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All posts from MD/MS/PG Diploma/MDS Entrance Test 2015 : J&K BOPEE Jammu Kashmir Board

Name of the Organisation : J&K Board Of Professional Entrance Examinations Jammu Kashmir
Type of Announcement : MD/MS/PG Diploma/MDS-2015 Entrance Test Admission
Reference Number : Notification No. 01-BOPEE of 2015

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Candidates who have worked in Difficult Area and claim additional marks/points on the basis of their certificate are directed to submit their Difficult Area Certificate in original at BOPEE office Jammu/Srinagar on 16th of March, 2015 by 12:00 noon positively

MD/MS/PG Diploma and MDS Admission Notification-2015

Online applications are invited from the candidates interested in appearing in the Entrance Test for admission to MD/MS/PG Diploma Courses in the Government Medical Colleges of Srinagar and Jammu, SKIMS-Srinagar & ASCOMS-Jammu and MDS Courses in the Govt. Dental College, Srinagar. The candidates must be State Subjects of Jammu and Kashmir and eligible to appear in the Entrance Test under relevant rules. The selection of candidates will be governed by the J&K Board of Professional Entrance Examination Rules, 2014, JK Reservation Act, 2004, JK Reservation Rules, 2005 and Guidelines as contained in the Electronic Information Brochure-2015. The Rules and E-Brochure are available on the official website of the BOPEE.

Online Application Forms :
The Applications have to be submitted online only through BOPEE websites / from 12th to 27th January, 2015. The payment of rupees 1800 (Rupees one thousand and eight hundred only) as fee is to be made also online through the HDFC integrated Payment gateway which can be used to make payment with any national Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking. The procedure for filing Application Form and eligibility etc of the candidates have been given in detail in the E-Brochure. The students must necessarily, in their own interest, go through this Brochure before attempting to fill up the online Application Form.

The applicants are advised to fill the online Application Forms on their own or through a responsible person. The applicants can also contact the Help Desk of I.T. Section of BOPEE on 8813878737/9419434133/9906778513/9697383737/9469012295 for any assistance/guidance in this regard on all working days.

Eligibility conditions for appearing in the Entrance Test:
A candidate must:
(a) be a permanent resident of the J&K State.
(b) possess MBBS/BDS Degree or its equivalent Degree recognised by the University of Kashmir/Jammu and the Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India;
(c) be registered with the MCI/DCI/State Medical Council/ State Dental Council;
(d) have completed satisfactorily one year pre-registration compulsory rotatory internship in a duly recognised institution as laid down by the University of Jammu/Kashmir for registration as a Medical/Dental graduate.
Note:-The Candidates, who are likely to complete their compulsory rotatory internship and registration from MCI/DCI/State Medical/Dental Council by or before his/her turn of counselling, can also appear in the Entrance Test. However, such candidates cannot be allowed to participate in the counselling, if they fail to produce prescribed certificate to this effect.
(e) have a valid Category Certificate (For candidates claiming benefit of any reserved category) signed by the prescribed Competent Authority as required under rules. The candidate(s), who mentions any reserved category in the online Application Form but either does not possess a valid category certificate or possesses it but fails to submit it along with the Application Form, shall be considered in open merit, if he/she is found otherwise eligible.

Submission of Online Application Forms :
The candidates of open merit need not to submit any Confirmation Page in the BOPEE office. However, the candidates claiming benefit of any reserved category and in-service candidates have to submit Confirmation Page of their online Application Form along with the attested photo copy of the reserved category certificate in the office of the J&K Board of Professional Entrance Examinations,(BOPEE) Srinagar/Jammu on all working days from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. from 12th to 27th of January, 2015 .

The Candidates (reserved category and in-service), who fail to deposit their Confirmation Page of Application Form complete in all respects by 27th of January, 2015 up to 5[:00 P.M., shall have to pay a late fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) through a non-refundable bank draft drawn in favour of the FA/CAO, BOPEE payable at Jammu/Srinagar or transfer the said amount in the BOPEE’s HDFC Bank Account No 50100006864332 through Customized Bank Challan by or before 29th of January, 2015 upto 05:00 P.M. where-after no Confirmation Page will be accepted, whether submitted by hand or by post.

The Application Forms (Confirmation Page) of in-service doctors must be routed through concerned Director, Health Services Jammu / Srinagar, otherwise their Application Forms shall not be entertained.

The candidates can change/ modify their online Application Form at any time before the expiry of its last date for submission. They are advised, in their own interest, not to share their login details with anybody, lest he/she may change important details in the Application Form. They can check the status of their Application Form on 30th of Jan., 2015 on the official website of the BOPEE. If any form is not confirmed for want of required information, the candidate concerned must report in the BOPEE office by or before 1st Feb., 2015 failing which his/her form shall be rejected.

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  1. Which is better engineering college SSM or MIET?

  2. auqib mohi ud din mir

    I want kgp college in Srinagar

  3. I want to get admission in govt polytechnic college. I have passed 12th and also appeared in jkcet exam last year. Can I get admission on these basis?

  4. I want answer key of polytechnic 2015

    1. Answer Key: Diploma Polytechnic Entrance Test-2015 is available in the official website.

  5. I am Haroon khan from Thathri. My application form has accepted?

    1. Provisional Selection List of Candidates for MDS Courses-2015. You can check using your roll number.

  6. When will be the exams of polytechnic held? I wanna know about it

  7. I applied online for bopee entrance exam
    Please give me information as my form accepted or not?
    My application no, 4BOP1506594.

    1. Please Sign In to check your Application Status


  9. Whether my app form got submitted?

  10. I want brochure

  11. Is my application form accepted or not?

  12. I want to know about my application status of MD/MS entrance exam 2015. Have it got submitted?

    1. I am Monika bharti. I want to know the status of my application form. Is it accepted?

  13. Is my aplication form accepted?

  14. Whether my application submission got accepted?

    1. Candidates can check the status of their Application Form on 30th of Jan., 2015 on the official website of the BOPEE. If any form is not confirmed for want of required information, the candidate concerned must report in the BOPEE office by or before 1st Feb., 2015 failing which his/her form shall be rejected.

  15. Rules and guidelines of Information Brochure of MD/MD 2015 required

    1. The Rules and E-Brochure are available on the official website of the BOPEE /

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