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BFUHS Admission 2016 ANM/ GNM/ DMLT/ Dip. in Radiography : Baba Farid University of Health Sciences

Organisation : Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot
Announcement : Admission ANM / GNM / DMLT / Dip. in Radiography courses Session 2016-17

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Notification & Application Form :
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Admission ANM / GNM / DMLT :

Applications are invited in the college office for admission to ANM / GNM courses (for girls only) and for DMLT / Dip. In Radiography Courses (for both boys and girls) upto 20.08.2016 till 5.00 pm..

Related : BFUHS PPMET 2016 Punjab Para Medical Entrance Test :

Counselling will be held on 30.08.2016 from 10.00 am onwards in the office of Principal, SINPMS, Badal. No separate call letters for counseling will be sent.

** For GNM / DMLT / Dip. In Radiography courses 75 % seats are reserved for the candidates belonging to district Muktsar, Mansa, Bathinda, Faridkot, Moga and Ferozepur and remaining 25 % seats for rest of districts in state of Punjab.

** One seat in all the above courses is reserved for resident of Village Badal only, else it will be filled from open quota.
** Reservation of seats shall be as per Punjab Government rules.
** Preference will be given to the candidates who are residents of Punjab.
** Hostel is available for the girl students and as per the availability only.
** Application form can be obtained by hand from this institute or can be downloaded from website Photocopy of the form is also acceptable.

** Complete applications with attested copies of all requisite certificates and demand draft worth Rs.300/- (Rs. 150/- for SC/ST categories only) of Central Bank of India, Punjab & Sind Bank, HDFC Bank payable at Badal drawn in favour of Principal, State Institute of Nursing & Para-Medical Sciences must reach in the office of the Principal, State Institute of Nursing & Para-Medical Sciences, VPO Badal, District – Muktsar (Punjab) till 20.08.2016 by 5.00 PM.(By Hand or through Registered Post) Application received after the due date & time for any reason will not be considered.

** According to merit limited number of candidates will be called for counseling through our website List of candidates for counseling will be uploaded on the website on 26-27.08.2016. No separate call letters will be issued for the counselling.

Counselling will be held on 30.08.2016 from 10.00 am onwards in the office of Principal, State institute of Nursing and Para Medical Sciences, Badal, Distt. Sri. Muktsar Saheb (PB). Personal appearance of the candidate is must during the counseling. Candidates are required to bring all original certificates at the time of counseling.

** Eligibility of a candidate will be finalized at the time of counselling.
** Candidates who apply for more than one course should send separate applications for each course.

Note: All the selected candidates will have to deposit full fee on the day of counselling as per detail given below. Failure to deposit the fee on the day of counselling will lead to cancellation of admission and the seat will be offered to the next candidate.

SC category candidates in addition to their category certificate will have to submit an income certificate (income from all sources) issued by the Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar to claim for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme.

** These charges are provisional and are subject to revision by the Pb. Govt./BFUHS, Fdk from time to time. The candidate will be liable to pay the enhanced fee, if any. In addition to the above Rs. 1500/- per annum will be charged as transportation charges.

Enclosures (please attach attested copies of the following documents):
1 Date of birth certificate / Matric certificate
2 10+1 DMC
3 DMC of qualifying examination i.e 10+2 certificate
4 Character Certificate from the last institute attended
5 Domicile/Residence Certificate
6 Certificate if applying under any reserve category
7 Demand Draft (in original)
8 Adhaar Card
9 3 Recent unattested passport size photograph
10 2 self addressed envelops

Last Date for receipt of Admission Application form – 20.08.2016

Add a Comment
  1. Is there any seat for dmlt available so that I can get admission?

  2. How can I take admission in DMLT?

  3. How we can take admission in gnm. I am equally not getting it. How to do?

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