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Vel Tech Dr.RR & Dr.SR Technical University VTUEEE 2015 Computer Based Test CBT :

Name of the Organisation : Vel Tech Dr.RR & Dr.SR Technical University
Type of Announcement : Computer Based Test (CBT)
Entrance Exam : VTUEEE 2015 All India Common Engineering Entrance Examination B.Tech Admissions 2015

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Computer Based Test :
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VTUEEE 2015 :
Computer Based Test

** The candidate sits in front of the computer and the questions are presented on the monitor.
** The candidate submits his or her answer through the use of mouse.
** The computer is connected to the server, which delivers the encrypted test in real time through a secure and reliable connection.
** Entrance test assumes that the candidate has the basic familiarity with the use of computer like use of keyboard and mouse operation.
** It is the responsibility of the candidate to acquire these skills before appearing in the entrance test and the University cannot take the responsibility for the same.

** The candidates must ensure that the computer allotted to them is switched on and any problem with the computer should be informed to the invigilator immediately.

** The questions appearing on the screen will be in English. All questions will be of the Multiple Choice Question type. Each consists of a stem which may be in the form of a question or an incomplete statement and four responses labeled A, B, C and D. Only one of the four responses is the correct answer. Candidate needs to choose that answer. Candidates can navigate freely through the questions back and forth.

The number of examination days will be estimated based on the total number of applications received for the particular group of courses and the test centre choices given by the candidates in the application form.

In the rare and unlikely event of a technical failure during the test, the candidate may be required to attempt the test again. Candidate must visit regularly to obtain latest news, information and updates on the entrance test.

VTU reserves the rights to reschedule the examination for a candidate. In rare and unlikely event of a technical failure during the test, the candidate may be required to attempt the test again.

The candidate will not be charged any additional entrance exam fee if the re-schedule is initiated from VTU. However, the candidate has to make his/her own arrangements at his/her cost similar to the original schedule to take the test for the revised schedule.

Online Test booking system is a web based online scheduling system available at

Candidate should first choose the Test City (This should be the same as chosen in the application form) and then the date and the batch for the exams.

The schedule bookings are done on a first-come first served basis and are subject to the availability of the test centre date and time.

For both OMR and online applicants, the password will be sent by email to the email address mentioned in the application form. Therefore it is mandatory to give valid email address.
** University will not be responsible for non receipt of the email, if the email address given is incomplete or incorrect.

** The security of your Online Test Booking Password is totally your responsibility. Vel Tech University will not be held accountable or responsible for any claim or loss that results directly or indirectly from any unauthorized use or misuse of your online test booking password.

** The Online Test Booking Password must be kept confidential. Do not disclose it to others or write them down or store them in a file on your computer or as auto save password.

** Your Online Test Booking Password is required only for the purpose of booking a schedule given by the University. Please note that the online test booking system will not allow the candidates to book a slot after the booking end date.

While booking your test schedule, please ensure that you have a photocopy of the application form you submitted and the Online Test Booking Password.

** After logging into the Online Test Booking System you have to select the test you wish to apply for i.e. you have to select Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics from the drop down menu to proceed further.

** A slot once booked cannot be changed. Request for change of test city, date or slot will not be entertained under any circumstances.

** In case of non availability of slots in a test centre of choice, the candidate may choose to book a slot in an alternative centre / date.

** The online test booking system is available only for those eligible candidates who have submitted the application form complete in all respects on or before the last date mentioned.

** It is the responsibility of the candidate to book their test schedule in ONLINE TEST BOOKING SYSTEM within the given time frame. Vel Tech will not be held accountable for the non bookings. The entrance test fee will not be refunded under any circumstances for such cases.

** The confirmation mail will be automatically sent to the candidate’s email address after he/she has booked his/ her schedule through the Online Test Booking System.

** Also once the booking is complete the Hall Ticket will be generated which needs to be printed by the student from our website

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  1. When will the 2016 slot booking starts for phase 2 ?

  2. Veltech slot booking 2016

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