All posts from B.Ed Admission 2015 : Central Selection Committee Vidyasagar University

Organisation : Vidyasagar University
Announcement : B.Ed. Admission 2015-16

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Counselling Schedule 2015 :
Provisional Merit List for B.Ed. Admission 2015 :

VIDYASAGAR UNIVERSITY Central Selection Committee for B.Ed. Admission 2015-16 [FOR SELF FINANCING B.ED. COLLEGES ONLY]

Admission Notification:
Applications are invited in prescribed form to be filled ONLINE for admission to B.Ed. Course for the session 2015-17 in the Self-financing B.Ed. Colleges affiliated to Vidyasagar University. The Govt.-aided B.Ed. Colleges will conduct online Admission on stand alone basis and not included in the central selection and admission process.

Candidates (both Fresher & Deputed) with at least 50% marks either in Bachelor’s Degree and/or in Master’s degree, for SC/ST/PH Category 45% marks either in Bachelor’s Degree and/or in Master’s degree in Arts/Science/Commerce having two subjects at the degree level of the available method subjects (Bengali, English, History, Sanskrit, Economics, Geography, Mathematics, Life Science, Physical Science, Work Education, Education) taught in the colleges are eligible. Candidates with 55% marks in B.E../B/Tech in UG level (for SC/ST/PH Category 50% marks in B.E./B/Tech) are also eligible. Fresher Candidates be within 38 years of age as on 30.06.2015 and Deputed teachers teaching for Class IX onwards (Hons. or PG Scales only) in W.B. Govt. aided institution having at least one year teaching experience as on 30.06.2015 are eligible. Para-teacher/Primary teachers are not eligible as deputed candidate. Reservation of seats for SC/ST/PH Candidates as per Govt. rules. 20% of the total seats will be reserved for deputed teachers and 80% for Freshers. 20% seats of the fresher candidates will be filled up from Other University.

Provisional Merit List will be published on 22.06.2015.
Final Merit List will be published on 28.06.2015.

Selection of the Candidates will be made through counselling according to Category-wise merit/rank by central selection committee for B.Ed. Admission. Counselling Schedule, Seat Chart, rules & regulation and other details will be announced along with the final merit list. Candidates pursuing any other Course of Studies/Job/Full-time Research Work will not be allowed to pursue this course simultaneously. For all other details and regular updates please visit the online b.ed. admission portal

Procedure for Application:
Candidates may apply for admission to the said course centrally through the ONLINE Portal. The Online Applicant Registration will start from 22-05-2015 and will close on 03-06-2015 in the portal h The Application Fees of Rs.280/-(excluding Bank Charges) may be paid at any branch of UCO Bank using the 3 -parts fees payment Challan [PAY-IN-SLIP] to be generated online during Online Form Submission Process. Payment may also be made through Online Debit/credit card/Netbanking. Computer Generated Filled in application form along with the fees receipt copy (2nd copy of the 3- part payment challan for Payment through Bank Challan or computer generated fees receipt for Online payment) and attested copies of testimonials is to be sent by Post To The Convener, Central Selection Committee for B.Ed. Admission, Vidyasagar University, P.O.- Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, PIN-721102 or it may be submitted by hand in the drop box kept in the office ofthe Convener in the above address.

Last date of receiving of Online filled in form by Post: 05-06-2015.
The drop box will be available upto 05-06-2015.

STEP 1 :Visit Bed portal website and Registered yourself by registration of applicants
STEP 2A : Fill the Personal Data
STEP 2B : Fill the Academic details

STEP 3 :Payment of Application Fees :
Option 1: Generate Application Fees Payment challan and submit the Application Fees to any branch of UCO Bank on the next bank working day.
Option 2: Online Payment through Debit Card/Credit card/ NetBanking using payment gateway.

For payment through Option 1: After submission of fees at the bank wait for 24 hours (till we receive your payment update) and sign in again using your registration no. and finish the Process and take printout of the Filled in Application Form(2-pages A4 portrait).

For payment through Option 2: After the online payment transaction is successful take printout of the Filled in Application Form(2-pages A4 portrait) and fee payment receipt from the menu.

Paste a passport size Photograph, Sign in the designated places. Application Form for Deputed candidates is to be attested by the Head of his institution at the designated place. Enclose all the self attested supporting documents including fees payment receipt [Documents to be submitted are given in page number 11) and submit it by hand in the drop box to be kept opened upto 05-06-2015 or send it by post To The Convener, Central Selection Committee for B.Ed. Admission, Vidyasagar University, P.O.- Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, PIN-721102 Last date of receiving of filled in form by Post: 05-06-2015. The drop box will be available upto 05-06-2015. Before sending the form by post or in the drop box, please keep a xerox copy of the form and note down your Form number along with the registration number.

Schedule :
1. Date of Advertisement : 20-21 May, 2015
2. Submission of Application Forms ONLINE
Duration of Online Registration and Online form fillup : 22 May- 3 June,2015
Last Date of Receipt of Hardcopy of the Printed form by post : 5 June, 2015
Last date of Submission of hardcopy of Printed form in the drop box : 22 May-5 June, 2015
3. Publication of Provisional Merit List : 22 June, 2015
4. Date of Receiving Complaints at the University : 22 – 23 June, 2015
5. Hearing of Complaints : 25 June, 2015
6. Publication of Final Counselling Merit List : 28 June, 2015
7. Counselling : To be announced later
8. Admission at Colleges : To be announced later
9. Reporting of Vacant Seat : To be announced later
10. 2nd Counselling (if required) : To be announced later

Contact us:
The Convener
Central Selection Committee for B.Ed. Admission
Vidyasagar University.
Midnapur – 721102
West Bengal.
Phone No. : 03222-261010
Email :

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  1. I did not fill up v.u self finance b.ed college form. But now I want to fill up self finance college b.ed form. How can I fill up this form? Have any notification published recently?

  2. How much fees b.ed 2015?

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