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DHE Maharashtra MAH-B.Ed CET 2016 Common Entrance Test : Directorate of Higher Education

Organisation : Directorate of Higher Education MAHARASHTRA
Announcement : MAH-B.Ed.-CET 2016 Common Entrance Test

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ADMISSIONS TO FIRST YEAR OF Two Year Full Time Regular COURSE IN Bachelor in Education and Bachelor in Education (Special Education) VIZ. B.Ed.- B.Ed. Special Education For The Academic Year 2016-2017

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DHE Maharashtra MAH-B.Ed CET 2016 Download Hall Ticket :

As per the Maharashtra Unaided Private Professional Educational Institutions  Act, 2015, the Competent Authority is conducting CET  for admission to the Bachelor of Education courses viz. B.Ed- ./B.Ed.-Special Education – Hearing Impairment, B Ed Special Education – Autism Spectrum Disorder, B Ed Special Education – Learning Disability, B Ed Special Education – Intellectual Disability/Mental Retardation B.Ed. Special Education-Visually Impaired.

The Online Applications are invited for CET for ADMISSIONS TO FIRST YEAR of Two Year Full Time Regular Course in Bachelor of Education (General) and Bachelor of Education (Special Education) VIZ. B.Ed.- B.Ed. Special Education in the Government, University Managed, and Unaided Institutes in the Maharashtra State.

Instructions to Candidates desiring Registration for MAH-B.Ed.-CET 2016:
1. MAH-B.Ed.-CET 2016 shall be conducted only in the ONLINE Mode in Multiple Sessions if required, by Competent Authority, using standardized equi-percentile method, for equating scores across sessions.

2. Aspiring candidates should note that, the tests are not disclosed to anybody else other than the candidates only during the examination session. The Test Papers are also not shared with anybody even after the Examination.

3. The CET comprises multiple choice objective type questions in the areas of i) Mental Ability (40), ii) General Knowledge (30) iii) Teacher Aptitude (30). There would be 100 questions to be answered in a total time of One and half hour (i.e. Ninety Minutes). Medium of Question Papers will be English and Marathi.

4. The Candidates seeking admission to English Medium colleges of Education will also have to appear for English Language Content Test (ELCT) along with B.Ed. CET. The ELCT comprises Multiple-choice objective type questions in the areas of
i)Reading Comprehension (20)
ii) Vocabulary Focus (05)
iii) Grammar Focus (08)
iv) Sentence Formation (07)
v) Phonetics (3)
vi) Verbal idioms and Proverbs (5) vii) Figures of Speech (2).

There will be 50 questions to be answered within a time of One Hour (i.e. Sixty Minutes). The candidate will have to opt for ELCT CET while filling in the form and confirm before submitting the form. No request post submission in this regard will be entertained. ELCT CET will also be conducted in On Line Mode before/after the B.Ed. CET.

5. It is mandatory for all aspiring candidates to Register & Confirm the Online Application Form for MAHB. Ed.-CET 2016 at / Application form processing fees as stated below is to be paid through Online system only by Internet Payment, Credit Card/ Debit Card payment gateway for which the service charges are to be paid by the candidate, as per rules of the payment gateway, shall be applicable in addition to the application form processing fees. No other mode of payment shall be permitted.

6. Applications sent by Post/Courier etc., will be rejected and no communication in this regard will be made.

7. It should be noted that no documents are required to be submitted at this stage. Candidates are advised to keep the necessary documents ready at the time of Document verification stage at the time of Admission as per the notified schedule.

8. The candidates belonging to SC, VJ/DT (NT (A)), NT (B), NT(C), NT (D), OBC and SBC categories should have “Caste Certificate” issued by Competent Authority and the Candidate belonging to ST category should submit “Tribe Validity Certificate” issued by Scrutiny Committee of Tribal Department along with Caste Certificate. and valid Non Creamy Layer certificate as applicable excepting SC, ST candidates at the time of Admission.

Scheduled of Activities :

1. Online registration for MAH-B.Ed. CET 2016 through computer connected to Internet on the web site 04-05-2016 to 18-05-2016
2. Issue of Hall Ticket through candidate’s login of successfully registered candidates. 03-06-2016 onwards
3. Date of the Online MAH-B.Ed. CET 2016 12.06.2016
4. Declaration of the result of the MAH-B.Ed. CET 2016 27-06-2016 at 5.00PM

Add a Comment
  1. My son has passed 12th class and interested for admission in your college for Computer or Civil Engineering. He has not appeared in CET exam conducted during current year. Is he eligible for admission in your college?

