Vel Tech University Model Question Paper VTUEEE 2015 : Engineering Entrance Examination B.Tech Admission
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Type of Announcement : Model Question Paper
Entrance Exam : VTUEEE 2015 All India Common Engineering Entrance Examination B.Tech Admissions 2015
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VTU VTUEEE Model Question Paper
Physics – Question Paper
51. [BT:K] Bodies which do not allow the charges to pass through it are called___________.
(A) Conductors (B) Insulator (C) Semiconductor (D) Superconductor.
Related : Vel Tech University VTUEEE 2016 Engineering Entrance Examination :
52. [BT:K] Two equal and opposite charges separated by a small distance constitute an___________.
(A) Electric Dipole (B) Electric Quadrapole (B) (C) Electric Octapole (D) Electric Potential.
53. [BT:K] _________ is defined as the rate of flow of charges across any cross-sectional area of A conductor.
(A) Current (B) Velocity (C) Resistivity (D) None of the above.
54. [BT:C] Electromagnetic waves are_________.
(A) Transverse (B) Longitudinal (C) May be Transverse or Longitudinal (D) Neither Transverse nor Longitudinal.
55. [BT:C] What is polarizer?
(A) A device which examines a plane polarized light
(B) A device which produces a plane polarized light.
(C) The instrument used for the measurement of potential difference
(D) A device used to perform constructive Interference of Light.
56. [BT:C] The cathode rays are________.
(A) A stream of electrons (B) A stream of positive ions (C) A stream of uncharged particles (D) None of the above.
57. [BT:A] Isotopes have
(A) Same Mass number but different Atomic number
(B) Same Proton number and Neutron number
(C) Same Proton number but different Neutron number
(D) Same mass number.
58. [BT:K] What are a-rays?
(A) It is a helium nucleus consisting of two protons and two neutrons. (B) It carries one unit of negative charge and mass equal to that of an electron
(C) They are electromagnetic waves of very short wavelength (D) It is a stream of uncharged particle.
59. [BT:C] The process of breaking up of the nucleus of a heavier atom in to 2 fragments with the release of large amount of energy is called__________.
(A) Nuclear Fission (B) Nuclear Fusion (C) Chain Reaction (D) Controlled Chain reaction.
60. [BT:K] When the positive terminal of the battery is connected to the P-side and negative terminal to the N-side then the PN junction diode is said to be__________.
(A) Reverse biased (B) Forward biased (C) Avalanche Breakdown (D) Avalanche Effect.
61. [BT:C] __________gates are called Universal gates.
(A) NOT and NOR (B) AND and NOR (C) NAND and NOR (D) OR and NOT.
62. [BT:K] When the frequency of carrier wave is changed in accordance with the intensity of the signal, the process is called_________
(A) Amplitude Modulation (B) Frequency Modulation (C) Band width (D) None of the above.
63. [BT:A] Four charges +q, +q, –q and –q respectively are placed at the corners A,B,C and D of a square of side ‘a’.The Electric potential at the centre ‘O’of the square is____________.
(A) q/4p?0a (B) 4q/4p?0a (C) Zero (D) 4q.
64. [BT:C] The phenomenon of producing an induced emf due to the changes in the magnetic Flux associated with a closed circuit is known as ____________.
(A) Electromagnetic Induction (B) Thermoelectric current (C) Photo-electric current (D) Magnetic Induction.
65. [BT:K] The ratio of longitudinal stress to longitudinal strain is known as__________.
(A) Young’s Modulus of the material (B) Bulk Modulus of the material
(C) Rigidity Modulus of the material (D) Moment of Inertia.
66. [BT:K] The bending of the waves around the edges of an obstacle is called________.
(A) Interference (B) Diffraction (C) Refraction (D) Polarisation.
67. [BT:A] Which of the following quantity is scalar?
(A) Electric Force (B) Electric field (C) Electric Potential (D) All the above.
68. [BT:C] The material through which electric charge can flow easily is _________.
(A) Rubber (B) Quartz (C) Copper (D) Glass.
69. [BT:K] The unit used to express the mass of the nucleus is __________.
(A) Atomic mass unit (B) Metre (C) Centimetre (D) Millimetre.
70. [BT:K] Best example for semiconductor is ____________.
(A) Germanium (B) Copper (C) Wood (D) Rubber.
71. [BT:K] The SI unit of Electric field strength is __________.
(A) Newton/Coulomb (B) Coulomb (C) Newton (D) Coulomb metre.
72. [BT:C] _________ gate or Invertor is a device whose output is 1 when its input is 0 and whose output is 0 when its input is 1.
(A) OR Gate (B) AND Gate (C) NOT Gate (D) None of the above.
73. [BT:C] The ejection of electrons from the surface of the metal under the action of light is called _________.
(A) Gravitation effect (B) Magnetic effect (C) Photo-electric effect (D) Peltier Effect.
74. [BT:K] The rate of change of displacement is _________.
