All posts from LL.B Course Admission Entrance Test Centralised Allotment Process (CAP) & Online Submission of Options : Commissioner of Entrance Examinations

Organization : Commissioner of Entrance Examinations
Entrance Test : LL.B Course Admission Entrance Test
Facility : Centralised Allotment Process (CAP) & Online Submission of Options

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Centralised Allotment Process (CAP) & Online Submission of Options :
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Centralised Allotment Process (CAP) and Online Submission of Options :
The Allotment Process will be done through a Single Window System (SWS) of Allotment to give allotments to the Government Law Colleges and Government merit seats in private Self Financing Law Colleges based on the options submitted online by the candidates who have been included in the rank list for admission to the Integrated Five Year LL.B Course 2015-16, Kerala.

It is a simple and transparent process of allotment to the courses and it gives the candidate opportunity to exercise his/her options for colleges of his/her choice conveniently in the order of his/her preference considering all those available to be chosen from.

The allotments will be strictly based on the options exercised, the rank obtained and eligible reservations of the candidate.

Candidates should register options only to those colleges, which they are sure to join on allotment.

If the candidate fails to remit fee/join the college, he/she will not be eligible for any further allotment to the course.

15.1(a) The Single Window System of Admission for the Integrated Five Year LL.B Course 2015-16 will be done by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE), Kerala, with the technical support of the National Informatics Centre (NIC).

(b) Seats in the four Government Law Colleges and Government merit seats in private Self-Financing Law Colleges to be allotted by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations will be included in the SWS and will be done as per the provisions of allotment.

(c) Candidate to register options:
Options can be registered only through the website, Candidates included in the Integrated Five Year LL.B Course 2015-16 rank list will have to register their options in the ‘Home Page’ of the candidate through the website within the stipulated period of time. Candidates can access this website and follow the instructions given therein to register their options for colleges. Options submitted to the CEE by Fax, Post, Hand delivery etc., will not be processed or considered on any account for allotment of seats.

(d) Time schedule for registering options:
The facility for registering of options will be available only during the period specified in the notifications to be issued by the CEE. Wide publicity will be given through electronic and print media regarding the schedule and related matters. The facility will be withdrawn once the time period is over and candidate will not have access to this facility after this time period. A candidate, not registering his/her options as per the time schedule announced, will not be considered for allotments against any of the seats available then, irrespective of his/her rank. No extension of time will be granted under any circumstances for registering options.

(e) Eligibility for registering options:
Only those candidates included in the Rank List published by the CEE for Integrated Five Year LL.B. Course 2015-16, based on the Entrance Examination are eligible to register their options online. Moreover, the candidates registering their options should satisfy all the eligibility conditions with regard to Nativity (Clause 6(i)), Academic qualifications (Clause 6(ii)) etc., of the Prospectus for admission to Integrated Five Year LL.B. Course 2015-16, Academic eligibility should be satisfied on the date of admission to the Course. Principal/Head of the Institution will be personally responsible for verification of eligibility conditions as prescribed in the Prospectus, when the candidate reports for admission. Only those candidates who are found to be qualified as prescribed shall be admitted to the college/institution irrespective of the fact that he/she has an allotment through the SWS.

(f) Essentials for registering options:
Candidates should have particulars such as Roll Number, Application Number and Key Number of Integrated Five Year LL.B. Course 2015-16, assigned to them in order to register their options on the website.

(g) Procedure for Registering Options :
Any candidate, who wishes to register his/her options, should have the ‘Roll Number’, ‘Application number’ and ‘Key number’ readily available with him/her. The candidate must also have access to internet facility.

The candidate should follow the procedure given below for registering options:
(i) Accessing the website:
The candidate can access the website, from any computer having internet facility. The platform can be Windows-based or Linux-based and latest version of Mozilla firefox will be sufficient.

(ii) Logging on to the Candidate’s Home page:
The candidate can log on to his/her home page by entering the details (i.e., Roll number, Application number and Key number) correctly. The Roll number of the candidate is a five-digit Number allotted to the candidate to appear for the Entrance Examination for Admission to Integrated Five Year LL.B. Course 2015-16. Application number of the candidate is a seven-digit number printed in the Admit Card issued by the CEE to the candidate. Key Number will be provided to all candidates which should not be disclosed to others who may misuse this, for which the CEE/Government will not be responsible. (All these numbers are candidate specific and hence are available only to the candidate). If the system finds that the one who has requested for ‘login’ is the genuine candidate, the candidate will be directed to his/her ‘Home page’. If any discrepancy is observed by the system on these numbers, the candidate will not be permitted to proceed further, in which case the candidate may recheck the entries made or contact the Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations for further instructions.

