MBBS/BDS 2015 Merit List TN Health & Family Welfare : Tamil Nadu Medical Education

Organisation : Health & Family Welfare (ME) Department Tamil Nadu Medical Education
Announcement : Merit List
Admission : MBBS/BDS Courses 2015-2016 Admission

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Tentative Counselling Schedule For MBBS / BDS 2015-2016 :

MBBS/BDS 2015 merit list is released on 15th June 2015.

Merit list will be available on the Website : 1) 2) Results of candidates will not be informed individually.

Candidate will be called for counselling as per their merit and they may exercise their option as per their eligibility norms mentioned in the Prospectus.

In cases, where two or more candidates obtain equal aggregate marks for 200, the rank of such candidates shall be determined on the basis of the following order, namely:-
i) Percentage in Biology or Botany and Zoology taken together in +2 examination
ii) Percentage in Chemistry in +2 examination
iii) Percentage in Fourth optional subject in +2 examination
iv) Date of birth – weightage given to seniority in age.
v) Computerized random number assigned. Higher value of random number will be taken into consideration.

Normalization Of Marks: –
As per the Tamil Nadu Act No 3 of 2007, dt 05.03.2007 and G.O( Ms) No 77 Higher Education (J2) Dept , dt: 05.04.2007, the marks obtained by the students in the relevant subjects in the qualifying examination conducted by the various Boards or Authority shall be equated with the marks obtained by the students in the same subjects in the qualifying examination conducted by the State Board of Tamil Nadu by adopting the method of normalization

Explanation : –
Under the method of normalization the highest mark obtained by the students of various Boards in each subject will be equated to the highest mark obtained by the students of State Board in that subject and the relative marks obtained by other students in that subject will be determined accordingly.

Illustration: –
If the highest mark secured by the student of State Board in Physics is 100 and the highest mark secured by a student of any other Board in the same subject is 90, both the highest mark will be considered to be equal to 100. If a student of the Other Board secures 60 marks in Physics when the first mark in Physics in the same board is 90, the 60 marks will be considered to be equal to 66.66 marks as arrived at below:-
100 x 60 / 90 = 66.66%

After normalization of marks in the relevant subjects in the qualifying examination conducted by different Boards, the qualified students of different Boards will be merged into a common merit list. Incase of candidate who have qualified from National boards such as CBSE and ISCE etc., the highest marks obtained by candidate at the National Level alone will be taken into consideration.

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