(A) Velocity (B) Dispersion (C) Energy (D) Acceleration.
75. [BT:C] The property of a conductor which enables to induce an emf in it when the current in the circuit changes is called _________
(A) Self-Induction (B) Mutual Induction (C) Thermal Conduction
(D) Thermoelectric current.
Answers (Physics)
51(B) 52(A) 53(A) 54(A) 55(B) 56(A) 57(C) 58(A) 59(A) 60(B)
61(C) 62(B) 63(C) 64(A) 65(A) 66(B) 67(C) 68(C) 69(A) 70(A)
71(A) 72(C) 73(C) 74(A) 75(A)
Chemistry – Question Paper
76. [BT:A] Picric acid and benzoic acid can be distinguished by the aqueous solution of _________.
(A) NaHCO3 (B) Na2CO3 (C) NaOH (D) FeCl3
77. [BT:K] Air pollution is caused by _________.
(A) industries (B) automobiles (C) pollen grains (D) All of these
78. [BT:K] Soaps are obtained by_________.
(A) saponification of oils or fats (B) alkaline hydrolysis of glycerol
(C) acidic hydrolysis of esters of fatty acids and glycerol (D) All of these
79. [BT:K] Ascorbic acid is the chemical name of _________.
(A)vitamin D (B) vitamin A (C) vitamin C (D) vitamin B6
80. [BT:A] The process involving heating of rubber with sulphur is called_________.
(A) galvanization (B) vulcanization (C) bessemerization (D) sulphonation
81. [BT:C] Ethyl alcohol on oxidation with K2Cr2O7 gives_________.
(A) acetic acid (B) acetaldehyde (C) formaldehyde (D) formic acid
82. [BT:K] Lucas test is performed for_________.
(A) amines (B) alcohols (C) ethers (D) alkyl halides
83. [BT:C]. Ethene is obtained from ethyl bromide by_________.
(A) Nucleophlic substitution (B) hydrolysis (C) simple heating (D) dehydrohalogenation
84. [BT:C]. Which of the following is an example of elimination reaction?
(A) Chlorination of methane (B) Dehydration of ethanol (C) Nitration of benzene (D) Hydroxylation of ethylene
85. [BT:K] Which of the following is an aromatic hydrocarbon?
(A) cyclo pentene (B) cyclo hexane (C) naphthalene (D) 1,3-butadiene
86. [BT:K] According to Werner’s theory the secondary valencies of a central metal atom correspond to its_________.
(A) oxidation state (B) coordination number (C) sum of the two (D) none of these
87. [BT:C] Most common oxidation states shown by cerium are_________.
(A) +2,+4 (B) +3,+4 (C) +3,+5 (D) +2,+3
88.[BT:K]. Quartz is the crystalline variety of
(A) Si (B) SiO2 (C) Na2SiO3 (D) SiC
89.[BT:K]. Heavy water is used in atomic reactor as_________.
(A) coolant (B) moderator (C) both coolant and moderator
(D) neither coolant nor moderator
90. [BT:C] The main function of roasting is_________.
(A) reduction (B) oxidation (C) concentration (D) separation
91. [BT:A] The shortest c-c bond distance is found in_________.
(A) Diamond (B) Ethane (C) Benzene (D) Acetyline
92. [BT:K] Which is of the following has the largest radius?
(A) K+ (B) Cl- (C) 02- (D) Cr3+
93. [BT:C]. The principal and azimuthal quantum number of electrons in 4f orbitals are_________.
(A) 4,2 (B) 4,4 (C) 4,3 (D) 3,4
94. [BT:K] Which of the following indicates the charge on colloidal particles?
(A) Brownian movement (B) electrophoresis (C) electrolysis (D) tyndall effect
95. [BT:C] Effect of temperature on reaction rate is given by_________.
(A) Clausius-Clapeyron equation (B) Gibbs-Helmholtz equation (C) Arrhenius equation (D) Kirchoffs equation
96. [BT:C] Which of the following has highest value of standard reduction potential
(A) F2 (B) Cl2 (C) Br2 (D) I2
97. [BT:A] BF3 is_________.
(A) Lewis acid (B) Lewis base (C) Bronsted acid (D) Arrhenius acid
100. [BT:C] The molar solution of sulphuric acid is equal to _________.
(A) N solution (B) 2 N solution (C) N/2 solution (D) 3 N solution
Answers (Chemistry)
76. (D) 77. (D) 78. (A) 79. (C) 80. (B) 81. (A) 82. (B) 83. (D) 84. (B) 85. (C)
86. (B) 87. (B) 88. (B) 89. (C) 90. (B) 91. (D) 92. (C) 93. (C) 94. (B) 95. (C)
96. (A) 97. (A) 98. (B) 99. (B) 100. (B)
Sir could you please tell the final exam in this model??
I want to prepare for exam. Can I get Maths question paper of 2019?
This bits are simple. Physics are Chemistry are easy to answer.
Questions are not so tough. There are no sums in Physics and Chemistry.
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