(iii) Setting of a Password:
At first the candidate may enter his/her Roll Number in the box provided. Then click the ‘Submit’ button. The candidate is led to the second webpage, wherein he/she has to enter the Application Number, Key Number and set a password in the boxes provided. The candidate has to re-enter the password for confirmation. This is mandatory for all candidates. If a candidate does not set a password, he/she will not be able to register options. Password must be alphanumeric (i.e. a combination of alphabets and numbers) having a minimum length of eight characters. [Examples: (a) milan123 (b) XYZ89E (c) we5782surya235 etc]. Any password entered will have to be remembered by the candidate. Remembering the Password is the responsibility of the candidate. The Password set by the candidate should not be revealed to others who may misuse them. This may result in tampering of the options made by the candidate. The CEE/Government will not be responsible for any such eventuality. If a candidate forgets his/her password, the candidate will be denied access to his/her Home Page in future when he/she tries to access his/her Home Page. In such cases, the candidate will have to contact the office of the CEE in person with Admit card for resetting the password.

(iv) Colleges available for registering options:
The list of Colleges for allotments through the SWS will be available in the Home page of the candidate. The ‘College List’ link when clicked will show all the Law Colleges and their threeletter codes (Eg:-TVL-for Government Law College, Thiruvananthapuram, EKL-for Government Law College, Ernakulam, etc.). A candidate may examine this list further to see the number of seats for each category in these colleges by clicking on the College Code. An overall idea of the Colleges and their Codes will help the candidate to register his/her options without any difficulty.

(v) How to register options in his/her Home Page:
By entering the option number for a college, the candidate can fix his/her preference numbers for the colleges displayed in the Home Page. Here all the eligible options of the candidate will be displayed and the candidate is expected to enter his/her preference number for a particular college.

(vi) Registering of the Options and saving/revising the Options registered:
All eligible options of the candidate will be displayed on the Home Page. The candidate may follow the directions given therein to register the options. The data entered may be saved regularly by clicking the ‘Save’ button, so that the data already entered is not lost due to unexpected reasons. The candidate should enter only those options in which he/she is interested. Candidates should also note that he/she will be considered for allotment only to those colleges opted by him/her. So, a candidate who has not opted for a college will not be considered for allotment to that college. Existing options, registered by the candidate and available in the Home Page, can be cancelled by entering the number ‘0’ against that particular option to be cancelled and by clicking the ‘Update’ button. All options registered by the candidate will be processed. If a candidate gets allotted to a particular seat, based on his/her option, he/she is bound to accept it, failing which, he/she will lose that allotment as well as his/her claims for any seat in any college. Such candidates will not be eligible for any further allotment in any college.

(vii) Option Work Sheet facility:
If a candidate experiences any difficulty in entering the data directly, he/she may first take a printout of the work sheet showing all the options he/she is eligible for, by clicking on the ‘OPTION WORKSHEET’ or ‘DETAILED OPTION WORKSHEET’ link on the page. The desired entries may be made on this work sheet and the same may be used for registering the options in the website. The preference numbers may be fixed using this work sheet and the data may be entered in the system subsequently. A candidate has the facility to modify or rearrange his/her earlier options before the last date and time fixed.

(viii) Viewing and Printing of the Option List based on the options registered :
Once the candidate completes the option entry, he/she can view his/her options by clicking on the link provided. An option list will be generated and the candidate can take a printout of the same and keep it for future reference. If the candidate wants to change his/her options already registered, he/she may revise the options as desired and ensure that the option list has come as per his/her preferences.

(ix) Logging off from the Home page:
Once the candidate is satisfied with the options registered, he/she should ‘Log off’ the system by clicking on “logout” link. The process of ‘Registration of Options’ is complete when the candidate logs off. This action is compulsory for preventing the misuse of his/her Home Page by others.

(x) Rearranging option priority:
A candidate may change his/her option priority any number of times within the time schedule permitted. The priority of options registered at the time of closing of the facility for registering options alone will be considered for processing.

Note: As different Universities are offering different subjects/papers for the LL.B Courses, the candidate should ascertain from the colleges regarding the courses and subjects offered by the respective colleges before submitting options.

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  1. In case i click option work sheet after completing my option registration, is there any chance to cancel my allotment options?

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