cblu.ac.in Rules & Guidelines For Entrance Exam PG Admission 2015 : Chaudhary Bansilal University Bhiwani

University : Chaudhary Bansilal University Bhiwani
Entrance Test : PG Admission Entrance Test 2015
Facility : Rules & Guidelines For Entrance Examination

Rules & Guidelines For Entrance Examination : https://www.entrance.net.in/uploads/2463-prospectus2015_dated_28_may_2015_copy.pdf
Home Page : http://cblu.ac.in/

Rules And Guidelines For Entrance Examinations :
1. The Entrance Examination is meant to assess the candidate’s suitability for the Programme/Course to which he/she is seeking admission.

2. No candidate will be admitted to the Entrance Examination Hall unless he/she produces the Admit Card which can be downloaded from University Website one week before the date of Entrance Test. In case it is not available on the site, concerned office/ department where the application duly signed by the candidate was deposited may be contacted.

3. No request for postponement of Entrance Examination will be entertained under any circumstance.

4. The question papers for various Entrance Examinations will consist of objective type multiple choice questions only.

5. The candidates should refer to “Syllabi for Entrance Examinations” for outlines of syllabi and composition of Entrance Examination Question Papers given on the website of the University.

6. Question Booklet :
i) The Examinees, immediately after taking their seats, will be given a sealed Test Booklet containing an OMR/Paper Answer Sheet and a Question Booklet containing serially numbered questions. The examinees are advised to read and follow the instructions on front and back-page of the Question Booklet carefully.

ii) A Question Booklet number and a Booklet Code (A or B or C or D) are given on the front page of the Question Booklet. The examinees must write the Number and the Code carefully in the appropriate places on the OMR/Answer Sheet.

iii) The Examinee must affix his/her signature on the front page of the Question Booklet at the place earmarked for this purpose.

iv) The Question Booklet has paper seal pasted on it. The examinees should open the Question Booklet by breaking the paper seal only when they are asked to do so by the invigilator.

v) The examinees must check immediately after breaking the seal that the Question Booklet contains the same number of questions as indicated in the instructions at the top. If any deficiency is noticed in the Question Booklet, the Invigilator may be requested to replace the same immediately.

vi) The Question Booklet and the Answer Sheet must be returned to the Invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall.

7. OMR/Answer sheet :
i) The examinees must check their Answer sheets which are serially numbered. If any discrepancy is detected, the same should be brought to the notice of the Invigilator immediately.

ii) Use good quality ball pen (blue or black) strictly as directed on the OMR Answer Sheets.

iii) Do not fold or put stray marks or do any rough work on the Answer Sheet.

iv) Fill in the Roll No., Question Booklet No. and Booklet Code in the blocks provided for the purpose on the OMR/ paper Answer Sheet.

v) The examinee must affix his/her signature with the ball point pen at the appropriate place on the OMR Answer Sheet.

vi) Specimen copy of the OMR Sheets is available in the University Prospectus and can be downloaded from the University Website also.

8. Rough Work :
The Examinees should not do any rough work or writing work on the OMR Answer Sheet Rough work, if any, may be done in the Test Booklet itself.

9. The Following Procedure shall be Allowed in the Examination Hall:
i) No candidate will be allowed to enter the Examination Hall 15 minutes after the commencement of the examination.

ii) No candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall before the expiry of time.

iii) The doors of Examination Hall will be opened 30 minutes before the time fixed for commencement of the Examination.

iv) Each examinee will be given a sealed Test Booklet with an Answer Sheet 10 minutes before the commencement of the Examination.

v) The examinees, immediately on receipt of the Test Booklet, will fill in the required particulars with the ball point (blue or black) pen only on its cover page.

vi) The examinees shall not open the Test Booklet until asked to do so by the Invigilator.

vii) Use of calculators, slide rules or log tables, books, papers, cellular phones or any other electronic device, etc. is not allowed.

viii) The Examination will start exactly at the appointed time. The Invigilator will make an announcement to this effect. The examinees should start writing only after the announcement by the Invigilator.

ix) The Invigilator will check ‘Admit Card’ of each examinee during the Examination to satisfy himself about each of them. The Invigilator will also put his signature in the space provided in the question booklet and OMR Answer Sheet.

x) The examinees shall bring their own ball point pens (blue or black).

xi) After completing the test and before handing over the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet, the examinees must check again that all the particulars required in the Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet have been correctly written.

xii) A signal will be given at the beginning of the Examination and at Half-time. A signal will also be given before the closing time when the examinees must stop marking responses.

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