

  16. The third counselling date 26 and 27. The message come from whapp is true or fake. Please reply

  17. My cut off is 186 and I got bds seat in second councelling but I put wait list and now can I get sf mbbs seat in third phase of councelling

  18. My cut off is 196 ; GR – 2996 ; I belong to BC ; Will I get seat in SF MBBS or gov BDS in 3rd counselling ?

  19. What are the approved sf colleges for the 3rd counseling?

    I got 191.5 cut off .
    Will I get govt college?

    1. My cut off is 191.50 and i belong to sc caste.will i get a m.b.b.s seat in any govt medical college in 3rd counselling

  20. I got mbbs seat in first counseling in self financing college. My community rank is 437 in sc category. Will I get govt seat in third counseling?

  21. My daughter’s cut off for medicine is 196.25 and we belong to BC, wait listed for MBBS from the first counseling. What are the chances to get a MBBS seat in third counseling?


  23. My cut off is 196.5. I am studying in engineering college. I attend 1st phase counseling but put in wait list. Will I get govt/sf MBBS/BDS seat in third phase?

  24. l have got phy189, che190_bot199,zoo198.
    My cut off is 194. I belong to bcm category. I got rvs dental collage in 2nd phase counseling and put a waiting list for govt BDS,MBBS,and sf MBBS. May I know when the 3rd phase counseling starts?

  25. My cut off is 197 and i belong to BC category. Is there any chance for me for getting seat in govt medical college?

  26. MY CUTOFF IS 195.75 BC

  27. Mbbs/Bds third counseling date? Last year how many seats surrendered in t.n state for All India quota? Your expectation for this year in how many seats get surrendering for all India quota?

  28. My cut off is 161. I belong to sca community. Will I get a seat in 3rd counseling? When is the 3rd phase of counseling for mbbs/bds?

  29. My cut off is 179.5 belong to bc.
    Will I get mbbs/bds in 3rd phase counseling?
    When is the 3rd phase counseling 2015?

  30. My cut off is 185.75 and my community rank is SC
    Can I get mbbs in third phase counseling?

  31. My Medical cut off is 183.5 – MBC Quota
    I am in the waiting list in the 2nd counseling of S.F BDS
    Is it possible in the 3rd counseling and when can I know the results?

  32. I have got physics 112 , chemistry 113,biology 118
    Can I get self financing college?
    I am sc student and I am the first graduate

  33. My daughter cutoff mark 174.25. Belong to bc. Will she get mbbs in self finance colleges. When is next round counselling.

  34. My cut off is 184
    I am in waiting list in 2nd phase for bds
    When will I get seat?

  35. My cut off is 143.50. Am I able to know my counseling dates?

  36. My cut off is 184.25. I belong to BCM category. When I will get my counseling date?

  37. I get called for counseling on 25. But I am having my AIPMT exam on the same date. Will my parents are allowed to attend the counseling?

  38. My common rank is 3799 and my cut off is 195.5
    Can I know my counseling date and time?

  39. My cut off is 195.5
    I am bc category
    Will I get a self FINANCING or government aided medical college?

  40. My cut off is 189.75
    Can I get seat in govt mbbs or bds colleges?

  41. My cutoff is 183
    Can I get MBBS/bds seat as how to know as I didn’t received any call letter?

  42. I didn’t bring my call letter. I have to attend my counseling today. How can I download it? Please help me to download. I need to attend 11 AM session.

  43. You can get bds seat

  44. I had joined engg college and I had submitted my tc and community certificates original but now I got BDS counseling . What should I do?

  45. I belong to bcm. My cut off is 194.5. I received a call letter for second counseling but I didn’t had vacancy for SF mbbs seat. Please let me know whether I will be called for third phase counseling?

  46. My cut off is 191 and belong to bcm with the community rank of 371 and called for 2nd phase counseling self financing BDS. Shall I skip the 2nd phase and appear for 3rd phase because preference is for SF mbbs. I am out of station right now. If mandatory means I have to send parents.

  47. My cut off is 184.50 BCM but I didn’t received the call letter yet. What can I do. Guide me. How to download the call letter? May I have a chance to get bds seat? I want to know my rank

    1. Allotted/ Reallotted List For MBBS/BDS 2015 is available in the official website.

  48. My cut off is 174 sc community
    Will I get mbbs or bds seat ?

  49. My cut off mark is 163.5
    Will I get a bds seat?

  50. Can I know vacancy position for s f Bds in second counseling 2015-2016?

  51. My cut off is 190 BC. I was called for BDS 2nd counseling. If i did not attend 2nd counseling,is it possible to attend 3rd counseling for mbbs if vacancy is available?