  2. How can I find admission fee for the college 2016-2017?

  3. Pranali Prasad Dounde

    Today is the date for the online exam but there is no result on the site. What to do?

  4. I am a law graduate with 48% marks. Am I eligible to give this cet for b.ed?

  5. Utkarsha Pradeep Bhosale

    How to download hall ticket for mped entrance exam-2016?

  6. Bishnu Babu chakma

    Please help me for the college registration for LLB 3 years course.

  7. When will be the preference form available to take admission in college?

  8. When cap round will be started?

  9. I want to check my result of MAH-MEd.-CET 2016.

  10. How to fill online admission form?

  11. Krathika Verlekar

    How do I apply for B.P.ed admissions?

  12. What is the passing marks for bed CET exam?

  13. What is the passing marks out of 150 in b.ed cet 2016 exams?

  14. What is the passing marks for B.ED CET exam?

  15. Mrs.Fatema Kanori

    When is b.ed CET result? It was NOT declared on 27th June 5.00 pm.

  16. How to Find out MHA CET B.Ed 2016 Result?

  17. I’m not able to get the link to check my result. Please help.

  18. When is the result of mah. bed cet 2016 declared& on which website?

  19. Has the cet result been declared?

  20. How to check result?

  21. B.Ed. CET 2016 result has not yet been declared. Will it be declared as per scheduled date, i.e.; 27/06/2016?

  22. They told result is on 27th June 2016. We do not find our result.

  23. How to check the b.ed CET results? Is there any particular website?

  24. What is the passing marks of bed cet?

    1. When will be the result of mh cet b.ed result declared?

  25. When is the result of b ed cet to be declared?

  26. What is the Passing Mark’s of Bed Cet?

  27. What is the passing marks of B.ed cet?

  28. I have applied for CET and got Dhole Patil College of Engineering as my center. I have come from Ambala to attend the exam and hence I was not able to reach on time and hence could not take the exam for the 8.15 slot. Is there any possibility of getting the slot changed to 4.30 pm today, 12th June, 2016?

  29. When will ELCT CET conduct?

  30. I lost my login id and password. Please help me.
    What I can do now for downloading my hall ticket?

  31. How can I find my Hall ticket?

  32. Please help me how to download my hall ticket.

    1. Please help me how to download my hall ticket.

  33. What is the passing marks for b.ed and b.elct cet?

    1. What is the passing marks for b-ed and b-eclt cet?

  34. I cant find admit card in your web site. Please help me.

  35. How to find hall ticket? I applied for b.ed cet.

  36. I want my hall ticket for bed 2016.

  37. Sachin Kannaujiya

    When is the last date of bed or mba?

  38. Is there any need of attested sign on the hall ticket B.Ed CET?

  39. I’m not able to login. Please forward me the link for downloading my hall ticket.


  41. Our college declared our result. but there is mistake in my mark sheet. So I put it for verification. Can I ans CET?

  42. How to find hall tickets? I’m not able to find the login page.

    1. From the Website :

      MAH -LLB (3 YEAR)/ MAH -LLB (5 YEAR) CET – 2016 CET-Online Application Date Extended up to 25rd May, 2016.

  43. I AM BA graduate with 43 percent in north Maharashtra university UGC approved and I am completed DTed. Can I apply B.ed admission?me…

  44. I want question papers of last 10 years. Please tell me about.

  45. I am not able to browse admission form. Please help me out.

    1. Online application form is available in the above link.

  46. Bhavana Dhore Amravati

    I want to apply CET for B.Ed Entrance. How can I apply?

  47. Chitra Khandizod

    When we have to fulfill application form of b.ed.dates are given but not getting any response. And even how to and when to register?

  48. I applied for B.ed. CET and ELCT also. So what will be the language for B.ed. cet?

  49. When bed CET application form will be started?

    1. You can apply online via the above link.

  50. Ms. Jayachitra Sarma

    How to apply for online registration?

    1. In the above online link click on the respective post and you will be navigated to the registration form

  51. I want online form of B.Ed please.

  52. Prashant Pandit

    I am MSc Graduate from Rajasthan university (UGC approved). I would like to pursue B Ed from Maharashtra. Shall I give online CET exam conducted by Maharashtra from Jaipur ?
    Shall candidates from outside Maharashtra can give online exams from their native places?

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