Jnana Prabodhini Prashala 5th Standard Entrance Examination 2018

Organisation : Jnana Prabodhini Prashala, Pune
Entrance Exam : 5th Standard Entrance Examination 2018
Date of Examination : 25th February 2018 & 11th March 2018
Home Page : https://www.prashala.jnanaprabodhini.org/

Jnana Prabodhini Prashala 5th Entrance Exam

The admission process for new academic year for 5th standard will start shortly. The forms for Entrance exam for admission to 5th standard will be available from 5th Feb 2018 to 17 Feb 2018.

Related : AMU Schools Admission 2018-19 Class I, VI & IX : www.entrance.net.in/13230.html

Selection Process

The selection process has four steps :
1. Form submission : The admission process starts normally in the month of February. Application Forms can be collected from the school office or are also made available on the website. Forms can be filled online here directly or downloaded and sent by post with required DD.
2. Entrance Exam – First round : The test consists of a battery of psychological tests. The test lasts for 2 hours. All tests being psychological tests, there is no need of any preparation. The test administrator gives instructions before starting the test. The child should appear for the test in a tension free state of mind.
3. Entrance Exam – Second round test (for Shortlisted Candidates only) : The candidates scoring marks above prescribed norm are called for another test.
4. Final List : On the basis of performance in the second test the final list of selected candidates is declared.

Instruction for filling up form

1. Application form can be filled online and –
1.1 payment can be done online by using net banking, credit card, debit card or wallets.
1.2 Payment can be done through demand draft of given amount of a Nationalized Bank in the name of Jnana Prabodhini Prashala payable at Pune.
2. Application form can be obtained from reception counter of the school by paying the fixed amount in cash.
3. Students can choose Marathi or English medium for the test. Parents are requested to fill the appropriate medium carefully in the application form. Please check the session (Morning – 1/ Midnoon-2 / Afternoon – 3) & group code (Marathi – 1 / English – 2) printed on the Hall Ticket.

4. School office timings are as follows :
Monday to Friday- From 11.00 to 5.00
Saturday – 8.30 to. 12.00
(Excluding the holidays.)
Phone number for inquiry: + 91 – 20 – 24207121
Email for inquiry about Admissions : admission AT jnanaprabodhini.org

Instructions for Parents

1. Students should report at the test center 30 minutes before the test according to the session allotted.
2. Student should bring on 25th February 2018 his/her admit card with photo affixed, 2 black ball pens for the first test. If selected for the second test bring 2 pencils, an eraser and a sharpner.
3. To reach his / her classroom, the student needs to know his / her group number and seat number correctly. For this reason, the student must have the admit card with him / her.
4. Once the candidate enters the school premises, the teachers and the volunteers take care of the student. The parents are not allowed to wait inside the school premises after leaving the student. A Lecture will be held for the parents explaining the philosophy of the school.
5. Parents are not allowed to enter the classroom. Once the students enter the school premises, volunteers take them to the hall on the 5th floor and from there they guide the students to their respective classrooms.
6. After the test, the students are brought to the ground floor. Parents are requested to wait in the square on the ground floor to take their children.
7. In No case the request for change in assigned batch will be entertained.
8. Answers will be assessed by using O.M.R. technique. Students should practise it well. Please see the sample of the answersheet attached.
9. An orientation lecture is arranged for parents in the morning at 9.00, 12.30 and at 3.00 in the afternoon. Parents may attend anyone out of these three sessions.

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