  52. I have my counseling on 25th July at 2 PM and on the same day I have my All India medical exam which ends just one hour before the TN counseling time. Is this really mandatory that I should be in before 1 hour of my counseling start time? I can have my parents with call letter to do initial formalities?

  53. My cut off is 187.5 belong to mbc. I dont receive call letter still now. My A.R.NO 14016 dob-25/08/1997 432578 622568 and I want to know how to download call letter in the official website. They didn’t release call letters

  54. TENTATIVE COUNSELING SCHEDULE FOR MBBS/BDS 2015-2016 SESSION FOR Phase II is released. Counseling starts on 22.07.2015. You can check your counseling date using your rank.

  55. My cut off is 187.5 belong to mbc
    I dont receive call letter still now
    My A.R.NO 14016 dob-25/08/1997 432578 622568 and I want to know how to download call letter in the official website. They didn’t release call letters

  56. My cut off mark 194 bcm
    Can I get mobs seat in govt or self financing college?

  57. What is the official website for phase 2,counseling? Please tell me. My cut off mark is187.23
    Will I get MBBS/BDS seat?

  58. May I know when the third phase counseling starts?
    I have cut off of 183.75 and I belong to obc community

  59. I have medical counseling on 23.7.15.but I had already joined in an engg college on 17.7.15. As per medical counseling ruling to attend with original certificates. But my original certificates submitted at time of admission in engg college. Now they refused to give bonafide certificate and original certificates. Please give your guidance to attend counseling.

    1. Candidate should produce all original certificates as required in clause 19 of the prospectus for allotment.

  60. My cut off Mark is 189.00 and my rank is 10604 in BC community. Can I get MBBS seat under self financing college since 51 seats are available as on 18.07.2015 04.00 pm because I have received a call letter for S.F.BDS only but I have applied MBBS only. Kindly reply at the earliest.

  61. My cut-off 195.25 mbc
    I got 2nd phase counseling on 23rd July 15
    Can I get mbbs seat in govt/sf college?

  62. My cutoff is 187.5
    I belong to bcm caste
    Will I get call letter either for 2nd or 3rd phase counseling?

  63. My cut off is 168 and i belong to BC category. Can I get a seat in self financing medical colleges?

  64. My medical cut off mark is 179 and I belong to SC quota. Can i get a bds college in self financing college?

  65. My cut off mark is 190.
    My CR is 595.
    May I have the option for BDS?

  66. What is the procedure for attending second phase counseling ? Is it possible to be a waiting list candidate if I opt out self financing bds college?

    1. Candidates are informed to go through counselling schedule for their turn with regard to the Date/Mark/Rank/Category/Communities Re-Allotment/Allotment notified in the schedule. Candidates are advised to attend the counselling as per their turn specified in the schedule displayed in the official websites.

  67. My cut off is 192 (BCM) July 24 is my counseling date but yet I didn’t receive my call letter

  68. My cut off is 162.33 I belong to sc a category
    Can I can be called for 3rd counseling?

  69. My med cut off is 188.50
    I am called for BDS second phase counseling on July 25 9:00 am
    can I get seat in self financing college?

  70. My cut off is 176.75
    I belong to sc caste
    Can i get govt medical college?

  71. My cut off is 191. I belong to BC category. I want to know the vacancy in MBBS /BDS after the first phase of counseling. Can I get BDS seat in self financing college or not?


  73. My medical cut off is 184.5. I belong to SC category. Will I get seat for MBBS? Please reply me and guide me.

  74. I have lost my first medical counseling waiting list receipt.
    Can I attend medical second counseling?

  75. My cut off is 191.75. I am waiting for BDS and my counseling is on 24th July. BUT I already admitted into an engineering college and all my certificates are locked there. Is it necessary to bring all original certificates to counseling?Bbut my original 12th mark statement is with me. Please answer me,am I in trouble?

