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SDSU B.Ed Entrance Examination 2016 SDSUV : Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University

Organisation : Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University
Announcement : B.Ed Entrance Examination 2016

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B.Ed Entrance Exam :

Applications are invited for Entrance Examination for admission to B.ed.

Related : HNBGU B.Ed Entrance Examination 2016 :

01 The candidate must retain a photocopy of his/her filled in Confirmation Page, Online E-RECEIPT / Bank Challan for future correspondence.
02 Application once submitted will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fee once paid will not be refunded in any case neither it shall be held reserved for any other examination or selection process in future.
03 Please Submit one time fee for Online Registration.
04 * Marks Fields are Compulsory.
05 ” Edit ” is possible in all feilds before submit FEE, Except CATEGORY, SUBCATEGORY, PHYSICAL HANDICAP Feilds.

Instructions To Candidates For Filling Of Online Application :
** The candidates are requested to apply via one mode only online.

** If Candidates have a valid e-mail ID, The candidates are requested to Enter it in the Application Form. The Registration number, password, and other important communication will be sent on the same registered e-mail ID of candidate (also check mail in spam box).

The candidates are requested to check regularly their e-mail for any communication from SDSU. The candidate should not disclose password to any other candidate / person.

Please note that the Admit Card for written test will not be sent by post. Admit card has to be downloaded by the candidate himself/herself.

** Candidates should take utmost care to furnish the correct details while filling in on-line application. Any mistake committed by the candidate shall be his/her sole responsibility.
** The candidates should ensure the completion of all Steps of the registration process and deposition of examination fee as mentioned in the instructions by stipulated date.
** Application once submitted will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fee once paid will not be refunded in any case neither it shall be held reserved for any other examination or selection process in future.

Examination fee Details
Category Amount (Rs.)
For General/OBC
For SC/ST/PH Rs. 700.00 + Bank Charges
Rs. 350.00 + Bank Charges

** The candidates can submit fee via Debit Card/Credit Card/Bank Challan[State Bank of India].

In case of Bank Challan, the candidate should deposit examination fee by presenting the printed bank challan after all steps of on-line filling of form to any branch of “State Bank of India” on all bank working days (after minimum 24 hrs of Completion upto photo uploading Steps).

The Bank will return to the candidate one copy of bank challan after accepting the examination fee as a token of receipt. The copy of challan will contain a “STATE BANK COLLECT REFERENCE NO.”. Candidates are advised to keep with them the copy of the bank challan as a token of remittance of fee for future reference.

** Candidates can take print copy of confirmation page when they will update “STATE BANK COLLECT REFERENCE NO.” in his/her online application.
** Candidates are advised to keep with them the copy of the Debit Card/Credit Card/Bank Challan[State Bank of India] receipt as a token of remittance of fee for future reference.

** On successful registration of on-line application, candidates are advised not to attempt for registration for the same Course again since multiple registration numbers and passwords may create problem for candidates in future.

In case of multiple registrations for the same Course, the candidature is liable for cancellation/rejection without any notice/intimation to the candidate.

How To Upload Photograph, Signature Image :
** Instructions regarding scanning of PHOTOGRAPH, SIGNATURE: Scanned (digital) image of his/her photograph, signature should be uploaded as per the specifications given below:

i. Photograph Image:
** Photograph must be a recent passport style colour picture.
** Make sure that the picture is in colour, taken against a light-coloured, preferably white, background.
** Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face.
** If the picture is taken on a sunny day, have the sun behind you, or place yourself in the shade, so that you are not squinting and there are no harsh shadows.
** If you have to use flash, ensure there’s no “red-eye”.
** If you wear glasses make sure that there are no reflections and your eyes can be clearly seen.
** Caps, hats and dark glasses are not acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed but it must not cover your face.
** Dimensions 200X230 pixels (preferred).
** Size of file should be between 20kb-50kb.
** Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 50kb. If the size of the file is more than 50kb, then adjust the settings of the scanner OR adjust the size of PHOTO in Paint or any other Picture Tools.

ii. Signature image:
** The applicant has to put signature on white paper with Black/Blue ink pen.
** The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any other person.
** The signature will be used to put on admit card and wherever necessary.
** If the Applicant’s signature on the answer script, at the time of the examination does not match the signature on the admit card, the applicant will be disqualified.
** Please scan the signature area only and not the entire page.
** Dimensions 140X60 pixels (preferred).
** Size of file should be between 10kb – 20kb.
** Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 20kb.
** If the file size and format of Photograph, Signature do not match with prescribed size and format or not properly loaded, an error message will be displayed. In such case the candidate has to rectify the size and reload it.

1 Comment
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  1. After qualify entrance will we have to go to study at college? Or only cover main Exam? What will we have to do? Please give me suggestion about my query,fee prospects.

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