All posts from Undergraduate Admission 2015 UG Online Application Filling FAQ : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Organisation : Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Announcement : Undergraduate Admission 2015
Facility : UG Online Application Filling FAQ

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UG Online Application Filling FAQ :!1469&authkey=!AChb6urEWviQ0Zw&ithint=file%2cdoc
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TNAU UG Admission 2015 Online Application Filling and Filing FAQ :
Query :
My Online Application Registration number is ########### and the reference number for bank transaction is <xyz>. What is my Coupon Code? <Next> No Bank Account, No Credit Card, can I send DD to TNAU <Next> e-payment problem, please help <next> the 4th step of Online Application have like this “If you do not have coupon code then please logout and go to e-payment page and generate coupon by submitting application fee.” Where is the link of e-payment page and generate coupon <Next> Login Id : 559357063 i did payment through Online Yesterday but still i am not getting any Coupon Code from SBI BANK or TNAU, MY PAYMENT REFERENCE NO IS 513516901514(Payment Method:other Bank Debit Card Payment RS-612.36). How i get the coupon Code for complete my Registration. <Next> application filling online form, so 4th stage FINAL CLICK do not final stage click again COUPON CODE enter the text box , i cont this coupon code

Reply :
Please mail your Online Registration Number and Bank Transaction Registration Number to We will try to identify YOUR payment and provide you the Coupon Code. Please wait for a day or two. *** No DD please. One of your friends will be very helpful in this regard; If you are afford to visit TNAU, Coimbatore, TNAU UG Admission 2015 Team is ready to help you for a SMILE! *** Use a virus free computer with moderately good internet connectivity. Clear Browsing History, Cookies and reload the online application home page Locate E-payment link and follow the instruction. Failed to obtain Coupon Code; don’t worry, GOTO top of this note.

Query :
I want to make corrections <Next> all information correct but caste code incorrect in my screen (my caste xxxxx xxxxxx ) pls solve tha problem. Your counsiling caste code who pls replay me… <Next> one mistake for my application ,problem was caste code actually my caste code:049 but I am filling 002 so what correct action pls reply

Reply :
Corrections of all kind and switching between options like Management Quota and TNAU Counselling OR withdrawing application under special quota / reservations OR applying for special# quota / reservations, etc. are permitted from June 14th to 16th 2015 and likely to be extended until 17th June 2015. FOR MORE THIS PLEASE WATCH FOR NOTIFICATION UPDATES IN

Query :
I am the First Graduate from my family, and getting the required certificate from the authorities is under progress. I want to know that whether the original First graduate certificate must be produced personally to the dean? or Shall I send the photo copies of the certificate along with the printed application form? because in the step 1 process of the application (after the first graduate option) i am asked to submit the certificate in person (the msg is : You have selected Yes for first graduate in the family, So you have to submit Appendix XIII and Appendix XIII-B personally to Dean(Agriculture) & Chairman Admissions before application deadline).

Reply :
Hi, this is for tuition fee concession. We will consider if you are able to produce the certificate at the time of joining a degree program. However, we advice you obtain the certificate from competent authority (in one of the formats approved by Government of Tamil Nadu) and present THE ORIGINAL AT THE TIME OF COUNSELLING / MEETING THE COMMITTEE FOR SCRUTINIZING SPECIAL RESERVATION ELIGIBILITY (from 1st June 2015 to 13th June 2015)

Query :
I am first graduate in my family. I have applied TNAU UG application form. Please guide me… <Next> I am a first graduate in my family. please let me know the procedure and informations about applying for UG courses 2015. <Next> As I am a first graduate in my family, I require additional information to fill the online application. So I request you to guide me <Next> First Graduate Option Yes is not saved…Kindly Guide me soon <Next> i am the first graduate in my family and i wrongly mentioned as no and appendix xiii and xiiib is how could download the website

Reply :
1) Get certificate from Government. Select first graduate tick box and apply
2) Read the TNAU UG Admission 2015 Information Brochure
3) Link to first graduate certificate(s) format

Query :
What are all the things I need take printout please help me…

Reply :
Read the TNAU UG Admission 2015 Information Brochure

Query :
My brother is doing diplamo whether he is a graduate

Reply :
Please consult your area Thasidar.