  76. I am Vaishnavi from chennai. My cut off is 188.
    Can I get MBBS seat in second phase counseling?
    I belong to SC category. Can I get BDS?
    Anticipating for your reply

    1. Did you attend first phase counseling? Because for sure if you had attended you would have landed a seat in govt mbbs/sf mbbs. I have many sc classmates who entered with a cut off 188. If you dint attend then you can not attend 2nd phase

  77. My cut off is 188.5 and I belong to MBC category. Do I have a chance to get self financing BDS in 2nd phase of counseling in tamil nadu?
    Kindly do me the favor please….
    And another is it better to study BHMS if I did not get in BDS?

  78. My cut off is 149.50 and I belong to sc caste. My father is an ex-serviceman. Will I get BDS seat under sf or gov quota in second phase of medical counseling?

  79. I belong to SC community, and my cut off mark is 187.
    Will I get MBBS seat in Gov. or self finance college?

  80. My cut off is 199. I have lost mmc in just 8 seats. Will I be able to get it in second phase of counseling? If yes,please tell me the procedures to attend the second phase of counseling?

  81. My cut off mark is 179.25.
    How can I know my position?

  82. My cut off is 179 and I belong to sc community
    Will I be called in 2 counseling?

  83. My cut off is 196.50. I am in wait list. Can I get seat in second counseling?

  84. My overall rank is 11000,communal rank is 6700,cut off mark is 187.50 and I belong to bc community
    Is there any possibility to get mbbs or bds seat?


  86. My cut off 163,MBC com rank 5636
    Can I get 2nd phase counseling for BDS ?

  87. My cut off is 158.50
    Will I be called for 2nd second phase counseling?
    sc caste

  88. My cutoff is 189.75(SC)
    Is there any possibility to get the MBBS seat in second counseling?

  89. My cut off mark is 196. I belong to MBC caste. I go to 1st counselling and I selected THOOTHUKUDI MEDICAL COLLEGE. If I want to change any other college in the 2nd counseling then which college I will get?

  90. My cut off is 128
    Will I get bds admission?

    1. My cut off marks is 187 sc
      Whether I will get called for second phase counseling?

  91. My cut off mark is 166.25
    Whether I’ll be called for 2nd or3rd phase counseling?

  92. My cut off is 196.75. My overall rank is 2299 and my comm rank is 1684 in BC comm. Please tell can I get govt MBBS/sf MBBS in ESIC clg/ sf in other colleges in 2nd counseling?

  93. My name is V.Thamizharasan. My overall rank is 2299 and my community rank is 1684 in BC comm. Can I get govt MBBS or sf MBBS in ESIC CLG? My cutoff is 196.75.

  94. I belong to MBC
    Cut off-193.5
    Will I get a medical seat ?

  95. My cutoff is 173.25 ,rank-20085
    When will I be called for counseling?

  96. Evelin joyce thembavani.s

    My cutoff is 173.25 rank20085
    When they will call me for counseling?

  97. My cut off is 189.75 and I belong to sc caste.
    Will I get mbbs or bds seat govt or self financing college?

  98. Naseema parveen M A


  99. My cut off is 165 sc category
    Will I get BDS seat?

  100. My cut off is 195.75 under mbc category during 1st phase
    I got seat in Tamilnadu dental college
    Will I get government mbbs seat in 2nd phase?

  101. I got seat under govt quota in Self finance college in 1st counseling. Is there any chance of mine getting in govt. college in second counseling. My cut off if 197.25. Will the amount paid to SF college in 1st counseling allotment is refundable/tranferable if iIget a seat in Govt college in second counseling?

    Kindly let me no your opinion

  102. PLease let us know,when the second phase of counseling will start? My cut off is 194.75 MBC
    My com rank is 953. Will they call me?

  103. My cut off mark is 185.50
    When will I get called for counseling?

  104. lakshmi narayanan

    My cut off is 192.25.bc.
    Can I get self financing dental college?

  105. Mohamed Fahrudeen

    I belong to BCM community. Shall I get some self financing colleges during second phase of mbbs counseling? My cutoff is 194.75. My community rank is 168.

  106. My cut off is 195 MBC
    Can I get mbbs seat in second counseling?

  107. I selected Madurai college during first phase counseling mmc and Stanley was not there for me. Will I get a seat in any of the colleges during second phase? My cut off is 197.75

  108. Evelin joyce thembavani.s

    I am bc cutoff 173.25
    Will I get bds in self finance when I called for counseling? How to download call letter to know about the schedule?

