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GLC CET 2016 Common Entrance Test : Government Law College Mumbai

Organisation : Government Law College, Mumbai GLC
Announcement : Common Entrance Test (CET)

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Common Entrance Test :

The admission procedure for the Common Entrance Test (CET) Examination for the LLB Courses will be updated shortly. or the Five Year and Three Year Law Course.

Related : AKNU CET 2016 Common Entrance Test NANNAYACET :

Admission process for the first year of the Five Year Law Course will commence immediately after the declaration of H.S.C results and in the case of Three year Law Course, after the declaration of the graduation results by the University of Mumbai.

Total seats available for 1st Year of B.L.S.L.L.B (Five Year Law Course)
2 divisions aided 160
1 division unaided 80
Total seats available for 1st Year of L.L.B (Three Years Law Course)
4 divisions aided 320

There is 50% Reservation for Reserved Categories from Maharashtra State as per the Government Resolution (G.R).

The Prospectus and the Admission Forms will be available at the College Office. The Admission Form shall be available on this website shortly. The Admission Form, duly filled in, should be submitted to the college office within the prescribed time. Thereafter, merit list of the selected candidates will be displayed on the notice board and on this website as under

Five Year Law Course:
i) General Category of students from Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.

ii) 50% Reserved Category from Maharashtra as per the G.R.
1. SC (Hindu and Baudha)
2. ST
3. Vimukta Jati
4. NT1
5. NT2 (Dhangar etc.)
6. NT3 (Vanjari etc.)
7. OBC
8. Special Backward category

iii) 3% seats reserved for the following categories
1. Children of transferred central/ state Government employees/ officers.
2. Children of Service man/ Ex-Serviceman
3. Candidates who have excelled in sports or extra curricular activities at the state/ national/ international level.
4. Physically handicapped/ disabled students.
5. Widowed/ Deserted girl student.
6. Children/ Grandchildren of freedom fighters.

iv) General Category of students from Boards other than Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.

The candidates from Boards other than the Maharashtra State Board of Higher and Secondary Education are required to secure 5% marks more than the candidates from the Maharashtra State Board for consideration of admission.

Three Year Law Course:
i) General Category of students faculties-wise.
ii) As mentioned in column 1 (ii) & (iii) above.
Further details will be displayed on the notice board and website at the time of admission. The selected students shall seek admission after interviews within the specified time notified on the notice board and website.

The criterion for admission into Government Law College, Mumbai is the Common Entrance Test (CET) from the year 2016 onwards. The CET Examination for the the 5-year LL.B course will be conducted on 18th June 2016 and 3-year LL.B course will be conducted on 19th June 2016.

The percentage scored in the HSC/CBSE/State Board Examinations will not continue to be the criterion for admission into Government Law College, Mumbai.

The Primary Requisite for admission in the Five Year Law Course will be the CET score. Minimum CET score required by students in the open category for admission is 50 out of 150 marks.

Minimum CET score required by students in the reserved category for admission is 40 out of 150 marks.

The Candidate must have passed the H.S.C (10+2) examination, conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, with minimum 50% marks or any other examination recognized as equivalent thereto by the University of Mumbai with the minimum prescribed marks is eligible for admission to the first year of the pre law course.

The above percentage shall be relaxed by 5% for the candidates belonging to the reserved categories. Therefore, the minimum percentage, which a student from the Reserved Category requires, to be eligible for admission is 45%.
Admission is given strictly on merit.Â

The Primary Requisite for admission in the Three Year Law Course will be the CET score. Minimum CET score required by students in the open category for admission is 50 out of 150 marks.
Minimum CET score required by students in the reserved category for admission if 40 out of 150 marks.

A Candidate passing the Bachelor’s Degree Examination of the Mumbai University, in any faculty with minimum 50% marks or a corresponding degree examination of any other University recognized as equivalent thereto by the Mumbai University with the minimum prescribed marks is eligible for admission to the First Year L.L.B.

The above percentage of marks shall be relaxed by 5% for candidates belonging to the reserved Categories. Therefore, the minimum percentage, which a student from the Reserved Category requires, to be eligible for admission is 45%.

Admission to Other Courses :
Information regarding admission criteria, procedure and fees for other courses offered at GLC (as listed herein below) shall be available at the college office (kindly refer to Contact Us).
1. Postgraduate Diploma Course in Securities Law
2. Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights
3. Diploma in Cyber Law
4. Post Graduate Certificate Course in Human Rights

Add a Comment
  1. My entrance mark is 41, can I get seat in Magadh Mahila College?

  2. What is the exam date?

  3. Please tell me exact time of filling online application form of lawcet may16. Today is the last day for the said cet.

    1. From the Website :

      Closure of registration of application 25/05/2016

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