Query :
There is only upto APPENDIXVIII in the information brouchure I need to know about appendix IX TO XV OR UPTO LAST

Reply :
Friends, I need to know about appendix IX TO XV OR UPTO LAST Can any one answer such queries? Plz mail your answer to

Query :
I have unfortunately created three registration.How to delete two of them.please responce as quick as possible.
1) write a letter to the Coordinator, TNAU UG Admission 2015, Office of the Dean(Agri.), TNAU, Coimbatore 641003 narrating what made you to register many times / submit multiple application

2) list the registration numbers which are to be deleted. If, by mistake the registration number with which you were able to submit your application online, then YOU MAY LOSE YOUR APPLICATION and we can not help retrieve it later. So, be very careful and be serious in listing junk-registration number for purging junk-records.

3) attach one more printout of your Joint Declaration Form with signatures in original (this is a separate joint declaration and it is expected that you might have had sent a Joint Declaration to Dean & Chairman already.

4) send or handover in person all the above items to Dean’s Office. If you do not complete this on or before 13-06-2015, then we will be deleting all the junk records after 13-06-2015. In this process we will keep the first registration made by you (as per the time of submitting the request) and delete all the other registrations assuming that the subsequent registrations are illegal. Just think over it and act quickly and wisely.

Queries sent by SMS to 948777081/9442171369 If you find no answer from above, plz wait; replies will be updated soon in this document; plz be watching. If any NEW problem identified, please SMS to 9487770851 in an understandably brief format OR email to with full details (big attachments are possible)

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  1. We have completed three steps in processing the counselling application but while going for the online payment the transaction is failed for once and we tried another time it suddenly hanged so we cant able to transact the amount.

  2. I am in Karur town. So in the 2 step while filing village and taluk I fill it as Karut town and karur taluk but it denied my village name so as in my nativity certificate I have entered my village name as Samudram and taluk as karur taluk but even now it wont accept it again deny village and taluk name. And when saving the step 2 I have a notification to fill the village and taluk name. I am very much confused how to fill it please reply fast.

  3. How to correct the subject in tnau egs? ( I need biology but botany,I need maths but zoology)

  4. I need one help. I apply agri in online. There is one mistake that is my name. How can I correct my name?

  5. I wrongly mentioned 10th,12th serial number in step 1. How can I correct it? Please help me.

  6. I want to join bsc agri
    My cut off is 187.5
    Community BC

  7. How many government college vacancies are available for bsc agri. for bc community?

  8. How many government college vacancies are now available for bc community? I am going to attend the counseling tomorrow

  9. My cutoff is 186
    Can I get B.SC agriculture colleges in MBC community?

  10. My cut off is 185.5. Can I get B.Sc Agri in tnau cbe for MBC community?

  11. How to correct the mistakes in the application form as the application had already sent?

  12. How to get the joint declaration form? Please reply

  13. I wrongly mentioned my 10,12 SERIAL NO? How to correct it? I already sent my application form ? Please help me

  14. How to get joint declaration form ?


  16. I have applied for retotalling. I am waiting for my retotalling result. It will be published on June 15th at 4’o clock. Whether I have to make any corrections in application regarding my marks or not? Please guide me

  17. I am the first graduate in my family. But during online application it is printed that I am not the first graduate. And I have enclosed the photocopy of my first graduate along with my application. By this is there any problem to me?

  18. We have already sent application but there is correction. How to correct?

  19. We have already sent application form on online. Is there any correction in it? How to find it?

  20. I have received confirmation message. What shall I do now?

  21. I have applied for in tnau. But i want to apply agri. How can i correct it? And tell me about the proofs to be enclosed with joint declaration

  22. I haven’t received the confirmation message about the joint declaration form. What shall I do?

  23. I’m the first graduate in my family but I didn’t mention that in my application
    What can I do to correct that? Please guide me

    1. Corrections of all kind and switching between options like Management Quota and TNAU Counselling OR withdrawing application under special quota / reservations OR applying for special# quota / reservations, etc. are permitted from June 14th to 16th 2015 and likely to be extended until 17th June 2015

  24. I am the first graduate in my family. But while filling application I didn’t mention it. Now what I want to do to include my first graduate?

  25. Entrance syllabus for bsc poultry production

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