  109. I got my rank as 25002
    My common rank is 5842
    My cut off is 159.5
    I am a family first graduate
    Will I get MBBS seat in any of the self financing college?
    I belong to MBC and I belong to agriculture family

    1. I am Monisha. I belong to sc a category. I got 162.33. Is there any eligible to mbbs or bds seat?
      Can I be called for 2nd counseling?

  110. My cut off mark is 164.5 in st caste
    I want mbbs seat
    Can I know my counseling schedule?

  111. My Medical cut off is 188.75
    Belong to mbc category and
    My over all rank is 10775
    Community 2520,if any chance I will get seat to bds govt college or self financing college?

  112. My general rank:22610,
    My com rank:BCM 1242,
    My cutoff:167.00
    Can I get seat in sf college in govt quota?



  114. My cut off mark is 181.5 and I am MBC candidate. My rank is 3794. Can I get mbbs or bds seat ?
    Can I know my counseling date and time? Please reply and guide me

  115. My cut off is 193.50
    Will I get mbbs in self financing college in 2nd round and I belong to mbc caste. When the 2nd phase counseling will start?

  116. My cut off is 172.50 and I belong to bc. My rank is 20496 and com rank is 10139. Will I be called for 2nd or 3rd phase of counseling for bds self financing?

  117. MY RANDOM NUMBER IS 8426430240
    MY CUT OFF IS 175

  118. I studied till 10th in Tamilnadu’, and plus one and two Andra Pradesh and my marks are 198.67%. I applied here for medicine , I got the random number also, and my application no is 421772. How to get the full information. kindly guide me. And my no is not there in rank list.

  119. I want to know my counselling date and time. My cut-off mark is 170.50 and I am a MBC candidate and community rank is 5087.

  120. My common rank is 5108 and my cut off is 150.5
    Can I know my counseling date and time?

  121. Yoshitha akurathi

    I have submitted my application, and the Is 421772. I have got the rr no. I may come under non local quota. Still I have not got any information. When can I get the information?

  122. I got 197 cut off i m oc
    Please let the govt give equal chances for all
    When does the second counseling takes place?
    Let the seats be given based on mark not caste

  123. My cut off mark is 193.5
    My counseling schedule get announced.
    Category (MBC)

  124. SC cutoff 155.75 AR no 6581
    My Random no? When is counseling date?

  125. My cutoff is 187.50
    Can I get bds seat?
    My community sc

  126. My medical cut off is 195.5 and I belong to Bc category. I want to know my counseling date. Will I get self financing medical college?
    When is my counseling date? Please help me

  127. My cut off is 196.75 and I am in OC category. My counseling date is 23/6/15 and there is no vacancy in OC seats. Will I be able to get a govt college? Will I be able to take seats in any other category?

  128. I am a sc candidate and my cut off is 182.75
    Will I get seat in govt or self finance collage and my cr is 1505

  129. My cut off is 102.75. My general rank is 31382. I belong to sc. My community rank is 7161. Will I get bds seat in private colleges through counseling?

  130. My ar no is 10493 and my cut off is 183.25 and I belong to BC category. When is my bds counseling?

  131. My cut off is 195 MBC category. My cr is 889
    Now they called upto 750. Whether I have chance for sf mbbs in second counseling?

  132. My cut off is 192.50,general rank is 7628. I belong to BC. My community rank is 4565. On which date I need to attend the counseling?

  133. Candidates, even if they do not receive the call letter, they can attend the counselling as per the date and time, mark mentioned in the schedule.

  134. 196.75 is my cut off for medical. My rank is 2288 and my BC community rank is 1678. Shall I get the government seat for MBBS or BDS?

  135. I will not be able to produce the original certificates since I had joined a college in other state this year. For TNMA counseling at TN, will TNMA – DME accept the Acknowledge letter provided by the college towards the receipt of certificates. Please help

  136. How to download my call letter?

  137. My medical cut off is 193 and I belong to Bc category. I want to know my counseling date. Will I get self financing dental college?
    When is my counseling date? Please help me

  138. Hi,

    My cut off is 184.25 , BC, COM Rank: 7771.
    Will there be 2nd phase of counseling? Will there be a chance for me ?

    Thanks in advance,

  139. My cr rank is 507 in sca
    Am I eligible for counseling?

  140. My cut off is 117.75. When I want to attend the counseling?

  141. My cut off mark is 192 and I belong to bcm community
    Can I get a bds seat in self financing colleges?

  142. How can I download call letter? My counseling date is 20.6.2015

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