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BUHSJET 2024 BUHS JET Joint Entrance Test : Bihar University of Health Sciences

Organisation : Bihar University of Health Sciences, Patna
Exam Name : BUHS Joint Entrance Test (BUHSJET-2024) BUHS-JET
Last Date : 31st August 2024
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BUHS Joint Entrance Test BUHSJET

BUHS Joint Entrance Test (BUHSJET-2024) is conducted for admission to Nursing (B.S c. Nursing, Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing, M.Sc. Nursing), Pharmacy (B. Pharma & M. Pharma) and Paramedical (UG and PG) Program offered at different affiliated colleges under the Bihar University of Health Sciences, Patna. Last Date for submission of application is 31st August 2024.

Eligibility of BUHS Joint Entrance Test

For B.Sc Nursing :
1. A candidate should have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry,Biology (PCB) and English Core/ English Elective and must have obtained a minimum of 45% marks taken together in PCB at the qualifying examination (10+2) from the recognized board.
2. Candidates are also eligible from State Open School recognized by State Government and National Institute of Open School (NIOS) recognized by Central Government having above mentioned subjects only.
3. English is a compulsory (Core/Elective) subject in 10+2.
4. Candidate shall be medically fit. However, Colour Blind candidates should be considered for admission to Nursing Courses subject to the condition that Colour corrective contact lens and spectacles are worn by such candidates.
5. Candidate shall be admitted once in a year.
The minimum age for admission shall be 17 years on 31st December of the year in which admission is sought.

For M.Sc Nursing :
1. The candidate should be a Registered Nurse and Registered midwife or equivalent with any State Nursing Registration Council.
2. The Minimum education requirements shall be the passing of: B.Sc. Nursing/B.Sc. Hons. Nursing/Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing with minimum of 55% aggregate marks
3. The candidate should have undergone in B.Sc. Nursing /B.Sc. Hons. Nursing/ Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing.
4. Minimum one year of work experience after B.Sc. Nursing.
5. Minimum one year of work experience prior or after Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing.

For Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing :
1. Passed the Higher Secondary or Senior Secondary or Intermediate or 10+2 or an equivalent examination recognized by the university for this purpose.

2. Obtained a certificate in General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) and registered as R.N.R.M. with the State Nurses Registration Council. A male nurse, trained before the implementation of the new integrated course besides being registered as a nurse with State Nurses Registration Council, shall produce evidence of training approved by Indian Nursing Council for a similar duration in lieu of midwifery in any one of the following areas:
** O.T. Techniques
** Ophthalmic Nursing
** Leprosy Nursing
** TB Nursing
** Psychiatric Nursing
** Neurological and Neuro surgical Nursing
** Community Health Nursing
** Cancer Nursing
** Orthopedic Nursing

3. Candidate must complete 6 months of internship.
4. Candidates shall be medically fit.
5. Students shall be admitted once in a year.
6. Candidate must be registered under any STATE NURSES REGISTRATION COUNCIL and bear Registration Number.

For B. Pharma/Paramedical (Bachelor course) :
1. A candidate should have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry,Biology (PCB) or Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (PCB) in 10+2/Equivalent examination from the recognized board.
2. Candidates are also eligible from State Open School recognized by State Government and National Institute of Open School (NIOS) recognized by Central Government having above mentioned subjects only.
3. The minimum age for admission shall be 17 years on 31st December.

For M. Pharma/Paramedical (PG course) :
1. Admission in M. Pharma Course taken by the Score of GPAT Entrance test.
2. Admission in Paramedical (PG course) taken on the basis of merit list prepared by marks obtained by candidate in Bachelor Course of concerned Stream.

How to Apply for BUHSJET?

** The online application form is required to be filled in CAPITAL LETTER (except signature) Where information is required to be filled in boxes, write names in CAPITAL LETTERS, leave one blank between first and middle name and also between middle name and last name or initials of names.
** Your name, Father’s name, Mother’s name and Date of Birth in the online application form should exactly be the same as mentioned in the High School/Class X certificate. Any discrepancy, when ever found, may lead to the cancellation of your candidature.

1. Your Application Forms will not be considered if not accompanied by appropriate Certificates & Documents or received after the last date of submission.
2. Incomplete application due to any reason is liable for rejection by University.

Important Instructions Before Filling Applications :
** Registration is mandatory for BUHSJET-2024 [ Click here to register BUHSJET-2024 ].
** Use user id and Password to login.
** mobile number can not be change.
** Only eligible candidates as per guidelines/advertisement should fill up the form.
** After filling up application form click on submit button to save your application as Draft.
** You may print the application form as draft.
** Verify your entries before submitting finally, No modification can be made after final submission.
** Application ID will be generated after final submission.
** Only finally submitted application will be considered.
** Print a copy of finally submitted application form.(For reference only)

** Before uploading photo and signature ensure that:
i. Photo size should be less than 50 kb. (Preferred dimension : 200 x 230 px).
ii. Photo should be cleared, not blurred and should not be selfie.
iii. Signature size should be less than 50 kb. (Preferred dimension : 140 x 60 px).
iv. File size should be less than 100 kb. and it must be pdf

** Filling the application form will consist of following subsequent steps
i. Registration
ii. Personal Details
iii. Educational Qualification
iv. Upload Photo & Signature
v. Finalise and submit application

** Admission in M. Pharm Course by BUHSJET-2024 in Affiliated Pvt. Pharmacy Colleges on the basis of Following
i. As per Merit List prepared on the basis of GPAT Score.
ii. For those candidate who did not appear in GPAT – Entrance Test will be conducted and admission will be taken on the merit list prepared on the basis of Marks Scored in Entrance Test BUHSJET-24.
iii. Entrance Test for M. Pharm is of Objective type – 200 MCQ Duration 02 Hours.

** Appearing candidate may also apply for Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Examination of BUHSJET-24 with the condition that “their result must be announced before 30.09.2024 as per Indian Nursing Council norms” else his/her candidature will be cancelled automatically without any information.

Detailed Notification Download here :

1 Comment
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  1. Buhs Jet nursing Couseling kab tak hoga Sir

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