All posts from PET 2015 Ph.D Entrance Examination PhD Admission : Symbiosis International University

University : Symbiosis International University
Announcement : PET Ph.D Entrance Examination 2015 PhD Admission

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Ph.D Entrance Examination :

Eligibility :
A candidate seeking admission to the PhD programme must satisfy any one of the following eligibility requirements :

Related :

SIU Admit Card Ph.D Entrance Test 2015 :

a) Master’s degree or equivalent in the relevant subject with 55% marks or equivalent CGPA from any University recognized by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) in India. (SC/ST candidates are eligible for a 5% relaxation in marks or equivalent CGPA). Candidates having postgraduate diploma/certificate awarded by an Indian university/institute or foreign degree/ diploma/ certificate awarded by a foreign university/institute should in their own interest, obtain and submit the equivalent of their diploma/ degree/ certificate with Master’s degree of a recognised Indian University from the Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi. (

b) In case of candidates holding a qualifying degree from a foreign university, registration for PhD will be confirmed after determination of equivalence by the SIU.

c) Master’s degree or equivalent in any subject with 55% marks and a minimum of five years of work experience, in the area of interdisciplinary research in which admission is being sought.

d) M.Phil. with 55% marks or equivalent grade/CGPA.

e) Fellow members of the Chartered Accountants of India (CA) or Institute of Costs and Works of India (ICWA) or Company Secretary of India, CFA (USA) with 55% marks at graduation level and with 5 years of work experience after graduation (only for the Faculties of Law, Management and Humanities and Social Sciences).

f) Candidate who does not fulfill the above mentioned eligibility conditions, but wants to pursue PhD, may be considered under the special category of enrolment, provided the RRC is convinced about their academic prowess, professional accomplishments and their capacity to carry out research leading to the award of a PhD degree. Such a candidate, with at least 55% marks at the Bachelor’s Degree level from any statutory Indian University or a foreign University, may be considered eligible for admission to the PhD programme at the sole discretion of the Vice Chancellor.

Note :
International candidates (NRIs, Foreign Nationals and PIOs who have obtained Master’s degree from foreign universities) are required to qualify IELTS with 6.5 score or IELA Test (Band 3) of SIU ELTIS, an equivalent test for English language proficiency.

Admission Procedure :
The details regarding the entrance test and the number of vacancies in each faculty shall be notified by the University in the month of April/May. The entrance test for admission to PhD (PET) programme shall be conducted by the University once in an academic year, on any Sunday in the month of June.

The Candidate shall apply online for admission to PhD programme on the University’s website as per the admission notification.

The candidate shall also upload the ‘Proposed Research Idea’ along with the application. The ‘Proposed Research Idea’ shall detail the proposed research area and plan of action.

Candidates eligible and interested in availing the SIU Junior Research Fellowship shall mark the specified section of the admission form.

The entrance test for the PhD programme shall be multiple choice questions for 75 marks and for 1 hour 30 minutes duration. It shall comprise of the following sections:
Sr. No Section Marks
1 English Language Proficiency 25
SIU-PhD Rules and Regulations 3
2 Logical and Mental Ability 25
3 Research Aptitude 25
TOTAL Marks 75

A list of candidates qualifying the Entrance test shall be uploaded on the University website. The eligible and qualified candidates shall be short-listed for personal interview in July by the PhD Admission Committee, on the basis of merit and number of vacancies available in a Faculty.

The PhD Admission Committee of each Faculty shall have the following members:
(i) Dean of the Faculty – Chairperson
(ii) One representative of Research and Recognition Committee (RRC) of the relevant Faculty – Member
(iii) Two external Experts– Members
(iv) Head PhD Programme and Research Projects or Nominee-Secretary

These committees shall be proposed by the Dean of the Faculty for the approval of the Vice Chancellor.

Candidates shall be admitted to the PhD programme on the basis of merit of the Entrance test and Personal Interview.

Exemption from Entrance Examination: Candidates who have cleared NET/SET/SLET/ GATE/JRF/M.Phil in the relevant discipline or are UGC/CSIR/ICMR DBT*/RGNF*/MANF*/DST Inspire* & NBHM* Fellows shall be exempted from the Entrance examination during the period of validity of the concerned test. They will however be required to appear for a Personal Interview.
· DBT – Department of Biotechnology
· RGNF – Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship
· MANF – Maulana Azad National Fellowship
· DST – Inspire – Department of Science & Technology
· NBHM – National Board for Higher Mathematics

A candidate shall be recommended by the PhD Admission Committee for provisional admission on the following basis:
a. Individual Performance: Aggregate Marks (150) :
i. Merit from Entrance Examination – 75 marks
ii. Proposed research idea and interview performance – 50 marks
iii. Academic achievements (Graduate and Post graduate level) – 25 marks

b. Availability of an Approved Research Guide

Provisionally admitted candidates would be required to identify and consult Research Guides from the list of guides with vacancies in respective areas. After discussion and mutual agreement, the candidate would be required to submit a letter of consent signed by the Research Guide to the University. (Annexure 1)

If necessary, based on a written request from the Research Guide, a Co-guide may be appointed by the Dean of that Faculty, with approval from a member of the RRC. The Co-guide may be from within the same Faculty or from a different Faculty of the University or from outside the University.

