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Organisation : Government of Maharashtra
Announcement : PGH-CET-2016 Post Graduate Homoeopathy – Common Entrance Test

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The Government of Maharashtra has established “ADMISSIONS REGULATING AUTHORITY AND STATE COMMON ENTRANCE TEST CELL” as per the provisions of Maharashtra Unaided Private Professional Educational Institutes.

Related : Government Of Maharashtra PGA CET 2016 Common Entrance Exam :

The Commissioner of State CET CELL, has been designated as Competent Authority for conducting PGH-CET-2016 and selection of candidates for admission to all courses for the year 2016-2017.

As per this act, PGH-CET-2016 is applicable for admission to Private And minority Homeopathy Colleges/ Institutions.
1. The Entrance Examination will be online and will have multiple choice questions (MCQs). The admissions will be done on the basis of MERIT in PGH-CET 2016 examination.
2. The brochure for PGH-CET-2016 contains detail procedures of online application form for online entrance examination for admission to various MD(HOM) Post Graduate Homeopathy Courses.

A candidate who has passed final B.H.M.S. Examination or equivalent qualification in Homoeopathy included in the second schedule to the Act after completing one year compulsory rotating internship.

Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and surgery or equivalent qualification in Homoeopathy included in the second schedule to the Act after undergoing a course of study of not less than 2 years duration (Graded B.H.M.S. degree)

A candidate who has completed one year compulsory internship or is likely to complete the same on or before commencement of first round/ 30 th Sep. 2016 can appear for PGH-CET-2016.

1. The Competent Authority shall issue Notification regarding online application form process.

The information Brochure containing procedures for Online Common Entrance Test for admission to MD(Hom) post graduate Homeopathy courses will be made available on website and An applicant seeking admission to the PGH-CET 2016 will be required to submit single prescribed online application form.

2. Cost of online application form of PGH-CET 2016 & examination fee is Rs. 2500/-. Bank transaction charges for Online Payment of application fees will have to be borne by the applicant. This amount is not refundable.

3. PGH-CET 2016 will be conducted online at Mumbai &Aurangabad centre.

4 The information Brochure and online application Form will be available from 15/07/2016 to 30/07/2016. Before filling Online Application form candidates should download information brochure of PGH-CET 2016 and read the same carefully.

The Applicants must possess the required criteria and educational qualification as mentioned in the Information Brochure of PGH-CET 2016.

5 The details of Online Application Registration Procedure & Process of Online submission of application form are given in Annexure – B. Applicants should follow these procedure/guidelines at the time of filling online application form.

Important Date :
1. Online Registration & filling Application form. : 15/07/2016 to 30/07/16
2. Issue of Admit Cards (Online) : 16/08/2016 to 21/08/2016
3. Date of Examination : 21/08/2016
4. Centre of examination (Place – Mumbai & Aurangabad) : As indicated in Admit Card
5. Online display of Question paper : 23/08/2016
6. Online display of Answer Reponses of Candidates with Answer key : 25/08/2016
7. Online submission of objections on Question Paper/ Answer Key. : 23/08/2016 to 27/08/2016
8. Last Date of Submission of Application form for Verification of Marks to CET CELL 01/09/2016
9. Declaration of Merit List and Downloading of Mark Sheet from website 06/09/2016

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  1. How many pg seats are available in Government College?

  2. I have done DHMS in 1996. Can I apply for PG course directly without doing BHMS?

  3. When PGH counseling is going to held?

  4. I need to know if there is any third selection list will be displayed? Or the govt seats admission process gets over?

  5. I need to know if there is any third selection list or any new notification regarding admission.

  6. How can I get my application form of PGH CET?

  7. Nikita Sudhir Kulkarni

    I need details of registration no 44000306.

  8. When PGH admission counseling will be held? Please give me information about PGH admission.

    1. Preference form filling dates get declared. Please check website for further details.

  9. What is the further procedure after declaration of merit list? Kindly publish it on website.

  10. They will notify online. Do we have to wait until then? I had personally visited both offices.

  11. When we have to fill up preference forms? Please let me know the dates.

  12. What is the further procedure of admission after declaration of merit list?

    1. Please give me information about further procedure for MD college preference form.

  13. From where we have to collect the original mark sheet?
    When is preference form filling start?

  14. Natasha Deepak Dewanu

    From where we have to collect the original mark sheet?
    When is preference form filling start?

    1. I had made a call on the helpline no. of ayush cet cell available on the PGHCET brochure. They will notify for both 1) Collection of og mark sheet & 2) Preference filling form online.

  15. When the preference form filling will start?

    1. I’ve passed pghCet 2016. What is the procedure for filling preference form?

  16. Dr.Sonali Suresh Netawate

    What will be the procedure for preference form?

  17. Please inform us about the procedure after declaration of result of pghcet2016. From where to collect the original mark sheet and how can I apply for admissions? There is no information regarding this in the prospectus.

  18. From which office can I receive my original score card of PHG-CET?

  19. How can I apply online admission form?

  20. What is the further procedure of admission after declaration of result?

  21. Dr. Sindhu Mary Jacob

    I have passed PGHCET 2016. I would like to know how can I file application with colleges. Is it online and have a common platform for all colleges? What is the cut-off date for filing MD application?

  22. From where I can receive the original score card of PGH-CET? From which office?


    Please let me know procedure & programme of online admissions 2016-2017 now after PGH-CET 2016.

  24. What is the procedure for filling the preference form? I have passed PGHCET 2016.

  25. What is the further procedure of admission after declaration of result?

  26. Previous question paper of PGH cet.

  27. I want previous Maharashtra entrance exam question papers.

    1. You can get it online few papers for different MD exams.

  28. I have completed bhms degree from Karnataka and have received noc instead of registration.. I I’m eligible for pgh-cet?

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