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DPU AIBTCET 2016 All India Biotechnology Common Entrance Test : B.Tech/M.Tech Admission

Organisation : Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth DPU
Announcement : AIBTCET All India Biotechnology Common Entrance Test 2016

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All India Biotechnology Common Entrance Test 2016 (AIBTCET – 2016) for Admissions to B. Tech. Biotechnology, B. Tech. Medical Biotechnology, M. Tech. (Integrated) Biotechnology Programme.

DPU AICET 2016 All India Common Entrance Test :

Eligibility Criteria :
a) The candidate should be an Indian National.
b) Minimum age: 17 years on or before 31st December 2016 (having born before 1st January 2000)

c) The candidate must have either appeared at Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC / Std. XII) examination of any board in India, with Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Life Sciences related (and desirably with Mathematics)

or, if the result of the exam. has been declared, he / she must have passed the same examination with minimum 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken together (40% for the Reserve Category candidates).

Application Procedure :

A candidate, desirous of appearing at the entrance test, is required to complete the prescribed application form appended at the end of this brochure and submit the same to the Registrar of the Vidyapeeth with entrance test fee, on or before the scheduled date. The application form is also available on the Vidyapeeth Website.

Instructions for Completing the Application Form :
This application form is only for All India Biotechnology Common Entrance Test 2016 for admission to all the three courses.
(i) The candidate shall avoid overwriting, cutting, erasing on the form. Any discrepancies in the statements and/or submission of incomplete form may lead to rejection of the form.

(ii) Black ballpoint pen shall be used for filling in the application form. All the entries in the form should be in CAPITAL LETTERS only.

(iii) Squares provided in the application form are only for writing alphabets in capitals for indicating name or for appropriate numbers. The alphabet or the number written in the square must not touch the edge of the square.

(iv) Fill the squares legibly and clearly without overwriting.

(v) The name mentioned in the form by the candidate shall be the same as in the documents of 10+2 examination. One square should be used only for one alphabet. Please leave one blank square between adjacent words.

For example, the name Patil Amit Shekhar should be written as follows: P A T I L A M I T S H E K H A R

(vi) If the number of a date or month of birth is a single digit, it shall be prefixed with zero. For example, 5th June 2015 should be written as:
D D M M Y Y Y Y 0 5 0 6 2 0 1 5

(vii) The candidate shall also fill up the necessary information in the attached admit card.
(viii) The candidate shall indicate clearly the examination centre at which he/she wishes to appear for examination by darkening the appropriate circle.

(ix) A passport size photograph shall be affixed at the appropriate place in the application form and the admit card. The photograph shall be firmly affixed by using gum. It shall not be pinned. Both the photographs should be taken from the same negative.

The photographs shall be attested by the Principal/Head of the institution where the candidate has studied or by a gazetted officer. The attestation of the photograph shall be done in such a way that the photograph is not defaced.

(x) The declaration in the application form shall be signed both by the applicant and the mother/father/guardian of the applicant.

(xi) Address shall be written in capital letters. Use Punctuation wherever required as shown in the example. For example, if the address is 73/4, Adarsh Nagar, write as:
73/4, ‘ADARSHNAGAR’, _________________________

(xii) Confirm by darkening circles whether the candidate has offered these subjects at HSC / 12th Std. examination.

(xiii) Columns for the year of passing 10th and 12th standard examination (Block No. 12). For example, if the year is 2015 fill as 2 0 1 5 If appearing for HSC / 12th std. examination, darken the appropriate circle.

(xiv) Candidates shall indicate his preference of course by writing 1, 2 or 3 against his first, second or third choice. If he/she does not want a particular course as second or third choice, the boxes may be left blank.

(xv) Candidates are not required to enclose originals or photocopies of any certificates with the application form.
(xvi) The candidate shall invariably mention the number of his/her application form (as printed on it) and his/her name on the back of his/her demand draft.

(xvii) An incomplete application form and an application form, which is not accompanied by a demand draft of the prescribed fee of Rs. 1000/- (or Rs. 1600/- if the form is downloaded from the Vidyapeeth website), shall not be entertained and processed. This fee shall not be sent by money order. Please note that this fee is non-refundable.

Add a Comment
  1. Declaration of result date was given on 2nd July 2016.
    No result on official site. Why?

  2. May I know on which site are the all India biotech results 2016-17 declared?

  3. When will you display result of aibtcet 2016? Your scheduled scheduled time was 10 am now it was 4 pm.
    When will you display result?

  4. Dr. B. Mukhopadhyay

    What is the result of the DPU AIBTCET 2016?

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