D Y Patil University AIET 2015 Syllabus All India Entrance Test : dypatil.ac.in

Organization : D Y Patil University, Navi Mumbai
Entrance Exam : All India Entrance Test AIET 2015
Facility : Syllabus

Syllabus : https://www.entrance.net.in/uploads/1004-AIET2015_Syllabus.pdf
Home Page : http://dypatil.ac.in/

AIET 2015 :
Mechanics and Properties of Matter Circular motion :
Angular displacement, Angular velocity, Angular acceleration, Relation between linear and angular velocity. Uniform circular motion, Radial acceleration, centripetal and centrifugal forces, Banking of roads.

Gravitation :
Newton’s law of gravitation, periodic time, binding energy and escape velocity of a satellite, weightlessness condition in a satellite.

Rotational motion. :
Centre of mass of a two particle system, its generalization to ‘n’ particles, rigid body and its centre of mass, definition of moment of inertia it’s physical significance, radius of gyration , K.E. of a rotating body, torque, M.I. principle of perpendicular and parallel axes its application to M.I. of uniform rod and disc with proof. Angular momentum and its conservation.

Oscillations :
Explanation of periodic motion, Simple Harmonic Motion ( S.H.M.), uniform circular motion and S.H.M ., phase of S.H.M., K.E. and P.E. in cases of S.H.M., composition of the two S.H.M. having same period and parallel to each other (Analytical treatment), simple pendulum, angular S.H.M., magnet vibrating in the uniform magnetic induction.

Elasticity :
General explanation of elastic property (a few examples) plasticity, deformation, Definition of stress and strain , Hooke’s law, Elastic constants Y,K, N, and O. Determination of Young’s modulus by Searle’s method, observations on a wire under applied increasing load, calculation of work done in stretching a thin uniform wire.

Properties of fluids :
Behavior of liquid surfaces, its explanation on the basis of molecular theory, surface energy, surface tension, Angle of contact, capillary action.

Wave motion :
Explanation of formation of wave, simple harmonic progressive waves, longitudinal and transverse types of waves, deflection of sound waves, change of phase, superposition of sound waves, explanation of formation of beats, Doppler effect.

Stationary waves. :
Study of vibrations on strings, explanation of formation of stationary waves on strings, study of Vibrations of air columns, forced vibrations, resonance. Experiments like sonometer, resonance tube, Mold’s experiment to study stationary waves.

Heat And Thermodynamics Kinetic theory of gases :
Assumptions of kinetic theory, mean free path, derivation for pressure of a gas in the container on the basis of Kinetic theory of gases, Derivation of Boyle’s law, specific heat at constant volume and pressure (Cp and Cv). Method of determination of Cp, Mayor’s relation, Internal and external latent heat.

Radiation :
Absorption, emission, reflection of heat radiations, Corresponding Coefficients and relation between them, Perfectly black body, emissive power, emissivity, Kirchhoff’s law of radiation, it’s theoretical proof, Ritche’s experiment, Prevost’s theory of exchange of heat, Stefan’s law, Newton’s law of cooling and radiation correction.

Thermodynamics :
Thermodynamic state, equation of state, Isothermals, pressure temperature phase diagram, Vander’s waal’s equation of state.

Wave theory of Light
Newton’s corpuscular theory, wave theory of light, wave front and wave normal, Huygen’s principle construction of plane and spherical wave front Reflection and refraction at plane surfaces, Ray optics as a limiting case of wave optics, scattering of light.

Interference of light :
Interference of light, conditions for producing steady, interference pattern, Young’s experiment Analytical treatment of interference bands, Measurement of wave length by’ biprism experiment.

Gauss’s Flux theorem, its proof and applications, mechanical force on unit area of charged conductor energy per unit volume. Capacity of a parallel plate condenser with a dielectric, Energy of a charged condenser, Condensers in series and parallel.

Current Electricity :
Flow of current in a conductor, sources of e.m.f., simple cell, electric current, Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws, Wheatstone’s bridge, Potentiometer.

Magnetic effect of current :
Moving coil galvanometer, ammeter, voltmeter, sensitivity and accuracy of moving coil galvanometer Theory and construction of Tangent Galvanometer, sensitivity and accuracy of TG.

Magnetism :
Magnetic induction at any point due to a magnetic dipole; Magnetic potential at any point due to a magnetic dipole; Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism, Ferromagnetism on the basis of domain theory, Curie temperature.

Electromagnetic Induction :
Electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s experiment, laws of the electromagnetic induction, proof of e= dF /dt, Eddy currents, self and mutual inductance, induction coil earth coil, coil rotating in a uniform magnetic induction, alternating currents, reactance and impedance, power in A.C. circuits with resistance, inductance-and capacitance, Resonance circuits, Electromagnetic oscillations, Electromagnetic spectrum ( Elementary facts, uses and applications)

Electrons and photons :
Discovery of an electron, charge and mass of electron, photoelectric effect, Einstein’s equation. Photoelectric cell and its applications.

Atoms, molecules and nuclei. :
Rutherford’s model of an atom, Bohr model energy quantization, hydrogen spectrum, composition of nucleus, Radioactivity, mass energy relation.

Thermionic emission of solid state devices :
Thermionic emission, diode, its construction and use’ as a half wave and full wave rectifier. Triode, its construction and use as an amplifier (Qualitative idea).

Semi-conductors :
P-type and N-type semi conductors, P-N junction diodes, P-N junction diode as rectifier, transistor as amplifier.

Atomic Structure and Nature of Chemical Bond :
i. Introduction, electronic theory of valency, limitations.
ii. VB. Theory-postulates, overlapping of atomic orbitals. a. S-S in H2 molecule
b. P-P in halogen molecule
c. S-P in Hexmolecule
iii. The concept of hybrid orbitals and geometry of molecules
a. Tetrahedral (SP3) hybridisation in CH4, NH3, H2O
b. Trigonal hybridisation (SP2) in BF3, and C2H4
c. Diagonal hybridisation (SP)in BeF, and C2H2
iv. Bond Energy –Average Bond energy, factors affecting bond energy.
v. The uncertainty principle, orbitals and Quantum numbers shapes of orbitals,

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