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All posts from Common Entrance Test MCET AC 2015 Hall Ticket : Andhra Pradesh Private Medical & Dental Colleges Managements Association

Organisation : Andhra Pradesh Private Medical & Dental Colleges Managements Association
Entrance Exam : Common Entrance Test
Facility : Hall Ticket

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Download Hall Ticket :
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Hall Tickets Generation  :

[User name : Application Sequence Number/User Id Password:DOB(DDMMYYYY)
Login->Login with User Name and Password->Click On Hall ticket–>You have not yet generated your Hall Ticket of Medical on 30-05-2015(2:30 PM-5:30 PM) at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Center Name)

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APMEDCO MCET AC 2016 Common Entrance Test AP MEDCO :

The eligible candidate shall download the Hall Ticket through online from the web site from 19-05-2015(2P.M) to 24-05-2015(2P.M) onwards by entering his/her User id and password as communicated to the candidate through SMS/E-MAIL.
1. User ID: Application Number
2. Password: DD/MM/YYYY

The Test Centre shall be allotted from among the options given by the candidate in the order of priority in the application form depending upon the availability of accommodation in the particular test center.

(i) Candidate should report at the test center one hour before the start of the test. i.e., 1.30 PM. No entry into the test centre will be permitted after 2.00 PM. The Examination process will be commenced by 2.000 PM sharp.

(ii) Candidates taking the Entrance Examination will be subjected to thorough frisking before allowing into the hall at the stipulated time.

(iii) Biometric finger print and image capture will be done for every candidate on the day of Examination inside the Examination hall by the authorized personnel.

(iv) Carry only Hall ticket and original ID inside the hall. No candidate will be allowed to take the examination without producing the valid Hall ticket and photo ID. The candidate has to submit a copy of Hall ticket and photo ID to the invigilator. Therefore candidates are advised to attend with copies of Hall ticket and photo ID.

(v) The Examination will be Computer Based (Online) Test. Check the seating plan and identify the room / lab allotted as per his/her hall ticket number.

(vi) Candidates are not allowed to carry any Text materials, Printed or Written, bits of papers, envelope or any other materials except the Hall Ticket and Photo ID inside the Examination Hall.

(vii) Pens, Pencils, Calculators, any Watches, Cellular phones, Wallets, Pagers or any other Electronic gadgets shall not be allowed inside the examination hall.

(viii) The candidate must sign in the attendance sheet at the appropriate place and affix the left index finger impression against the appropriate column of the attendance sheet. Photo Copy of Hall Ticket and Photo ID to be handed over to the invigilator. Failure to comply to this requirement will lead to the annulling of his candidature without any prior intimation.

I. Hall Ticket is not transferable. Hall Ticket should not be tampered.

II. A person should not impersonate a candidate.

III. Except Hall Ticket & Photo ID, candidate should not possess any Pen, Pencil, Papers, Books or Notes or Written notes or any type of Electronic gadgets like Pagers, Cell Phones, Computers, Calculators, Bluetooth etc., on his clothes, body or table or chair, in to the examination Hall / Centres.

IV. Candidate should not talk to another candidate or person inside or outside the examination hall without permission of the invigilating staff.

V. Candidate should not show his / her Monitor to another candidate or he / she should not receive, attempt to receive help from any source, including consulting books, notes or papers or any other matter outside the exam hall or has given help or attempted to give help.

VI. No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall before 5.30 PM.

Violation of the above instructions will be considered as malpractice. :
I. Any candidate resorting to malpractice in the Entrance Examination will have his / her examination invalidated and will be disqualified from appearing for Entrance Examination.

II. If a person impersonates a candidate, he / she will be disqualified from appearing for any Entrance examination for five years and if he/she is not on University rolls, will not be admitted to any course for five years and criminal case will be lodged against him/her in the police station, the candidate who is impersonated also will be disqualified for 5 years.

III. Any items such as Calculators, Pagers, Cell Phones, Computers, Bluetooth or any other Electronic gadget found with candidate will be seized and will not be returned.

Add a Comment
  1. I want to see my hall ticket

  2. How many of them applied for this exam?

  3. Where should we have to download the hall tickets?

    1. Please enter your application sequence number and DOB in the above link to download hall ticket.

  4. Where is my hall ticket. When can i download it?

  5. Where is hall ticket?

  6. Syllabus for this exam.?

    1. Sample mock test is available in the official website.

  7. How many seats are there in b-category?

  8. When the exam will be conducted?

  9. Where I have to download hall ticket?

    1. MCET-AC-2015 Hall Tickets will be Available from 27th May 2015 10AM onwards

  10. I could not find my Hall Ticket when I login. Please advice me how to get the same.

  11. Hall ticket not found even as per your reply we did.

  12. Have been visiting this website everyday. But I couldn’t find the hall ticket yet.

  13. I cant found my hall ticket. Please say how to download hall ticket?

    1. Login with your application number and dob as tour user name and password in the above link.

  14. Hall ticket does not found

    1. It is announced as hall ticket will be available from 19/05/2015. So please keep watching the website.

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