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PG Admission Entrance Test 2015 Counseling : Chaudhary Bansilal University Bhiwani

University : Chaudhary Bansilal University Bhiwani
Entrance Test : PG Admission Entrance Test 2015
Facility : Counseling

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Counseling :
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Guidelines For Counseling :
1. A candidate having compartment in the qualifying examination shall not be allowed admission in any course in the University, even if he clears the Entrance Test.

2. A student having done post-graduation in one subject cannot seek admission to another regular post graduate course.

3. The candidate shall be allowed to appear in the entrance test (if applicable) provisionally subject to determination of eligibility at a later stage. The candidates shall have no right to claim admission to any course, merely due to their appearing in the entrance test.

4. All the admissions will be purely provisional. A candidate seeking admission on the basis of Merit in Entrance Test is subject to submission of proof of passing of Qualifying Examination with the concerned Department by- 31-07-2015 positively, failing which his/her admission will stand automatically cancelled.

5. No column should be left blank in Admission Application Form; write N.A. against the column, which is not applicable. Otherwise, it will be considered as incomplete and hence liable to be rejected.

6. Self-attested photocopies of certificates/DMCs of Bachelor Degree Part-I, II, III & documents for Date of Birth, Weightages, and photograph duly attested should be attached with the Application Form to be submitted to the Admission Committee at the time of Counseling.

7. Candidates seeking admission in the University located in Haryana may not be required to produce Resident Certificate, if they have passed the examination from a school/college situated in Haryana. For this purpose, a certificate of the Principal/ Headmaster from the concerned institution where the children/wards studied last should be considered sufficient. The Principal/Headmaster of the institution shall be competent to issue such certificate.

8. No courses will be started if the strength of admitted students is less than ten.

9. In case any candidate is found to have supplied false information, certificates, documents, etc. or is found to have withheld or concealed some information in his/her Application Form, he/she shall be liable to be debarred from admission to the course.

10. If a candidate is admitted on the basis of the information submitted by him/her, which is found to be incorrect or false at a later stage, his/her admission will be cancelled and all fees and other dues paid by him/her shall be forfeited. The University/Institute may also take further legal action, as deemed fit, against the candidate and his/her guardian.

11. Admission will be done though counseling on the dates given in the University Information Brochure. In case of any change in the scheduled, notification will be issued on the University web site. All the eligible candidate shall be required to appear personally before the Counseling Committee for verification of documents and checking of eligibility strictly according to the Counseling Schedule given in the Prospectus before the admission to the programme is made. They will be called for counseling one by one in the order of merit.

12. It shall be the sole responsibility of the candidates to remain in touch with the Department/Institute concerned for keeping track of progress of admissions. No separate communication in this regard will be sent to the candidates by the University.

13. Final Waiting List will be prepared on the date of third counseling on the basis of physical presence and verification of original documents in the concerned Department on prescribed date and time as per the schedule given in the schedule for counseling.

14. Each admitted student shall have to furnish Self Declaration by him/her and his/her Parent/Guardian as per specimen given in the Application Form that he/she was never found guilty of ragging and shall not indulge in any act of ragging. If a candidate after his/her admission is found indulging in any kind of ragging, his/her admission is liable to be cancelled.

15. Nothing contained in this Prospectus should be construed to convey sanction or be cited as an authority for which University regulations in Calendars Vol. I, II and the relevant rules in Calendar Vol. III alone are applicable.

16. Counseling will be closed as soon as all the seats in each category are filled.

17. Those candidates, who do not get admission in one counseling, shall be eligible for admission in subsequent rounds, if seats are available.

18. Preferences once exercised by the candidate for any Course/Dept/Institute/College at the time of counseling shall be final. However such candidates may appear again as a fresh candidate in the next counseling, if held and he/she will be considered for admission as per merit subject to availability of seats at that time he/she reports for counseling.

19. Any Candidate, who fails to turn up for counseling at his/her turn, will be considered for the remaining seats at the time he/she reports for counseling. But no relaxation will be given if the candidate fails to appear before the counseling Committee on the fixed date/time.

20. Admission on the seats earmarked for Kashmiri Migrants/NRIs/ Sports Quota / Cultural Activities Quota / Foreign Candidate will be made on the basis of marks in the qualifying examination. The admission to the courses against the seats of single girl child will be made on the basis of Entrance Test/ Academic merit as mentioned against the courses in the Information Brochure. However, these seats will not be filled if the candidates in these categories are not available.

21. The candidate shall present all the required certificates / documents / testimonials in original to the Admission Committee for verification, and give one set of duly attested copies of all such certificates/ documents/ testimonials. The Admission Committee will check the eligibility of the candidates. This Committee shall have the power to reject any certificate not considered valid. In case, the candidate is not found eligible, his/her candidature will stand cancelled automatically.

22. The candidates found eligible for Admission will be required to deposit the fee and other dues with the University on the date of Admission failing which he/she will not be granted Admission.

23. If the score of two or more students is same, the Admission will be granted to the student in order of following criteria:
i) Admission will be granted to the student who has scored higher marks in the Qualifying Examination.
ii) If the score in the Qualifying Examination is the same, the admission will be granted to the student who is senior in age.

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  1. When m.phil and ph.d courses need to be begun?

  2. When the counseling of physics is starting?

  3. Please tell me date of

    1. Date of entrance exam test for in mathematics

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