All posts from PhD Admission Test 2015 : Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University

University : Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University
Announcement : PhD Admission 2015 Entrance Test

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PhD Admission Entrance Test


Related : PhD Admission Test Sample Questions Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University :

*Without Late Fee : upto July 06, 2015(Monday)
*With Late Fee of Rs. 500/- : upto July13, 2015 (Monday)

Entrance Test : July 23, 2015 (Thursday)
Result : July 30, 2015 (Thursday)
Interviews : Aug 04-06, 2015 (Tuesday-Thursday)

Display of List of Selected Candidates : Aug 11, 2015 (Tuesday) :
Verification of Documents and Payment of Fee : Aug 13, 2015 (Thursday) :

1. Eligibility :
a) Master’s degree with atleast 55%marks o r 5.5CGPAoutof10(50%marks or equivalent CGPA for SC/ST candidates, differently abled persons who have atleast 40% disability)ofSri Guru Granth Sahib World University, Fatehgarh Sahib or an equivalent degree of a recognized Indian or Foreign University in the subject concerned or allied-subject.

b) The eligibility of foreign students shall be determined on the basis of recognition of their degree’s equivalence to (i) above by Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi or any other notified authority for the purpose by the Government of India.

2. Admission :
a) The University will admit Ph.D.students through Ph.D.Entrance test, to be conducted bythe University.(Annexure-I). Candidates who have qualified UGC (NET)/UGC-CSIR(JRF) examination/ SLET/GATE and foreign students sponsored by ICCR or any other applicable test conducted by notified authority of Government of India for the purpose, will be exempted from Ph.D entrance test, subject to approval of the Vice-Chancellor.Applications of other foreign students who wish to seek admission directly(without sponsorship)to Ph.D programme shall be examined by a committee set up by the Vice Chancellor.

b) The candidates who qualify thePh.D.Entrance test,and other eligible candidates shall appear for an interview to be conducted by the Board of Control(BOC)/Research Degree Committee(RDC). At the time of interview,the student will discuss his/ her research interest/ area. The number of candidates to be admitted to the Ph.D.programme will be notified by the University. However, the University can increase or decrease the number of seats, depending upon the number of projects and research facilities available.

c) The UGC (JRF) /CSIR/INSPIRE Awardees and any other candidate who is eligible for award of fellowship by any other funding authority of Government of India for the purpose of pursuing Ph.D.can be registered any time during the session, subject to approval of the Vice- Chancellor.NET/GATE qualified project fellows appointed against financed projects of atleast two years duration can also be registered for Ph.D.any time during the session. Merely qualifying the Ph.D.eligibility test will not entitle the candidates for admission to Ph.D.

3. Allocation of Supervisor :
The allocation of supervisor and co-supervisor, if required,for a selected studentshallberecommended by the Research Degree Committee, depending on the number of students per faculty member, the available specialization among the faculty supervisors,and there search interest of the student as indicated during interview by the student. The request of the student and the consent by a faculty member to be the supervisor will be given due consideration by Research Degree Committee while approving the supervisor of student.

4. Attendance :
a) A candidate registered for Ph.D. in case of non-lab courses will have to spend a minimum of 30 working days per year in the University doing academic work related to research. The supervisor will give a certificate in this regard. This stay is not required during the year in which pre submission seminar is presented.

b) In case of subjects where laboratory work is essential as certified by the supervisor, the candidate will have to attend the lab work for atleast one year during entire duration of Ph.D. programme, excluding course work (either in one or more than one stretch as recommended by the supervisor).

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  1. Can you give me 2015-16 phd entrance test paper in the field of physical education for preparation?

  2. How to get direct admission in p.hd?
    Other states people can apply for the same?

    1. The eligibility of foreign students shall be determined on the basis of recognition of their degree’s equivalence to (i) above by Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi or any other notified authority for the purpose by the Government of India.

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