The Admission Committee shall also recommend, from the provisionally admitted candidates, those selected for SIU Junior Research Fellowship as per the criteria laid down by the University.

The recommendations of the PhD Admission Committee for provisional admissions to PhD programme and award of SIU JRF shall be approved by the Vice Chancellor.

After submission and verification of all eligibility documents and payment of the prescribed fee by the due date, the provisional admission would be confirmed by the Symbiosis Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI).

The symbol (*) indicates mandatory fields.
Note: Please make sure that the following set of documents (whichever applicable) are with you (soft copy and hard copy) before filling the form:

Two Passport Size (3.5 x 4.5 cms) Photographs
Copy of Proposed Research Idea (1000 words)
Copy of Category Certificate
Copy of Academic Qualifications Certificate
Copy of Special Qualification Certificate (NET, SET, etc.)
Teaching Experience Certificate(s)
Work Experience Certificate(s)
Payment Instrument (DD)

Note: It is mandatory for every applicant to take a print out of the form after filling it completely and attaching the relevant set of documents.

The print out of the form can be taken by clicking the “Preview Form” button placed at the top of the page.

The complete set of documents should be sent to:
Symbiosis Test Secretariat
Symbiosis International University
Gram: Lavale, Tal: Mulshi
Pune 412115

Registration Instructions :
Steps to fill up SCRI Online Application Form.
Click on New Users Registration.
Click on the ‘I Agree’ button to accept the Terms and Conditions. Next fill in the details requested on the page displayed.
Click on “Save and Continue” to choose a password and the hint questions that will be asked if you forget your password. Then click on “Save and Continue” to register. The screen will now display your SCRI ID.
After successful registration, you will get an email containing your SCRI ID and password. Use this SCRI ID for all future correspondence with SCRI. Use this SCRI ID and password to enter the online application form and to make any modification to the details provided by you.
The screen will now display the ‘Make Payment’ option.

Payment Instructions :
Step a) Fee Details.
Fee Details.
Category Regular
General Rs. 2000/- *
SC/ST Rs. 1500/- *
Differently Abled Rs. 1500/- *
Exempted General Rs. 1000/- *
Exempted SC/ST Rs. 500/- *
Exempted Differently Abled Rs. 500/- *
* Non Refundable

Demand Draft drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favor of “Symbiosis Test Secretariat” payable at Pune.

Write your SCRI ID and your name behind the DD. Choose the mode of payment as DD under the “Make Payment” Tab and click “Submit”. Take a print of the payment advice form, sign and send it along with the DD to the Symbiosis Test Secretariat at,
Symbiosis International University
Symbiosis Test Secretariat,
Gram:Lavale, Tal:Mulshi
Dist:Pune- 412115

“Please note that only courier services provided by BLUE DART, DTDC, or Speed Post are available for the above mentioned address”

Step b)The STS will authenticate the payment details and will send you an email confirming receipt of payment for PhD Entrance Test 2015 (PET 2015).

You will be able to view your admit card for PET 2015 after payment authentication has been done by the Symbiosis Test Secretariat.

Important Dates :
Advertisement Release April 26th 2015 Sunday
Online Registration opens April 27th 2015 Monday 11 AM
Online Registration closes May 27th 2015 Wednesday 12 midnight
Payment Closes on May 30th 2015 Saturday 12 midnight
Receipt of application form with all enclosures June 4th 2015 Thursday 5 PM
Admit card download starts June 15th 2015 Monday 12 noon
Written Exam (PET) June 27th 2015 Saturday 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Result/shortlist for Personal Interaction July 10th 2015 Friday 5 PM
Personal Interaction July 21- 25 and 27th 2015 Tuesday- Monday 11am to 5pm
Final Result August 13th 2015 Wednesday 5 PM
Payment of fees with submission of consent letter August 24th 2015 Monday 5 PM
W/L Result August 26th 2015 Wednesday 5 PM
Induction Program for PhD 2015 August 31st 2015 Monday 11 AM

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  1. We are NET and M.Phil qualified. If we want to start our research work (Ph.D) from 2016-17 what is the process? When should we approach for registration? Please give us contact number for the same.

    1. Ph.D 2016 notification is not yet announced.

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