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All posts from UG CET 2015 UGCET Common Entrance Test MBBS & BDS : Association of Minority Professional Colleges in Karnataka

Organisation : Association of Minority Professional Colleges in Karnataka
Announcement : UG CET 2015 M.B.B.S. & B.D.S UGCET – 2015 Common Entrance Test

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Notification :
Home Page : ampck [dot] org


The Entrance Test will be conducted on 30th May 2015 from 8.00 AM at Three different places viz Bangalore, Mangalore & Raichur.

Related :

AMPCK UG CET 2015 Engineering :

Issue of Applications 07th May 2015 to 20th May 2015
Last Date for receipt of filled Applications 22nd May 2015
Downloading of Admission Ticket Starts from 27th May 2015
Date of Test 30th May 2015
Timings of Test Physics Chemistry Biology 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Publication of Key Answers in the website 31st May 2015
Last date for receipt of objections, if any 3rd June 2015
Announcement of Results 05th June 2015
Centers Bangalore Mangalore Raichur

Candidates should have passed II PUE /10 + 2 or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry Biology and English with 50% marks in aggregate in PCB (Those who have appeared and awaiting results of IInd PUE may also apply with the indication “Results are awaited” in the Application form)

The candidate should secure 50% of marks i.e. 90 marks out of total marks of 180 in UGCET 2015 to secure rank and eligible for counseling.

Any other Condition: As stipulated by Competent Authorities

Those candidates who seek Admission under Religious /Linguistic category in Medical/Dental such candidates should attach Minority Certificate as reflected in the brochure (Linguistic/Religious) duly signed by the Headmaster of the high school where the candidate studied.

a) The candidates should fill all the columns provided in the application form. No alteration / addition would be allowed when once it is received in the Association Office.

b) Downloaded Applications should accompany with a DD of Rs.1000.00 drawn in favour of AMPCK payable at Bangalore.

c) All the filled applications should be sent by Speed post / Private Courier to the address mentioned below ONLY.
Unit No.205, ‘Lakshmi Apartments’, No. 6, Cornwell Road,
Langford Garden, Richmond Town, Bangalore – 560 025.
Ph.: 080 4099 9008
Fax: 080 4099 9008

d) No correspondence will be entertained. Any change in the date or venue of the Entrance Test will be notified on the website of the Association.

e) A set of photocopy of the Application should be retained by the candidates for further clarification, if any.

f) Candidates should read the instructions printed on answer sheets and question papers before answering.

Enclose the following photo copies of certificate (ATTESTATION NOT REQUIRED):
a. II Puc Marks Card ( if results are not declared please indicate “RESULTS ARE AWAITED”)
b. Proof of Date of Birth
c. DD for Rs.1000.00 drawn in favour of AMPCK payable at Bangalore
d. One additional photograph needs to be sent with the above documents
e. Religious Linguistic certificate
I solemnly and sincerely affirm that the above information furnished by me is true and correct.

About us :
Association of Professional Minority Colleges (AMPCK) in Karnataka, under the Karnataka Societies registration at 1960 registered is formed recently with an objective to promote education primarily Linguistic Religious & Minorities in the state of Karnataka . Also to represent various authorities including Government of India, University Grands Commission, Medical Council of India, Dental Council of India, All India council for Technical Education and Government of Karnataka, has to the problems of Professional Minority Collages presently AMPCK will conduct Entrance Tests to facilitate admission to Undergraduate, Postgraduate & Super Speciality courses in Medical, Dental & Engineering Colleges. Currently the association is having seven Medical colleges, six dental colleges as its members.

Add a Comment
  1. Where can I get a previous year AMPCK questions?

  2. Which syllabus I need to follow?

  3. Are the admissions open to other states also? If so,kindly inform its proportion.

  4. I can’t view my result( ug cet)

    1. What is your admission ticket number and mobile number?

  5. Ampck-uget2015-key answers availability time please.

    1. Key Answers for Version A, Version B, Version C and Version D is available in the official website.

  6. Ganesh M Pillai M B

    Can we trust the examination? Will the exam be transparent?

  7. Is there management quota ?

  8. Please inform me how many seats are for your category and other states of India

  9. How many seats in other state under general quota?

  10. Out of karnatka state candidates can apply or not?

  11. I want to know how many seats are there for mbbs admission in ampct for other state students?

  12. Can I get ampck model question paper?

  13. Where can I download ampck Karnataka previous year exam papers?

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